"Naruto-sama, urgent information

!" "The troops of Sand Hidden Village are gathering at the border, and there are already many vanguard troops entering the hinterland of my Fire Country!"

"Three generations of wind shadows disappeared a few years ago, and there were many conflicts between my country of fire and the country of wind.

"Is this gathering of large forces to start a big war?" "

Naruto-sama, the troops of Iwain Village have also assembled a large scale of Shin Wubi Bridge, intending to attack the country of grass!"

Ape Flying Sun Chop: "It seems that the two countries have made an agreement, what about Yunyin and Wuyin?"

Sarutobi put down the smoking gun in his hand and spat out a puff of smoke: "Notify the elder group and the big snake pill to assemble for a meeting!"

Hokage Building Meeting Room.

Sarutobi took a puff of his smoking gun, and then spoke: "According to our intelligence, both Sand Hidden Village and Iwain Village have begun to assemble troops on a large scale at the border, what do you think?"

Ape Fei Ri Chop listened to Tuan Zang's words, and did not say much, but asked sideways: "Big Snake Pill, what do you think?" The

big snake pill replied: "Teacher, I think that although what Elder Tuan Zang said makes sense, it is still too simple to see

" "Although only Shayin Village and Yanyin Village have actions now, once the war starts, Yunyin and Wuyin will definitely take advantage of the fire and rob." We Konoha are fine with one-on-two, but one-on-four is impossible.

Sarutobi nodded, "Then what do you think we Konoha should do?"

the big snake pill licked the corner of his mouth, "First, send troops to the border to show our attitude in Konoha. Second, contact Yunyin and Wuyin to see if they can form an alliance. If the alliance is successful, Shayin and Yanyin will be like turtles in an urn, which is not a concern. Ape

Flying Sun: "Very good, just do as you say."

"Orochimaru, you lead the team to the country of grass, and Iwain will leave it to you.

"Sha Yin's side will be handed over to Shuo Mao to lead the team."

"As for the misty and cloudy sides, hmm..." The ape flying sun was a little uncertain for a while.

Danzo: "Leave this aspect to Uchiha, since they are in Konoha, they should dedicate their strength to the village." "

Ape Flying Sun Slash: "But most of the Uchiha clan are good at fire escape, and they will be restrained by the mist." "

Tuanzo: "Hmph, Hinata, don't forget the teacher's teachings

" Sarutobi Hinata pondered for a moment: "Yes, then Uchiha."

"However, let the Hyuga clan go after Mist Yin's side, their white eyes can see through Mist Yin's art, which is just right."

Then he continued, "Koharu, Menyan, the logistics can be left to the two of you

" "No problem, we won't hold Konoha back!"


After the meeting was dispersed, the three generations of ape flying sun immediately summoned the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fugaku.

After a long discussion, the three generations finally persuaded the Uchiha clan to go to the Mist-hidden border and station.

Uchiha Fugaku left the Hokage Building and returned to the Uchiha Clan Land, immediately calling a meeting of the high-level members of the family.


Uchiha Tribe, Nanga Shrine.

"Sandaime hopes that our Uchiha clan can go to the border of the Water Country to garrison, if the mist starts a war, we Uchiha will be the vanguard, and then the third generation will send troops to support, what do you think about this?"

"Hmph, since Kagami's death, the three generations have long stopped treating us Uchiha as part of the village, I don't agree!" The

old man who spoke was full of anger, it was one of the elders of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Beacon.

The Uchiha Kagami mentioned in his words is an elite Shinobu of the Uchiha clan, who served as a member of the second-generation Hokage elite escort force when he was young, and was teammates with Sarutobi Hinata, Shimura Danzo, Mito Monita, Sleeping Koharu, and Akimichi Takefu.

Kagami has a strong will for fire, has dedicated his life to Konoha, and is one of the few Uchiha clans who can gain the trust of the second generation Hokage.

However, in the eyes of the Uchiha clan, if Kagami does not die, he is likely to become part of Konoha's elder group.

At that time, their Uchiha's prestige in Konoha will be even higher.

Unfortunately, Kagami, who was pinned on high hopes by the clansmen, died during an ordinary intelligence mission! When Kagami

died, the Uchiha clan was shaken for days.

The reason is very simple!

The body of the captured Uchiha mirror is missing a pair of eyes

! Sangou Yu Sharingan

! Even Shimura Danzo, who participated in the mission with the mirror, also lost an eye!

This coincidence has to make the Uchiha people pay attention.

To this end, Uchiha also forcibly formed an investigation team to investigate the secret of Uchiha Kagami's death.

Unfortunately, as soon as the investigation team began to investigate, it was strictly disbanded by the third generation of Hokage and Shimura Danzo.

"That's right, this is definitely a conspiracy of Konoha's high-level, and please ask the clan elders to think twice!"

"That's right..." "Yes..." The

other clansmen objected.

"Don't be in a hurry, as a condition for participating in the war, we Uchiha can participate in the fourth generation Hokage campaign.

"And after the war is over, we Uchiha will have two places to enter the Dark Division."

After Uchiha Fugaku finished speaking, the clansmen quieted down one after another.

Uchiha Beacon: "Clan elder, do you think the words of the three generations are credible?" Uchiha

Fugaku is full of confidence: "Such a trivial matter as two dark places, the third generation will definitely not lose trust, as for the fourth generation of the Hokage election... If we Uchiha achieves great battle merits on the battlefield, even if the three generations of them obstruct, the huge prestige and prestige will be enough to push us up

!" "This is one of our few opportunities, I think it's worth a try, I believe we Uchiha clan!"

"The people are enthusiastic.

"Okay, then I announce that the Uchiha Family Army has been established today! Everyone go back and get ready, and leave today!"

"Yes!" the clansmen replied


At the same time, Relo finally ushered in their new mission.

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