Lei Luo said to Shigego: "You follow me first, rest assured, with my strength, even if you run away again, I can suppress it."

"After that, I will find a way to help you completely solve the problem of violent runaway."

Shigego nodded in agreement.

Moreover, after Lei Luo used the purification technique on him just now, his entire body felt a sense of ease, and he no longer had to suppress his own power.

He believes that Relo can help him solve this problem once and for all.

Relo actually has some ideas for solving it himself.

"It seems that the five-year plan still has to add a cultivation immortal art."

"When you get back to Konoha, ask Tsunade to see if you can learn the magic of the Wet Bone Forest."

Then Relo said to Shigego: "It's getting late today, let's rest in your cave for the night, and set off tomorrow."

"I still have a few disciples waiting outside the cave, I'll go and call them in first."

Shigego nodded when he heard this.

Relo turned and walked towards the outside of the cave.

At this time, the three people of the rope tree outside the cave blocked in front of Bai, and they had been carefully guarding to prevent something from running out of the cave.

When Relo took Shigego out, Rope Tree had just seen the figure and was ready to start.

Fortunately, the water eye was quick and stopped the rope tree.

"Rope tree, don't do it, it's Teacher Leiluo!"

Shuishui said, and then the whole person also relaxed his guard.

At this time, Lei Luo had completely walked out of the cave, and then said to the rope tree: "Okay, there is no danger in the cave, you guys follow in." Rope

Tree and the others nodded obediently, and followed Lei Luo into the cave again.


A fireball landed on the wood and ignited it, creating a bonfire.

Relo and the others sat around the campfire, and the warm light of the fire gave the cave a warm feeling.

After entering the cave, everyone had already introduced each other.

Shigego looked at the campfire in a daze, he hadn't dealt with anyone for a long time, but this feeling was really good, and the loneliness in his heart gradually dissipated with the warm light of the fire.

Bai Zi had already fallen asleep on Lei Luo, and after so many days of escape, this was the first time he could sleep so peacefully.

The three of them were refining Chakra on the side, while Relo was studying the sealing technique.

Because he suddenly thought that although he hadn't thought of any way to completely solve Shigego's problem now, he could use the sealing technique to temporarily seal Shigego's power so that he would not enter a violent state.

Lei Luo looked at the sealing technique and felt that the four-elephant seal was enough to seal Shigego's power.

So he spoke to the daze-stricken Shigego-kun, "Shigego-kun."

Shigego came back to his senses and asked, "Lord Relo, what's wrong?" Do you have something going on?

Lei Luo smiled and said: "Shigego-kun, I just thought of a way to temporarily solve your problem of running away, do you want to try it?"

Shigego nodded, "Of course, that would trouble you, Lord Relo."

Lei Luo shook his head lightly and spoke: "Shigego, I said, you don't have to be so polite.

Then he continued, "Shigego-kun, take off your shirt and lie on the ground.

Shigego obediently followed Relo's arrangement, took off his shirt, and lay down.

Relo sat cross-kneeled beside Shigego, pressing his hand on Shigego's chest, sensing the power in Shigego's body.

"Well, is this natural energy? I have a feeling of devouring my light chakra. "

Let's try the Four Elephant Seal first!"

Relo made a seal in his hand, mobilized Chakra, and pressed it on Shigego's chest again.

Black sealing-style runes spread out from Relo's hand, quickly covering Shigego's entire body.

At the moment when the spell was completed, all the runes were hidden inside Shigego's body and returned to normal, only the diagram of the seal was displayed on the chest.

Then Lei Luo said to Shigego-kun: "Well, Shigego-kun, the seal has been completed, you can get up."

Shigego obediently got up from the ground and felt his state.

A sense of relief that he had never felt before arose, and Shigego said happily, "Lord Leiluo, I feel it, and I should not be violent again."

"Thank you, from now on, my life will be yours!"

Lei Luo shook his head and said softly: "Shigego-kun, your problem has only been solved temporarily, although the sealing technique can avoid your violent departure, but your power can also not be used.

Shigego replied, "Lord Leiluo, it's okay, I don't care about the power thing, and I'm very satisfied if I can return to normal."

Lei Luo replied, "But your body is still absorbing natural energy, and natural energy will continue to erode the seal, which is only a palliative solution after all."

"But don't worry, when I return to Kazukonoha, I will have a way to help you solve it completely."

For Leiluo's words, Shigego naturally trusted him very much, after all, he had never felt so relaxed now.

Then Lei Luo then spoke: "Now that the problem is temporarily solved, you can sleep well first, and don't worry about running away." "

Well, Lord Relo, then I will rest first, thank you very much."

Shigego replied, then leaned against the rock wall and closed his eyes.

Looking at Chongwu, Lei Luo smiled, then turned to the three of Rope Tree and said, "Tonight, the three of you take turns to keep vigil. The

three of them nodded and replied, "Yes!" "


Ten days passed quickly.

In the past few days, Lei Luo and the others have penetrated deep into the hinterland of the Water Country, but they have not been able to find any more ninjas of the Blood Boundary Family.

On the contrary, there are more and more traces of ninjas in Mist Hidden Village, and Lei Luo, who has five all-powerful eyes, can always be detected in advance, so as to avoid it, and has not been exposed.

Although solving these ninjas in the Mist Hidden Village is a piece of cake for Relo, after all, Relo had promised Tsunade before leaving the village to avoid exposure, so as not to cause disputes between the two countries.

After nightfall, Lei Luo and the others surrounded the bonfire.

Lei Luo spoke: "This mission ends here, and we will return tomorrow." "

After so many days, nothing has been found, which means that either those bloodstain family ninjas have all been solved, or someone is also collecting them.

In fact, Lei Luo could also guess that there was definitely a big snake pill among the people who collected it.

After all, Junmaru was taken away by the Great Snake Pill at this time, and although Relo failed to find Junmaru this time, it was enough to be able to find Shiro.

Being able to discover Shigego was even more of a bonus.

When Rope Tree and the others heard Leiluo's words, they all agreed.

After a night without a word, early the next morning, Relo came to the beach with Rope Tree and the others and summoned Tam.

"Let's go!"

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