The sun is shining brightly, and the sky is full of clouds.

Early morning.

The morning sun emerges from the mountains, and the warm sunlight shines through the clouds, dyeing the earth into a warm color, as if covering Konoha Village with a layer of golden gauze.

The morning breeze blows gently, bringing a fresh breath, and dewdrops slide down the leaves, crystal clear, shining like pearls.

With the surge of villagers, Konoha in the early morning gradually becomes lively, boiling and noisy.

It is not obvious that Konoha Village is now in a state of war.

Thanks to the opening of the two colleges, the news that is more "exciting" to the villagers is no longer spread through foreign caravans or "interested people".

Under the control of Danzo, the instructors trusted by the villagers would occasionally reveal some news from the front line or secrets of the ninja world.

This kind of "inside information" can quickly spread throughout the entire Konoha Village due to the gossipy nature of people, and it is highly credible.

"Come on, the high mountain bison of the Land of Lightning, as fresh as if you were gnawing on a cow!"

Under the wooden sign engraved with [Hao Chi beef jerky].

A big guy raised a piece of bright red meat in the store and shouted at the top of his voice. His high bulging muscles frequently attracted passers-by to ask.

"How do I buy beef?"

"Hey~ You seem a little familiar..."

A dark hand with a hint of oiliness stretched out from behind the big guy and pushed the big guy who was shouting and selling to one side.

"How do you know that my son won the championship in the college competition?"

The honest and dark old beef vendor said with a smile.

"Oh! He is Watanabe who beat up the genius of Uchiha Academy last time!"

The passerby seemed very excited. Looking at the tall Watanabe, he was also a supporter of the East Line Academy.

"Hey~ What beating?"

"My son is just better!"

"Would you like some beef?"

"Look at my sons, they are all so strong, all thanks to our beef!"

The beef vendor was humble at first, then took the piece of meat from Watanabe's hand and held it up to sell to passersby.

Watanabe looked at this scene that happened countless times every day, his mouth twitched, he looked at the time on the wall, and took off his apron.

"Dad, time is almost up, I have to go to class."

"Go, go, go to class well."

The beef vendor kept selling, just waving at him with his shiny hands.

Watanabe walked to the back door, and on the wooden door behind the store, their father's accumulated oily handprints were engraved.

Watanabe reached out and pushed open the back door, leaving the shop. Behind the beef jerky was the house that his father had worked so hard to buy.

He went home to clean the remaining oil stains, changed into the white East Front Academy uniform, and put on the armband embroidered with the Eastern Front logo.

This was the championship reward given by the last East Front Academy Dean, Aburame Hideki!

Watanabe tidied himself in front of the mirror and hurriedly pushed the door open.

After taking two steps, Watanabe slapped his head and turned back home.

He picked up a black booklet from the bedside, put it in his arms, patted it twice with care, pushed open the door again, and ran towards the academy.

"Hey ha!"


When he ran into the academy gate, Watanabe heard the uniform shouts of his juniors.

The villagers who filled the entire playground were sweating in the early morning of Konoha, doing the "fitness exercises" figured out by the old oilmen of the East Front under the leadership of several instructors.

It's just...

The old ninjas who had spent their time on the battlefield of the Thunder and Fire Meat Grinder had developed moves that basically aimed at the lower parts of people, which looked a bit sinister... ahem, not pretty!

Watanabe ran towards the practice ground for practicing civilian lightning chakra. Today it was his turn to help at home, and his brothers should have practiced for a while.

It was called a practice ground, but it was in the teaching building, in a relatively closed room, with only a few opaque windows and a few cracks opened for ventilation.

Watanabe ran to the outside of the iconic building of the East Line Academy, looked around to make sure no one was paying attention.

He leaned down to the small window at the door and whispered devoutly:

"Long live Danzo-sama!"


The people inside heard Watanabe's voice, pushed open the partition of the small window, and looked at Watanabe with sharp eyes.

"Oh~ It's Watanabe-san."

"Come in."

The door of the building made a 'clicking' sound and opened slowly to both sides automatically.

"Really, this is a lousy door!"

"We should ask Nobita and the others to bring back some puppetry!"

Watanabe ignored

I will be able to hear this person's complaints, quietly waiting for the door to open, and occasionally looking back to scout the "enemy situation".

I crossed the door with a pious mentality. This teaching building is only open to those who are extremely respectful to Danzo.

Those who did not pass the test can only stay in the playground, learn exercises, boxing, and attend public classes.

If you are lucky enough to enter the building, if you have a little talent, you can practice your body and practice the lightning escape chakra mode. If you don't have talent, you can only practice some ninjutsu collected by the instructors on the East Line.

You may even have the opportunity to enter Danzo's great "Gemara Plan" through the relationship found by Master Hideki!

Become a blood-stained ninja that is envied by ninjas in the ninja world!

Watanabe walked a few steps into the corridor and was about to go upstairs, but heard a call from behind.

"Wait, Watanabe."

Watanabe turned around.

"Long live Master Danzo!" The man waved at him.

Watanabe was stunned, and then his face became more fanatical.


"Do your best today."


Watanabe turned around and ran upstairs, feeling full of energy.

He went up to the third floor, where the Lightning Chakra training room was located.

"Catch him!"

"He cheated in!"

A loud shout echoed through the corridor, quickly attracting Watanabe's attention.

The two were chasing each other in the corridor, but it was early morning and most classrooms were not in class, so there were not many people.

Watanabe's face sank, and lightning flashed on his body.

Lightning Chakra Mode·Civilian Version!


The sturdy figure was like a bolt of lightning, swiftly catching up with the fleeing man, and knocked him to the ground in two or three moves!

"What happened?"

Watanabe looked at the man who caught up with him panting.

"He...he...cheated in the assessment..."

The man chasing him supported his knees with his hands, panting constantly, and spoke intermittently.

"He failed the internal secondary test this time... I also found the cheat sheet he threw in the trash can..."

While speaking, he handed a crumpled note to Watanabe.

The instructor who was guarding the gate just now also came over after hearing the news, glanced at the cheat sheet, and snorted, grabbing the cheater lying on the ground.

"Evil ways!"

"Wait until your memory of the inner area is washed away, and then go outside to experience a few more years!"

The instructor took the cheater away, and the person chasing him thanked Watanabe. Before leaving, according to the custom of the East Line Academy, he whispered to Watanabe, "Long live Danzo-sama."

Watanabe waved his hand to indicate that he didn't care, and replied to the other party in the same way, and then walked towards the training room.

He glanced at the cheat sheet in his hand.

[Question-Loyal to the Hokage or loyal to Danzo-sama? ]


Watanabe gently patted the booklet in his arms and smiled gently.

No wonder it didn't pass, this version is too old!

Take out the booklet from your arms, with a few big words written on it.

"The Struggle of Danzo-sama"

Put the booklet on your forehead and recite it devoutly.

"The answer is of course..."

"If the Hokage is not Danzo-sama, then this Hokage has no meaning to exist!"

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