"Stop the water, what is the giant eagle talking about?" Relo heard the giant eagle's call and asked Shuishui.

Shuishui replied, "It said that there is a very scary creature in the center of the island, let's be careful." "

Island Center?" Could it be a special existence sensed by Tam? Relo thought to himself.

Then Lei Luo said to the giant eagle: "Thank you for the reminder, we will pay attention." Then

he jumped from the lair.

Looking at Lei Luo, who jumped down, the rope tree greeted him and asked, "Teacher Lei Luo, how is it?" Was it successful? "

They didn't hear any movement below just now, they were very curious.

Lei Luo listened to the words of the rope tree, nodded and said: "This giant eagle is relatively kind, and it is easy to agree to sign the contract. "

Let's go, let's go to the center of the island."


Lei Luo and the others continued to move forward, and suddenly found a figure flashing in the mountain forest.

"Who is it?"

Lei Luo and the others immediately chased after him and saw the appearance of the figure.

A beautiful red-haired woman with a ribbon wrapped around her waist.

"The Vortex Clan?"

Relo was about to ask about the island, when he found that the woman turned her head again and ran away.

Lei Luo and the others followed the woman all the way and finally came to a house.

Look at the way the house looks for some years.

And in the process of following forward, Lei Luo had already discovered that this woman was just a residual body of thought, leading the way for them.

Walking into the house, I saw that the pillars in the house were wrapped with green vines, and a few small flowers grew tenaciously in the gaps of the floor tiles.

Following the woman to the inner room, she found that it was a bedroom with a notebook on the desk.

Relo walked over and picked up the note, which read "Investigation, Improvement and Creation of Psychic Arts" on the cover.

I opened it and looked at it, knowing the origin of the Island of Oblivion, knowing what place it was, and knowing the identity of this woman.

It was originally a psychic island, and there were many excellent lifeforms that could be summoned by ninjas.

This made Lei Luo also understand more why the giant eagle could easily accept the psychic beast contract before, because it might have been a psychic beast with a master.

Originally, the woman's group came to the psychic island just to investigate, but in response to the ninjas who were eager to get psychic beasts, they began to capture.

As demand increased, they began to improve psychic beasts, giving birth to new psychic beasts through mating.

The ninjas' demands continue to increase, asking if there are any ultimate psychic beasts, and if not, they can only go to breed.

The problem is that the control of the ultimate psychic beast, if you want to control it, you need a special sealing technique, or a special existence like the human pillar force.

If they want to know the specific situation, they have to keep experimenting, and eventually they develop a psychic beast that can constantly devour other creatures to strengthen themselves.

But, out of control!

The psychic beasts and researchers in the institute were all devoured by the ultimate psychic beasts cultivated, and even a woman's sealing technique could not play any role.

The woman's name - Uzumaki Fire Noka.

"Sure enough, it's a clan member of the Uzumaki clan, is this a matter of the Second Ninja World War, or even the First Ninja World War?"

When Relo put down the notes in his hand, Uzumaki Fire Naika suddenly turned around and ran out again.

Lei Luo and the others followed helplessly, after all, Vortex Fire Naika was only an ideological body, and it was impossible to communicate at all.

Uzumaki Fire Noka kept taking Relo and they ran to the volcano in the center of the island.

"This is it, the special existence that Tam perceives should be the ultimate psychic beast mentioned in Uzumaki Fire Naika's notes."

Looking at the magma surging in the volcano, Lei Luo and the others carefully walked along the steps of the mountain wall into the interior of the volcano and passed through a cave entrance to a square.

"This is..."

Relo looked at the various arrangements on the square and knew that this should be the research institute, and in the center of the square was a huge cultivation pool.

There is still more than half of the culture liquid in the pool.

And there was a giant cocoon lying in the culture liquid, and Lei Luo could feel the powerful vitality inside.

"Bang! Bang! "

There was a strong heartbeat sound from within the cocoon.

"This is the ultimate psychic beast!"

Lei Luo looked at the giant cocoon and thought to himself.

"It seems that it should have swallowed enough energy, fell into a deep sleep, and turned into a chrysalis ready to evolve."

Shuishui also opened the Sharingan Eye on the side to observe this ultimate psychic beast.

Suddenly, Shuishui spoke: "Mr. Leiluo, this big guy seems to be waking up. Lei

Luo nodded when he heard this, he also sensed the Chakra fluctuation of the ultimate psychic beast, and he was about to wake up.

So Lei Luo said to the rope tree and the others: "Everyone stand back, be careful!" Then

he looked at Uzumaki Fire and found her standing motionless in the corner of the square.

"Oh, I forgot that she is long dead, and now she is just a mental body."

Relo, who was about to make her careful, suddenly reacted.

At this moment, the giant cocoon in the cultivation pool began to shatter, and suddenly a tentacle shot out from the giant cocoon and directly attacked Shiro.

"Mu Dun. Wooden Wall! Yamato

beside Shiro quickly froze, and the wooden wall rose up in front of Shiro's body, blocking this attack.

The ultimate psychic beast in the cultivation pool seemed to be enraged, and the speed of shattering of the giant cocoon accelerated, and soon all of it fell off, and the ultimate psychic beast stood up.

Then he bent his legs and jumped straight up.


The ultimate psychic beast fell to the ground, and the floor tiles on the square suddenly shattered, stirring up a field of dust.

After the smoke and dust cleared, Lei Luo and the others finally saw the true appearance of the ultimate psychic beast.

"It's so ugly!"

Lei Luo looked at the ultimate psychic beast and couldn't help but sigh.

The appearance of the ultimate psychic beast seems to be a splicing of various creatures, with a huge mouth full of sharp teeth on its abdomen, insect-like tentacles on its head, and compound eyes like flies.

Above the mouth, there are countless slender tentacles, and it is these tentacles that have just shot.

The lower body is somewhat similar to the Tyrannosaurus rex in the dinosaurs that Relo knew in his previous life, with thick and powerful legs and knotted muscles.

"Is this the ultimate psychic beast?" Rope Tree muttered.

"In my opinion, it's just a gluttonous monster, with no spirituality at all." The waterstop interface said.

Shigego nodded when he heard Shuishui's words, and then spoke: "I feel that the state of this ultimate psychic beast is a bit like my violent state.

"Of course, I wouldn't be so disgusting."

Lei Luo waved his hand at a few people and said, "Don't say these words, which of you wants to try the strength of this ultimate psychic beast?" The

rope tree and the water stop looked at each other, and at the same time said: "Let me try!" "

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