"The village must have changed a lot over the years!"

Relo listened to Asma's words, shook his head, and replied: "I don't think there has been any change in the village, although there was a lot of damage during the Nine Tails Rebellion, but there was no change overall.

"But now that the war is over, there are more and more newborns in the village, and Konoha has begun to expand outward."

Asma nodded and was about to say something.

"Knock knock !!"

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Rope Tree walked over and opened the door, and saw a monk standing outside the door.

"May I ask the benefactor, is Asma here?"

Asma heard a voice coming from outside the door and replied, "Master Jilu, I'm here, is there something going on?"

Ji Lu outside the door replied, "The daimyo has something to summon."

Asma got up and replied, "Okay, come right away."

Then he turned to Lei Luo and said, "Lei Luo, then I'll go first, and let's talk slowly later."

Relo nodded, looking at Asma's back as he left without speaking.


The time soon came the day of the new daimyo's succession, and the entire capital was more lively than usual.

The daimyos of the other four major countries and various small countries also sent representatives to observe the ceremony.

"A grand welcome to the representative of the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder!"

"A grand welcome to the representative of the daimyo of the Land of Tsuchinokoku!"


grand welcome to the daimyo representative of the Land of Wind!"

Relo, as Tsunade's guard, also got the opportunity to come to the high platform, standing behind Tsunade and watching the daimyo representatives of the countries below take their seats.

"The succession ceremony begins!"

The ceremonial minister of the Fire Nation presided over the ceremony, and only after hearing him shout, the music began to sound.

Next, it was a long and boring ceremonial process.

Lei Luo looked at it for a while and felt very bored, and then began to scan the crowd watching the ceremony below, mentally pointing out their outfits.

"Look at this guy, he is worthy of being the representative of the country of thunder, it is estimated that he is the darkest in their country, how scary it is to walk on the road at night."

"How is the representative of this country of winds tighter than Majibao, just like the Arabs in the previous life."


boring ceremony ended in Relo's silent complaining.

For Relo, it's better for him to go to someone else to fight.

Once the ceremony was completed, they could return to Konoha, the only difference from when they came was from five to six.

One more Asma.


Three days later, Relo and they finally returned, and Konoha's gate was close at hand.

After entering the village, Asma looked around curiously, after all, he had not returned for ten years.

After arriving at the Hokage Building, Tsunade announced that everyone had disbanded and that they could all go back to rest.

But Relo was left alone by Tsunade.

"Lei Luojun, since you are back now, you can prepare to deal with Tuan Zang."

"He dared to send someone to assassinate me! Be sure to make him pay!

Tsunade's temper was already relatively hot-tempered, and he couldn't deal with Danzo in the capital before, but now back in Konoha, Tsunade couldn't bear it.

After taking a few deep breaths, Tsunade calmed his mood for a moment, and then spoke: "But don't go too far, after all, they are all ninjas in the village, just teach him a lesson."

Relo nodded after listening to Tsunade's words, and replied, "Tsunade-sama, don't worry, leave this matter to me!"

Tsunade waved his hand when he heard this, signaling that Relo could go back.

And she left the village for so many days, it is estimated that there is a backlog of things that need to be dealt with.

"It seems that I have to work overtime today, alas, after the busy time, find a time to gamble and relax, it's really troublesome to be a Hokage." Tsunade thought to himself.

Relo returned to the land of the Senju Clan and spent a leisurely afternoon in peace while teasing Naruto and Pikachu.

After late night, Relo turned on the five-sight omnipotence, observed that there were no hidden people around, and then quietly slipped out of the Konoha clan.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, he decided to do it tonight!

Although Tsunade asked his subordinates to show mercy, things will always be a little unexpected, after all, Danzo is also an elder of Konoha, his strength is strong, and it is understandable that he can't hold his hand.

Lei Luo had long wanted to solve the old yin ratio of Tuan Zang, but he never found a suitable opportunity, but he didn't expect that Tuan Zang would actually deal with Tsunade, as if he had lost his mind.

Did he think that everyone would tolerate him like an ape flying sun?

Relo took advantage of the night to sneak all the way, and for him, who had five visions, it was easy to avoid the dark parts of the village patrolling.

For the base of the root, Relo has long known its location. The base on the edge of Konoha was just right to avoid Relo accidentally injuring the rest of the village.

Soon, Lei Luo came to the entrance of the root base, and the entire base was hidden by the enchantment, and if it was an ordinary person, it would not be discovered at all.

Just as Lei Luo was about to enter the root base, the system prompt sounded again, making him can't help but snort.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for triggering the mission: sweeping away the darkness.

"Sweep away the darkness: As a light, you and the darkness are naturally natural enemies, the root is the darkness hidden under the big tree of Konoha, it should not exist in the world, please kill the danzo and destroy the root."

"Mission Reward: God-level Draw Points*1."

Lei Luo looked at the system prompt and agreed with him, but he still couldn't help but complain: "System, can you not be so surprised when you prompt it next time."

Unexpectedly, the system replied to him this time.

"The prompt sound is not short, do you want me to add a dynamic music to you?"

When Lei Luo heard the system's reply, he couldn't help laughing, and said with a joke: "If you can add a dynamic music, then you can add it."

The system coldly replied "Neuropathy!" Then he ignored Relo.

After calling the system several times without responding, Relo stopped teasing the system, adjusted his state and prepared to start.

"Since the task of the system is to eliminate the root, then give him a big move first!"

"It's a pity that this is still in the village, otherwise I would have incarnated Godzilla and spit it out with one move, and directly purified the entire root."

"Well, this trick works."

Lei Luo suddenly thought of a move of ninjutsu that he had developed, although the shortcomings were obvious, but the power was just right.

So Lei Luo's right hand was held in the void, and the ice wheel pill appeared in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Lei Luo mobilized the Chakra in his body to continuously inject into the Ice Wheel Pill Blade body, and now Relo's Chakra is many times more than back then, and the power of this move should also be greatly improved.

When Lei Luo felt almost condensed, he finally released this trick.

"Guangdu. Heaven Lock Cut the Moon! "

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