"It's finally over," Lei Luo said to himself.

When the three of Lei Luo arrived at the meeting place agreed with the Great Snake Pill, the Great Snake Pill was already waiting there.

Orochimaru: "Good job, those women, there will be someone from Mohican Village to take them in, let's go back to the village

!" "Yes!" "

Relo-kun, I'm really a qualified ninja seedling, I can't help it... Hehe..." In

the pouring rain, the voice of the big snake pill appeared extremely feminine.


After returning to the village and submitting the mission report, the Orochimaru team disbanded and went back to rest.

As for the big snake pill, before entering the village, he disappeared, and he didn't know where to run.

Relo returned home, washed up simply, and went to sleep. Although Lei Luo has the ability of Shining Fruit and Ice Wheel Pill, his body is very ordinary, and after a long battle, mental fatigue cannot be avoided.

"Hmm" After sleeping for most of the day, Lei Luo woke up.

"Ah, I finally feel alive, how exhausting it is after a day of rushing and fierce fighting." "

How did a fight like Ichimeku Senjukuma and Ninja Asura Uchiha Spot persist for many days.

"No wonder Uchiha always says, 'Just because you think of dancing?', in his eyes, everyone except Senjukuma is rubbish."

Lei Luo stretched his waist, if he met Madara in the future, he could still say "Lao Tzu not only wants to dance, but also wants to jump

!" "System, come out, I remember I still have a god-level lottery point, right?" System

: "That's right, host, you currently have a god-level lottery point." "

Leiluo: "System, don't you have individual abilities or anything, just a lottery turntable?

", System: "Yes, the system comes with storage space, but the storage space can only store system lottery items

" Leiluo: "I lean, why didn't you say it earlier, I thought you were a turntable" System: "Host, you didn't ask me" Leiluo


"(・. "

Relo: "Forget it, Uncle Ben doesn't calculate with you a system, I want to draw a lottery!"

Random reward drawing..." The

system's mechanical prompt reappeared, and six different rewards appeared again in the six fan wheels.

S-level skill: Life return

S-level skill; Dark Eye

S-level prop: Devil Fruit.Meat Ball Fruit S-level

item: Sendou*1 S-level

skill: Forbidden Technique.Eight Doors Dun Jia S-class

weapon: Toye

Lake Leiluo: "I lean, why did Dongye Lake appear again, are you targeting me?!"

All reward draws are random, don't blame the system for the host's black face!"

"Leiluo: "0.0" Leiluo:

"Fortunately, except for Toyaku, the others are okay, worthy of S-level rewards,"

"Life Return" is a skill that appears in One Piece, you can freely control the body, hair, internal organs, as long as you pour consciousness into it, you can freely control anywhere.

The "Dark Eye" is the core of the male magician in the dungeon, replacing the heart of the body with the Dark Eye, thus gaining great magical power. Even if the HP is 0, it does not die, but goes into recovery mode.

"This is a huge amount of chakra plus an immortal body in the ninja world, with this, don't you want to wave how to wave?" thought to himself.

The third flesh ball fruit is the same as the shining fruit that has been eaten, it is a demon fruit from One Piece. It is a type of Devil Fruit Superhuman, eating it, it has a meat pad like a cat's palm in the palm, which can bounce off anything, including tiredness and pain, even injuries, and can also bounce air at the speed of light into a palm-shaped shock wave and continuously penetrate objects.

The Sendou after that is a magical item from Dragon Ball, as long as there is still a breath, no matter how many injuries you eat, you can recover intact.

"Forbidden Technique.Eight Doors Dun Jia" is Matkai's trick, almost kicked out of the Hokage finale, and the current Matkai is only his contemporaneous graduate, far from the future Kai Emperor.

The final pit, garbage wooden sword-Dongye Lake don't mention it!

Relo: "Draw, start the lottery!" "

Dingdong, the prize is being drawn..."

Congratulations to the host for obtaining an S-class item: Sendou*1.

Relo looked at the lottery results and pouted.

Although fairy beans are useful, there is only one.

Talk is better than nothing, and it is another chance to save your life.

Lei Luo knew that the outbreak of the three battles was not far away, and he must improve himself as soon as possible and develop the ability of the Shining Fruit.

All intrigues and tricks are paper tigers in the face of strength.

Only if you are strong enough can you control everything about yourself.


Meanwhile, somewhere in the Konoha border zone, the Great Snake Pill secret laboratory.

Orochimaru took out a hair and began a simple assay.

After a while, Orochimaru looked at the test results with a feverish expression.

"Is there a strong vitality in the cell, it can even promote the growth of plants, I don't know how it will react when it is put together with the wood dun cell

" "Light Escape Blood Succession Limit? As far as I know, this special blood succession has not appeared in the Ninja World for hundreds of years.

"It's very similar to the hydration technique of the Ghost Lantern family, but it has great penetration and heat, and in terms of pure combat, it is far beyond the hydration technique of the Ghost Lantern family

!" "However, what I value is not this kind of combat ability!" "

Lei Luojun, you really gave me a big surprise..."

And that hair is Leiluo's hair, and I don't know when the big snake pill remained.

Behind him, on the dark wall, densely packed with dozens of huge petri dishes more than one person tall.

In this petri dish, dozens of human bodies of different ages are quietly soaking in it.

There are delicate women, there are strong men, and there are small children.


In the following days, Lei Luo trained with Hong and Xiyan every day, familiarized himself with his abilities, and further developed them.

All the abilities of the Devil Fruit are slowly developed, and the system rewards only those developed by the yellow ape.

In his previous life, Lei Luo was in the era of information explosion, and his brain hole did not know how much larger than the yellow ape, and it should not be a problem to develop some abilities suitable for himself.

As a Sannin, Orochimaru had to be busy with research, and it took almost a month to take the fourth shift out on a mission, at first to eliminate the mountain thieves, escort materials, and later began to accept some tasks to pursue the rebel Shinobi and investigate intelligence.

With the passage of time and the gathering of intelligence, Relo knew that the days of calm would not be long.

And just like that, a year and a half slowly passed.


A black shadow flashed in the Hokage Building in Konoha

and appeared in the Hokage's office.

"Naruto-sama, urgent intelligence !!"

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