At this moment, the ultimate psychic beast struck again, and four or five tentacles attacked the water stop at the same time.

Seeing this, Shuishui did not panic at all, but laughed and said: "Hahaha, it seems that this ugly guy has chosen me as an opponent, so let me try his strength." Then

the instantaneous technique directly dodged the attacking tentacles, and when it appeared again, it had already reached the head of the ultimate psychic beast.

"Konoha. Rigid whirlwind! "

Stop Shui kicked the head of the ultimate psychic beast.

However, the tentacles on the head of the ultimate psychic beast directly spewed out a spider web, shrouded towards the water.

There is no way, the water can only be temporarily changed, and the hand is sealed.

"Fire. The art of fireballs! His

cheeks bulged, and a huge fireball spit out, burning the spider web clean in an instant, and rushing towards the ultimate psychic beast unabated.


A pair of wings suddenly spread out behind the ultimate psychic beast, and between the fanning, a violent wind attribute chakra gushed out, blowing the Hao fireball directly apart, and blowing the water back continuously.

"This guy even has wings, and he can run away?!" Shuishui had a hint of surprise in his heart.

But with the strength displayed by the ultimate psychic beast, Shuishui is still confident that it can be dealt with.

At this moment, the compound eyes of the ultimate psychic beast suddenly changed into multicolor, and the water stop who stared at it instantly felt a trance, but immediately sobered up.

"You even use illusion?"

"You actually used illusion in front of my Uchiha clan?!"

A water stop that accidentally landed, his heart was shocked and angry, and his hand quickly sealed again.

"Fire. Dragon Fire Art! A

fire dragon quickly rushed towards the Ultimate Psychic Beast, directly engulfing it.

Shuishui looked at the ultimate psychic beast that was engulfed by the fire dragon and breathed a sigh of relief, but the flames dissipated and found that it was unscathed.

"What's going on?!"

Shui Shui didn't understand why the ultimate psychic beast didn't have the slightest scar.

"Enough, stop the water, stop!"

At this moment, Lei Luo opened his mouth to stop the water, and then continued.

"Just now your Fire Chakra was absorbed by it, it is more restrained to you, it is no longer something you can deal with, leave it to me next."

Shuishui nodded, his figure flickered a few times, and returned to the team.

Lei Luo looked at the ultimate psychic beast with interest and thought to himself.

"If I fight it with light, is it considered Ultraman fighting a little monster?"

"Or a monster showdown?"

Relo thought that he had never tried Godzilla's complete tailed beast mode, looking at this ultimate psychic beast should be quite resistant, you can try.

So Relo directly induced Godzilla in his heart, and Godzilla's energy flowed along the meridians, and then continued to escape from Relo's body.

"You all go out first, I'm going to try out new abilities, I'm afraid I'll hurt you by mistake."

Lei Luo turned to Rope Tree and the others and said.

Rope Tree and the others heard Leiluo's order, and immediately retreated and withdrew outside the volcano.

Through the five visions, seeing that the rope tree has retreated, it should be safe enough.

Relo no longer controlled himself and directly released Godzilla in his heart.


Relo, who is transformed into Godzilla, feels that his vision is constantly rising, and he is about to touch the top of the cave.

So Relo directly waved his claws and broke the top wall of the cave, allowing himself to have enough space to move.

"Wow! It's a cool feeling!

Relo waved his arms wantonly, and this sense of power made him a little lost.

But soon Relo controlled his mind again and returned to normal.

"It seems that my mentality is still not stable enough, I almost lost in power, and I will strengthen the practice of Blade Zen in the future."

Compared with Relogosra, the current ultimate psychic beast is like the difference between a child and a giant.

But apparently the child was a bear boy and had no fear.

Looking at Relogothilla, who was so much larger than himself, the ultimate psychic beast did not have any idea of retreating, but rushed straight over and kicked towards Relogothzilla.

"Haha, good to go!"

Originally, after transforming into Godzilla, Lei Luo was also worried that the ultimate psychic beast would escape, but he didn't expect it to rush directly over, which was exactly what he wanted.


The leg kicked by the ultimate psychic beast was grasped by Relogothra, and there was an air explosion sound where the two sides collided.

Relogothra used his own power and actually directly picked up the ultimate psychic beast.

"Boom!" , "Boom! "Boom! The

rumbling sound kept coming, and the ultimate psychic beast was thrown around by Relogothilla like a rag doll.

Then he came out and smashed it on the ground, stirring up a cloud of smoke.


The ultimate psychic beast got up from the ground, shook its head, and continued to roar in its mouth.

Looking at Relogothilla in the distance, there was still no fear in the thoughts, the tentacles on his head were together, and a violent mine light shot towards Relogothzilla.

"Oh, there is even the power of Lei Duan, and after being beaten so much, it is still alive."

Lei Luo looked at the performance of the ultimate psychic beast, and commented on its performance with interest.

"Since you are so resistant, then I can also try this trick with confidence."

Relogothilla opened his mouth, and the energy continued to condense in his mouth, forming a crimson energy ball, and then as Relo vomited, the energy ball spun and shot out.

This move is Godzilla's atomic breath, of course, it should now be called atomic jade.

However, Lei Luo is still worried about directly killing the ultimate psychic beast, although this psychic beast is not a threat to Lei Luo, but for the rope tree, it is still a very strong psychic beast.

And the most precious thing is that it can continue to devour evolution like Godzilla, but Godzilla only devours energy, and this ultimate psychic beast is a devouring creature.

Therefore, Leiluo's atomic jade was still slightly deflected, so that it only rubbed the body of the ultimate psychic beast.

But this is still too powerful for the ultimate psychic beast, although it uses its ability to absorb the energy of atomic jade, but it does not have much effect.

Half of his body was directly blasted into atomic form and disappeared into this world.


The atomic jade fell in the distant mountains and forests, as if purifying, and everything touched instantly dissipated, leaving only a bottomless pit in the ground.


The ultimate psychic beast fell to the ground, it really felt the threat of death, and constantly used its ability to repair its body, but it had only just stopped the injury, and the disappeared half of its body would never return.

Looking at Relogothilla, who was walking towards him again, the ultimate psychic beast knelt down to show his surrender, and he finally had a second emotion besides the desire to devour.

That's fear!

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