As Tsunade's foot stepped out, the land in front of him was directly kicked up, blocking in front of everyone, blocking a lot of attacking ninjutsu.

The remaining few ninjutsu are even more harmless to everyone.

Just as Tsunade was about to strike, Relo stopped her.

"Tsunade-sama, after all, we are your guards, and you don't need to make a move to deal with these guys."

Then he turned his head to the rope tree and stopped the water and said, "This time the enemy can just try your abilities, you go and deal with them." "


The rope tree and the water stop answered, and then rushed towards the enemy.

Relo and Kakashi stayed by Tsunade's side to escort.

"I don't know who is so bold as to dare to send someone to ambush." Tsunade said angrily.

"Who else but Tuanzo?" Relo replied.

Tsunade turned his head to look at Relo and said, "Reilo, although I hate Danzo too, most of his actions are for the village, so it should not be him."

Relo sneered and said, "Tsunade-sama, don't think of him too well for Konoha, he's just a selfish villain." "

He once assassinated Sandaime-sama in order to gain the position of Hokage."

"Now that you have such a good opportunity out of the village, if he doesn't seize it, when will he become Hokage."

Tsunade nodded and replied, "Relo, I admit that what you said is very reasonable, but if there is no evidence, there is nothing I can do with him.

"After all, those old guys in the elder group are all a hill, and they can't get used to me in the first place."

"If I deal with Tuan Zang without evidence, they will definitely not agree."

Relo said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, Tsunade-sama, in order to prevent his subordinates from revealing his secrets, he has placed a tongue seal on the tongues of everyone in the roots.

Then Relo's figure flickered, bringing the corpse of the root ninja he had just killed, and then he opened his mouth and pulled out his tongue, saying to Tsunade.

"Tsunade-sama, please take a look!"

Tsunade saw that there was indeed a mark on the ninja's tongue, and believed what Relo said.

"Hmph! I didn't expect it to really be him!

"Leiluo, when we return to the village, you go and tear down his root base for me!"

"Yes! Tsunade-sama! "

While Relo and Tsunade are talking, Rope Tree and Shisui have already solved all the root ninjas who are in ambush.

"Tsunade-sama, Reiro-sensei, all enemies have been destroyed."

"Very good, well done!"

Then Tsunade said to the rope tree: "Rope tree, it seems that you have really grown up and become stronger. Rope

Tree touched the back of his head, looking a little embarrassed to face Tsunade's compliment.

"Sister, this is all thanks to Teacher Leiluo."

Tsunade nodded, and then spoke, "Okay, go and seal these corpses with the sealing scroll, I'll see what else Danzo has to say." After

everyone sealed the corpses and cleaned up the battlefield, they rushed to the capital.


Two days later, everyone finally arrived at the capital.

Looking at the majestic city wall in front of you, the city wall several feet high is completely made of bluestone, and from time to time you can see neatly dressed soldiers running back and forth on it, looking at their spirit when patrolling, it is obviously not a flower shelf, worthy of being the capital of the country of fire.

"Let's go!"

As soon as Tsunade gave the order, everyone walked into the capital.

After entering the city, Lei Luo looked around curiously.

As the capital city that controls the economic lifeline of the Fire Country, it is very prosperous.

Low buildings and some pavilions are very concentrated, and shops are everywhere.

Walking on the streets of the busy city, the ears of everyone are the shouts of some vendors.

Handmade pottery from the Land of the Wind, cloth from the Land of Water, rock carvings from the Land of Earth...

A wide range of products, you can say that you can say everything.

"It's really powerful, these businessmen, they dare to run around in this dangerous ninja world for money."

Relo thought to himself as he looked at the lively scene.

Tsunade's expression did not change at all, after all, this was not the first time she had come to the capital.

"Let's go to the daimyo mansion first, and then there will be time for you to come out."

Tsunade spoke.

The daimyofu of the Land of Fire is naturally located in the center of this city.

Tsunade took Relo and the others to the front of the daimyo mansion, and after identifying themselves, they were respectfully invited in and arranged in the guest room where the guests lived.

Not long after, Asma came to the guest room, hearing the news.

"Tsunade-sama, is this road still going well?" Asma asked.

After all, as the son of the third generation of Hokage, Asma is also very familiar with Tsunade, and does not act too raw.

Tsunade nodded and replied, "It's nothing, after all, we are so strong, ordinary little furry thieves don't dare to come to us for trouble."

But Tsunade's heart remembered the root ninja who was ambushed on the road, and remembered to go back to find Danzo to settle the account.

Tsunade then spoke, "Asma, when the new daimyo takes the throne, you should go back with us."

Asma nodded, "It's time to go back, I haven't been back to Konoha for ten years, and I don't know how the old man is now."

Tsunade said with a smile, "It's not that you had to make trouble with the old man at that time, you had to run to be the guardian of the twelve Shinobi."

"By the way, I remember that when you were at the ninja school, you were in the same class as Relo and Kakashi, you guys are here to catch up with the old first, and I'll go meet this new daimyo."

With that, Tsunade walked out of the guest room.

Asma, on the other hand, was a little embarrassed to look at Relo and Kakashi, after all, Kakashi graduated early and had no intersection with him.

And Lei Luo even robbed the red who was in his face, and the two people also had many small conflicts.

Relo saw Asma's embarrassed state, and took the initiative to smile and say hello, after all, so many years have passed, everyone has grown up, they are all classmates, there is no need to entangle the small contradictions in the past.

"Asma, long time no see!"

Asma looked at the smiling Relo, and also let go of the embarrassment in his heart, and replied: "Long time no see, Relo, Kakashi!"

Kakashi nodded and didn't speak, still dead-eyed as always.

Lei Luo then spoke: "Everyone sit, don't be so restrained."

"Oh, by the way, these two are my disciples."

"This is Rope Tree, Tsunade-sama's younger brother."

"This is Shuishui, he is a genius of the Uchiha clan."

Asma nodded, and also said hello to the rope tree and the water stop, and the strength must be good to be able to come with Tsunade as a guard.

Then sighed and said: "I didn't expect that so many years would pass in the blink of an eye, and your current students are already so strong." "

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