Early in the morning, the fourth training ground.

The fourth group had already gathered, waiting to guide the Shinobu Orochimaru to release the task.

Xi Rihong said excitedly: "Lei Luojun, I don't know what task we will receive today

" Yue Xiyan stood aside with a sword in her arms: "I heard that many seniors who graduated before took the first task to catch cats, walk dogs and carry water."

Sunset Hong pouted, "What, this kind of thing doesn't need to be done by a ninja!" Lei

Luo said helplessly: "Okay Red, don't worry, after all, our teacher is Lord Orochimaru, and he won't take those simple tasks." "

Lei Luojun is right, you are my big snake pill's subordinates!" I don't

know when, the big snake pill has already appeared in front of them.

"Good, no one is late, remember, as a ninja, the concept of time is the top priority!"

"I have already given you the first mission, the C-level

mission, to eliminate the mountain thief" "C-class mission?" "

Yes, your mission is to eliminate the mountain thief on the Mohican Mountain near the Moxi village in the border village of the Land of Fire and the Land of Tanokura.

"Here the bandits have been entrenched on the Mohican Mountains for a long time, often plundering nearby villages and passing caravans.

"Moxisi Village has come to our Konoha to issue a mission to eliminate the bandits here.

"This mission, unless necessary

, I will not shoot, I will make a mistake!" "This time, as the leader of the team, Lei Luo will give you 30 minutes to prepare, and the village entrance will gather in 30 minutes!"


In the world of Hokage, there are always many mountain thieves, it can be said that there are countless of them, they use mountains, rivers and other natural dangers as barriers, and they plunder and kill everywhere every once in a while. The people of the village are regarded as domestic animals, and the bandits on Mount Mohican are one of them.

This mission also means that Relo will fight his first real battle after crossing into the world of Hokage.

After the village entrance was assembled, after Orochimaru led the three of Lei Luo out of the village, he galloped all the way towards Mohican Mountain.

By the time we arrived at Mount Moshican, it was already evening.

"This mission is to wipe out all the personnel in the cottage, Relo, you can act, this is a signal gun, two hours later, assemble here, if you release the signal gun in the cottage in advance, it will be regarded as a failure of this mission

" "Action!" After saying that, the big snake pill disappeared, not knowing where to hide in the mountains and forests.

The night was as dark as inky clouds, and there was no trace of moonlight. From time to time, a cold wind blew through, blowing the branches of the tree like a night cane.

The system's prompt suddenly sounded in Leiluo's mind.

"Ding-dong... Congratulations to the host for triggering the task, the first drop of blood.

"First Blood: As a ninja, fighting to kill is essential, please destroy all the thieves." "

, "Mission Reward: God-level Draw Point*1"

After the big snake pill left, the three of Lei Luo gathered together.

Lei Luo temporarily spoke as the captain: "According to intelligence, there are about 40 fighting bandits in this cottage, all of them are adult men, and a small number of poor women who have been taken captive by them up the mountain, there are only 3 of us, we can only outwit and not be able to fight." "

There are 3 people at the gate of the cottage, we need to kill them first, and then use the transformation technique to infiltrate the cottage into their appearance and carry out assassination

" "If the cottage is in turmoil, indicating that the assassination is exposed, then assemble at the sentry to prevent the thief from escaping down the mountain."


Hong seemed to feel unbearable in her heart, and asked Relo: "Do the old people, women, and children in the cottage also have to be killed?"

"As for the women who were taken captive by them up the mountain, they can be rescued if they can." Sunset

pursed her lips and didn't say anything more.

Lei Luo: "Are there any doubts now?

!" Sunset Red and Yue Xiyan: "No doubts

!" Lei Luo: "Okay, start acting!" Lei

Luo quietly came behind a sentry, one hand covered the thief's mouth, and the other hand instantly crossed the thief's neck.

Lei Luo looked at the other two sentries, Sunset Hong and Yue Xiyan had also successfully killed, and the three looked at each other, and then used the transformation technique according to the appearance of the sentry in front of them.

For ninjas, dealing with these ordinary people is really simple.

What I am worried about is just the psychological state of Sunset Red and Yue Xiyan.

The three dispersed, infiltrated the cottage, and the assassination began.

"Ho ho~~" Blood gushed out, and the thief's eyes widened, but he was unable to struggle.

"8.9.10..." At this moment, life turned into a cold number.

Looking at the fallen mountain thief in front of him, the ice wheel pill in Leiluo's hand did not pause, entered another room, and continued to complete the task.

Lei Luo thought in his heart, the first time he killed someone, he did not have the feeling of softness and nausea described in the novel in his previous life.

After all, he came to this world, three wars, imminent ....

The big snake pill may also have thought of this aspect, so that they would bring them out to carry out the killing mission just after graduating from school and train them early.

"Being able to die unconsciously is also a relief for them. "

Enemy attack!" suddenly

came the heart-rending shout of the thief in the distant courtyard.

Immediately afterwards, the lights in the cottage kept coming on.

"It seems that it has finally been exposed" Relo killed the thief in front of him and rushed towards the sentry.

"I'm sorry, I was careless and let that thief find out and shout," Lei Luo and the three gathered together, but Sunset Red said with a guilty face.

"It's okay, most of our mission has been completed, and the remaining remnants can't make any waves!"

"The main thing is that let's get the job done!"

After Lei Luo finished speaking, he rushed forward again.

With the time to speak, the mountain thief has gathered. Relo used the ice wheel pill to cut through the throat of a mountain thief and immediately did a backflip, narrowly avoiding the slash that slashed at him.

One came behind the other in an instant, and swung his knife down.

"Go and die!" a

big man with a hideous face stabbed Relo in the waist while he was entangled in his companion.

Unfortunately, the expected blood shot did not appear.

The direction in which the big knife stabbed into it turned into a brilliant light, and then dissipated.

"No, it

is impossible..." "There is nothing impossible, when you kill innocents, sooner or later there will be this end..."

Lei Luo turned around and said lightly.

Stretching out his hand, a golden light flashed away.

In the next second, a blood hole more than one finger wide appeared above the head of this hideous thief and fell to the ground.

The corpses were scattered and crooked, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of blood.

A flash of lightning suddenly crossed the sky, and a downpour fell.

More than half an hour later, the three of Relo got together again, leaving only corpses all over the ground behind them, most of them dead in the hands of Relo.

This heavy rain caused the blood to gather into countless streams flowing on the ground, and then slowly seeping into the soil.

The entire cottage was completely dead, leaving only a few poor girls who had been kidnapped by them, cowering and hiding in a room, crying in fear.

The system's prompts also sounded in Leiluo's mind again.

"Ding-dong... Congratulations to the host for completing the first drop of blood of the mission and eliminating all the thieves. Earn quest reward god-level draw points*1. "

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