After a while, Lei Luo and the others followed Yamato all the way and came to the cave that Yamato said.

It was now almost evening, and the sky was starting to darken.

The mouth of the cave is not large, the inside is swarthy, and the howling mountain wind swirls in the cave, mixed with some faint roars in the wind.

Hearing this movement, Lei Luo said to the four people of the rope tree: "It seems that this cave is not shallow, it is too dark inside, so don't go in."

"Guard this exit, if something runs out, intercept it, and I'll go in and see for myself."

For Leiluo's strength, the rope tree people naturally had enough confidence and obediently stayed outside the cave.

Lei Luo, who had no worries, walked into the cave by himself, and as Lei Luo deepened, the voice from the cave became clearer and clearer.

"I don't want to kill people, don't come here!"

"Don't blame me, I'm sorry!"

After a few more steps, Lei Luo's face suddenly opened up, and the space inside the cave was very wide.

Lei Luo raised his hand and released a ball of light, illuminating the cave, and only then could he see the scene in the cave.

It is a huge stalactite cave with stalactites hanging from the top of the cave, jagged, and a person squatting in the corner of the cave.

It was a boy about fourteen or fifteen years old, sitting there with his head in his hands, trembling all over, mumbling all the time.

And from time to time he roared a few times, as if he was enduring the pain.

When Lei Luo released the ball of light to illuminate the cave, the boy's body trembled even more.

He raised his head and said to Leiluo: "Don't come here!" You don't come over! I'll kill you!

"Don't come here!!"

The voice already had a somewhat hissing feeling, but it also carried a hint of tremor.

Lei Luo listened to the young man's trembling voice and said gently: "Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

"What's your name?"

But the boy's patience seemed to have reached the limit, and just as Lei Luo kept approaching, his whole person suddenly changed dramatically.

His face was hideous, and a brown hard substance grew all over his body, covering his whole body to form a fierce armor, and barbs shaped like a sickle were attached to his arms, like the blade arms of a praying mantis.

His eyes were red, as if he had lost his mind, and he roared and rushed towards Relo.

The boy swung hard, and his sickle-like arm slashed at Relo.

Just when he rushed to Lei Luo's eyes, Lei Luo finally saw his appearance clearly, although he was still a little immature, but Lei Luo still recognized it.


But Lei Luo didn't have time to think about it, the boy's attack was already about to touch him.

Lei Luo quickly dodged away, and the young man's knife arm looked at the stalactite pillar behind Lei Luo and sank deeply.

"Are you Shigego?" Relo asked as he turned to the teenager.

But the boy didn't answer at all, pulled out his arm from the stone pillar, and attacked Relo again.

"Oops! He has now lost his mind and there is no way to communicate at all, so he can only be subdued first. Relo thought to himself as he watched the teenager's reaction.

But he has already determined the identity of this teenager in his heart, it is Libra Shigego!

Shigego's body has a special ability to unconsciously absorb natural energy and then fuse with itself to form the Senjutsu Chakra.

However, Shigego himself has not mastered the art of immortality, so he will unconsciously enter the immortalization. Once you enter the immortalization, you will also fall into an unconscious state of violent walking.

In this state, Shigego is very terrifying, basically killing people when he sees them, and may even eat people.

However, under normal conditions, Shigego is a gentle person who does not want to hurt others, so he imprisons himself in a cave.

Shigego in the original book was later taken away by Junmaro and became the fodder for the study of Orochimaru.

According to his research, the Great Snake Pill perfected the spell seal, which was a low-end version of the immortal mode.

Looking at Shigego, who rushed again, Relo did not dodge.

Instead, he directly raised his knife to block this attack.

Then Relo began to chant in his mouth.

"The thundering carriage, the gap of the spinning wheel, this thing has a cluster of light and divides into six!"

"Sixty-one of the Ways of Bondage. Six canes of light!

As Relo chanted, six beams of light covered Shigego's body, forming a rope that restrained him.

Shigego hissed and struggled, trying to tear the beam with his hand, but he couldn't touch it at all.

"This binding ability is very strong."

Relo looked at the struggling Shigego and nodded in satisfaction, this was the first time he had used the Izuku Dao in actual combat, and this effect did not disappoint him.

It's just that this chant is still a bit of a waste of time, although it is faster than the ninja seal, but Relo's previous abilities are not preconditional.

"Then let him sober up now!"

"Guangdu. Purification!

Relo's hands bloomed with silver-white light and pressed on the top of Shigego's head.

With Chakra's input, Shigego's complexion softened, and his body stopped struggling.

"Thank you!"

A weak voice came, and Shigego had already come to his senses.

Lei Luo stopped the purification technique in his hand, looked at Shigo, and asked, "How do you feel now?"

Shigego shook his head and spoke, "It's okay, fortunately you stopped me, otherwise I might have run out to kill again."

"Can you spread this light on your body first?" It's a little uncomfortable to tie up like this.

Relo nodded, untied the restraints with a wave of his hand, and Shigego got up from the ground.

"What are you? Why is it here?

Although Lei Luo had some guesses in his heart, he still had to determine the identity of the young man.

Shigego looked at Relo and said, "My name is Shigego, I imprisoned myself here by myself, and I couldn't control myself when I ran away."

"In the village before, I hurt a lot of people because of the violent walk, so I took the initiative to leave."

"If it weren't for you this time, I might have rushed out of the cave again."

"Thank you!"

Lei Luo waved his hand lightly and said, "You're welcome, just raise your hand."

"Are you going to stay in this cave all the time?"

Shigego's mood became low when he heard this, and he replied, "Where else can I go if I don't stay here?"

"If I get into a rampage outside, a lot of people will get hurt because of it."

Lei Luo smiled and said softly, "If I can solve your problem, are you willing to go with me?"

Shigego raised his head and looked into Relo's eyes, and found that Reiro didn't mean anything joking, and his eyes were full of seriousness.

So Shigego spoke: "If you can solve my rampage problem, from now on only you will follow, my life will be yours!" "Good


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