After the three exam items came down, the time was already in the evening, there was nothing in the ninja school, the concept of evening self-study, after the evening time arrived…….. Naturally, school is about to start.

And there are no dormitories or anything like in Konoha’s ninja school.

So there are basically no classes in the evening.

Unless there is a special time.

For example, the school wants to exercise students’ ability to cope at night.

At that time, it may be time for evening classes.

Definitely not so far.

After Hinata packed up her things, just as she was about to leave the school gate and go home, a familiar and somewhat unfamiliar voice suddenly sounded from behind her: “I heard that you reached the first place in the preparatory exam, hey…….. Is it because the people in your class are too weak, or is it for some other reason?! ”

“Miss Hinata…”

It can’t be so that the tone is almost emotionless, making people frown when they hear it.

And this voice Hinata felt very familiar.

She couldn’t help but look back.

There was a stunned look on his delicate face: “Ning…………. Brother Ningci?! ”

Even she didn’t expect that the person behind was actually Hinata Ninji, that is, Hinata Hinata’s cousin, the strongest genius of the Hyuga clan, and even in the entire Hyuga clan, the strongest genius.

Ninji, who was a year older than Hinata, was already a fifth-grade student.

But his strength is not weaker than that of the sixth grade.

Not even weaker than those top students in sixth grade.

This is a genius that is not inferior to Sasuke Uchiha.

If it weren’t for Sasuke’s future opening, I’m afraid he wouldn’t have opened Hinata Ninji much, after all, just from the perspective of talent and hard work…….. In fact, these two people are similar, both geniuses on a horizontal line.

Hinata Ninji, a person who is separated from the Hyuga clan, treats the unspoken hatred of the Hyuga clan.

He believed that the death of his relatives was related to the people of the Zong family.

So he has always hated the people of the Zong family.

Including this cousin in front of you.

This was due to the rules of the Hyuga clan, and he did not deal with Hinata.

Today he heard that in the fourth year of the ninja school, a genius was born, and that genius was also a member of their Hyuga clan, named “Hinata Hinata”, and won the title of the strongest genius in the fourth year from Uchihasa’s assistant.

For that Uchiha Sasuke, Hinata Ninji still knows better.

That’s a very amazing opponent.

It is also a very formidable rival.

And Hinata Hinata, who was able to pull Sasuke Uchiha off his horse…….. It was indeed a little unexpected to him, because in the eyes of Hinata Ninji, Hinata, the so-called eldest lady of the Hyuga clan, was not suitable for being a ninja at all.

The other party’s personality is too weak, coupled with his hatred with the Zong family.

Let him not have a good impression of his cousin at all.

There was even a faint disgust in my heart.

“Hinata Ninji…….. This is the guy who beat Hinata into a serious injury in the original Naka Shinobi exam and almost endangered his life..”

Inside Hinata’s sea of consciousness, Yanagi was looking at this Hinata Ninji.

If he remembers correctly……..

Later this kid was whitewashed.

This is actually not surprising at all, because in Naruto, there are basically no real villains, almost all of them have been whitewashed by Kishimoto, the old thief, and they are all whitewashed with the word “ideal”.

The most annoying point is that the method of whitewashing is almost identical.

However, after so many years in the One Piece world.

Liu Chen also knew that there were no villains in this world.

Some are just different positions.

At this time, I only listened to Hinata Ninji expressionlessly and said: “Miss Hinata, don’t misunderstand, I just want to see what qualifications you are not suitable to be a ninja to be able to defeat Uchiha Sasuke.” ”

Although his tone, on the surface, could not hear any emotion.

But with Liu Chen’s experience, it can still be clearly heard.

It was a questioning tone.

“Or is it that Naka Shinobi teacher in your class, what is Iruka-sensei, because you are the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan, the eldest lady of the clan, you don’t want to offend the clan of the Hyuga clan, and then gave you the highest score?!”

When these words were spoken, the doubt in his tone was already very obvious.

The three little fart boys who bullied Hinata.

It was sent by Hinata Ninji over…

Obviously, more than three months ago, this eldest lady of the Zong family, he was a very weak guy, obviously he could defeat those three little fart children, but he didn’t dare to make a move.

But after more than three months, the situation seemed to have changed dramatically.

The other party inexplicably defeated Sasuke Uchiha.

The genius that even he was very afraid of.

This change is too great…

That’s why Hinata Ninji questioned her.

Hinata hurriedly shook his head and explained, “No…….. No, I…….. I was able to get that score on my own. And Iruka-sensei is a very fair teacher, I don’t allow you to say that about him! ”

Hinata Ninji’s expression was slightly stunned, a little doubtful that something was wrong with his ears.

He actually heard Hinata speak in a very strong tone.

Although this guy’s tone is still a little weak.

But the tone of that last sentence…….

But it’s very tough.

“Shhh Whether or not he gave you such a high score for the sake of you being the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan. Anyway, with your personality, it is impossible to become a qualified ninja, and you will be a ninja at best in this life. ”

“Then work hard to hit the next patience…….. Don’t come out and make a fuss about the wind and rain. ”

Hinata Ninji dropped a sentence expressionlessly.

Coldly turned away.

Just when Hinata’s mood was a little low, Liu Chen’s voice suddenly sounded: “Little Hinata, get him for me.” I thought that Uchiha Sasuke had enough to pull, but I didn’t expect this little fart to pull a little more. ”

“Huh?! But…….. But..”

Hinata looked confused, let her make Ning Ji a meal? Isn’t that just going to fight?!

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