"Ding... Congratulations to the host for obtaining an S-class weapon: Slashing Knife * Ice Wheel Pill!" "

Hahaha, it's good, it's not Toyako, what is that thing used for?

He remembers that Orochimaru is the saber of Team Juban - Hibanya Fuyushiro in the manga "Shinigami". The strongest slashing knife in the Ice and Snow Department of the Corpse Soul Realm.

The liberation spirit of the ice wheel pill is also very domineering, it is: "Frost Heaven にsit せ Ice Wheel Pill" - sit in the frost sky!

At the end of the chain, there is a crescent-shaped blade (which looks like the tail of an ice dragon), and the huge spiritual pressure can create an ice dragon from the air, which can change the color of heaven and earth.

The power of this knife is only stronger than the Ice Blood Succession Limit of the Naruto World!

Thinking of this, Relo couldn't help but itch his hands, wanting to try the power of the ice wheel pill, and suddenly thought that Konoha has a No. 44 training ground, known as the Forest of Death, there are many beasts in it, usually sparsely populated, and it is generally used as an examination room for the Zhongnin Exam.

"Sparsely populated and beastly, isn't this right?"

Lei Luo immediately set off for the Forest of Death.


Lei Luo, who was

walking around the forest in the forest of death, finally stopped, and he looked at the creature in front of him and felt that he had found a suitable target for the test knife - a black bear, this black bear had black fur and full of momentum, and felt that it could already be called a ninja beast.

"Alas, poor black bear, count you unlucky, today you met me Lei

Luo!" "Sitting in the frosty sky! Ice wheel pill!" Lei Luo was afraid that others would find out the movement here, so he decided to make a quick decision and directly solve it when he came up.

"Icicle of Birds" Lei Luo held the ice wheel pill and swung his knife forward, sending out a series of ice bullets, hitting the black bear in front of him, the ice bullet penetrated the blood flow, and immediately turned into a beggar bear.

"Roar!" The black bear was instantly enraged, slapped the ground with four palms, rushed forward, opened its mouth, saliva flew out, and Lei Luo could even see the tongue shaking inside.

"Ice Dragon Spinning Tail", "Vacuum Ice Blade" Lei Luo slashed two knives in a row, and the cold knife qi flew out, directly splitting the black bear in front of him and freezing it into ice cubes, the vacuum ice blade was unabated, and it cut several large trees in succession before dissipating.

"I didn't expect Orochimaru's ability to be so strong, fortunately there is no one else here.

"Since I have already revealed the boundary of the bloodstain, then let the ice wheel pill be my back hand, usually I can only use the ice wheel pill as an ordinary knife."

"If in the village, you are spied on by the old pervert of the third generation with the art of binoculars, and your scalp is numb when you think about it, no wonder Tsunade wants to run away from

the village..." "It's too bad, make such a big move, someone in the village will definitely come to investigate later, you have to leave quickly!" Thinking

of this, Lei Luo quickly left.


The figure flickered, and several people wearing masks and black robes jumped over and looked at the remaining ice cubes on the ground, blood stains, and the remaining ballast from the place where the tree had been cut down.

"Ice Ninjutsu?"

"It is possible that the Mist Hidden Water Moon clan is fighting with others here

!" "What will the Mist Ninja do when he comes here, he must immediately report to the third generation of Naruto-sama

!" "Go!"

Several dark ninjas immediately left and ran towards the Naruto Building.


The third generation of Hokage in the Hokage Building

listened to the description of several dark ninjas, and his brows frowned slightly

, "Kirihide actually sent such characters to infiltrate Konoha to investigate the situation, although we don't know who he fought with and caused the exposure, we can't take it lightly, no one knows how many people are sent by the Mist Hidden Village." "

Wuyin Village sent people to investigate the intelligence, it seems that they are ready for war." "

Naruto-sama, should it be..." At

this, the Dark Ninja suddenly paused and turned his gaze behind him.


The door of Hokage's office was directly pushed open, and an old man with a crutch and a bandage walked in.

"Hinata, leave this matter to our roots, we in Konoha Village can't be underestimated, I will find all the bedbugs hidden in the village!"

One of the high-ranking members of Konoha, the leader of the Konoha Root, the three-generation purpose of the good Ki Yushi Village Danzo! "Danzo,

you came in time~"

The three-generation ape flying sun said lightly.

"Hinata, you are the Hokage, the big tree of Konoha, and I am the root buried deep under Konoha. "

Okay, then this matter will be left to you, but !!

" "Don't go too far, we Konoha must not be the party to start the war


"Hmph, you are too weak, Hinata, we Konoha are not afraid of any village, rest assured, everything I do is for Konoha!"

After Tuan Zang finished speaking, he pushed the door and walked out.

"Go down too, strengthen the vigilance

in the village!" "Yes!" The

three generations lit another cigarette, which looked a little illusory in the smoke.


At the gate of the fourth training ground

, Lei Luo returned home after testing the knife, only to remember that the members of the squad had made an appointment to have dinner together in the evening, and hurried over when they saw the time.

Xi Rihong looked at Lei Luo who rushed and pouted: "Lei Luojun, why did you come, almost late!" Lei Luo: "

Isn't this not late?"


Luo: "Okay, it's all my fault!" Yue

Xiyan pulled red, "Hong, we agreed to meet at 6 o'clock, but the two of us came a little earlier, Lei Luojun is not late, you don't blame him anymore." "

Sunset Hong: "Hmph, it's his fault that he was late, but since Xi Yan you said so, then I will spare him

" Lei Luo: "Okay, as a reparation, I will please this meal tonight, what do you two want to eat?"

Eating barbecue, you must eat the barbecue of the Autumn Daoist, thinking of the general physique of those people of the Autumn Daoist, it must be indispensable to maintain that strong body with the help of food, and the Autumn Taoist barbecue is also famous in Konoha cuisine.

Lei Luo is in a good mood tonight, of course, it is very cool to have two little beauties by his side, which is called beautiful and delicious.

Looking at Hong and Xiyan's shy little faces, Lei Luo almost touched it.

Coupled with the fact that today's S-class weapon of the Ice Wheel Pill was drawn, his appetite was even greater.

Soon, in Red's reluctance, the three separated.

If it weren't for the fact that Xi Rihong was the eldest lady of the family, she really wanted to go to Leiluo's house to fall asleep at night.

At night, Relo lay in bed, "Tomorrow will start the first mission as a ninja, I wonder what mission it will be?" "

As a shinobi, such a proud person should not lead the team to catch cats and walk dogs."

"Forget it, it's useless to think so much! sleep!"

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