Tuan Zang looked at Lei Luo, his eyes full of unwillingness and resentment.

And Lei Luo released the overlord-colored domineering energy and concentrated it on Tuan Zang.

Tuan Zang instantly felt an invisible force pressing on him, but he couldn't resist it after all, and he fell to his knees.

Looking at Tuan Zang, who was kneeling in front of him, blood was constantly spurting out of his eyes and the corners of his mouth, and a smile appeared at the corner of Leiluo's mouth.

"Damn guys!"

Tuan Zang looked at Lei Luo, who was walking slowly, and now he was only full of unwillingness.

Lei Luo looked at Tuan Zang, who was powerless to resist, and when he raised his hand, a laser ray of light shot directly through Tuan Zang's head.

But the next moment, Tuan Zang appeared in place unscathed, and the state of his body was also restored.

Seeing this, Lei Luo was stunned for a moment, and then reacted again.

"This must be Izanagi."

Izanagi is one of the ultimate pupil techniques of the Uchiha clan, and is called "perfect pupil technique" by Uchiha Itachi.

The function is to record the caster's own state with the Sharingan at the moment of activation.

Then, within the effective time of the technique, any damage suffered by the caster, even the death of the caster, can be physically restored to the state recorded by the chakra eye.

The price was that the eye that used Izanagi would permanently lose its light, so it was classified as a forbidden technique.

Relo remembered that behind Danzo's bandaged eyes were the eyes of his former veteran Uchiha Kagami.

Fortunately, the extermination of the Uchiha clan has not happened yet, otherwise, Danzo would have collected a lot of Sharingan and installed them on himself with the help of the Great Snake Pill.

It would be much more troublesome to kill again.

Tuan Zang, who had died once, finally felt fear.

He no longer thought about how to deal with Relo, but was already ready to escape.

"Nope! The old man can't die here! Absolutely not! "

Wind escape. Vacuum Link! "

Wind escape. Vacuum big jade! "

Tuan Zang frantically sealed the seal, constantly releasing the Wind Escape Ninjutsu, wanting to force Lei Luo back.

But I saw that Lei Luo's figure kept flickering, and he had already appeared in front of Tuan Zang.

Danzo already felt that he could not escape, so he was fierce in his heart, and once again sealed a ninjutsu in his hand.

"Hahaha! Leiluo, you will accompany your husband to hell!

Tuanzo laughed maniacally, black blood spurted out from all parts of his body, and his entire body began to expand.

"Sealing. Four Elephant Seals!

"Boom!" In a moment, Tuan Zang's whole person exploded, and a pitch-black vortex appeared at the place where Tuan Zang exploded, constantly spreading and pulling everything around.

"You old man, you still want to drag me to hell with you, I am not blessed, or you go by yourself."

Lei Luo directly burst out his own Chakra, bursting several times faster, and escaped far away, avoiding the pull of the vortex.

When the vortex disappeared, the entire root base disappeared with it, leaving only a deep pit.

The system's prompt also sounds.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for completing the mission to sweep away the darkness, kill the group, and eliminate the roots. "

Get the mission reward: God-level draw points*1."

Lei Luo looked at the deep pit in front of him and smiled, Tuan Zang this old thing finally died.

"It seems that I still have to thank Tuan Zang, if it weren't for the four elephant seals in his move, I would still have to think about how to finish it."

"How good it is now, everything is clean, nothing has to be done."

"It's time to go back to Tsunade!"

Then Lei Luo rushed directly towards the Hokage Building in an instant.

"Tsunade-sama, fortunately, the roots have all been wiped out." Relo slipped straight into Hokage's office through the window and spoke to Tsunade.

Tsunade raised his head sharply when he heard this, his face full of surprise.

"Solved the roots so quickly?"

"And how did you destroy the roots completely, didn't I tell you to pay attention to proportion?"

Relo waved his hand and said, "Tsunade-sama, you can't blame me for this, this was done by Danzo himself."

"He used the Four Elephant Seal to die with me, but I ran out, and Danzo disappeared with the entire root."

Tsunade listened to Relo's explanation and sighed helplessly.

"Well, since they are all dead, then so be it, you worked hard, go back to rest early."

"It is estimated that those guys from the elder group should come to trouble me again tomorrow."

Relo spoke: "Tsunade-sama, I feel that the existence of the Elder Group is no longer suitable for the development of Konoha, their thinking is rotten and they do not want to advance, it is time to give up their position.

Tsunade gave Relo a blank look, "You said it easily, can they hand over the power in their hands so easily?"

"Forget it, you go back first, I'll think about this matter, it's not time yet."

Relo listened to what Tsunade said, didn't say anything more, turned around and left.


Konoha Village, Senju Clan Land.

Relo slipped back quietly again, without making any movement, took off his clothes and lay on the bed.

Now that the task has been completed, it's time for a lottery.

"System, I want a lottery!"

A dynamic music sounded, the system roulette wheel flew out, and I saw that the prizes above were

: S-class props: Devil Fruit * Everyone Fruit * Big Buddha Form

S-class weapons: Slashing knife * Sleeve snow

S-level equipment: Imperial tools * Ever-changing [Crossover Tail]

S-class props: Clear Eye

S-level props: Emperor Armor Summoner S-level

skills: Ephemera Art

Devil Fruit* Renren Fruit * Big Buddha form, from the One Piece world, belongs to the Devil Fruit animal line phantom beast species.

The Fruit Buddha type is a form in which the Fruit of Everyone has great power, and those who possess this ability can transform into a huge golden Buddha.

But its real effect is to raise the strength, wisdom, spirit, and skill potential of the eater to the limit of human beings, and to combine a huge body like a big Buddha with a smart mind and perfect skills, so that he can become the ultimate person with both mental and physical skills, which is the power of the Buddha-type fruit of everyone.

The ice and snow slashing knife held by Rukia Kurumi, the captain of the thirteenth team of the protective court in the original work, is known as the most beautiful slashing knife in the corpse soul world at present - the blade, handguard, and handle are all pure white slashing knives.

Emperor Tool* Ever-changing [Crossover Tail], from the world of Crimson Eyes, linear Emperor Tool, can open as a trap or probe the enchantment of enemies, and also has the ability to bind and cut, just like its nickname is kaleidoscopic.

The silk thread is made of the body hair of the super dangerous species that is said to inhabit the clouds of the East China Sea, and is not only strong but also extremely sharp, the strongest of which is called the "boundary broken thread", which is far tougher than other silk threads. Skilled users can use the ability of the thread to make the thread enter the blood vessel and seal the blood vessel to achieve suspended animation and avoid enemy attacks.

Clear Eye, a pupil technique from the Hokage world. The clear eye is light blue, the bulbar conjunctiva is black, you can see the Chakra flow of the surrounding environment, and you can see far-sighted eyes in the distance and see through objects, but they do not burst into bruises when used like white eyes.

The Emperor Armor Summoner, from the Armor Warrior World, Emperor Armor is a naturally generated armor in the universe, self-aware, known to exist for hundreds of millions of years. Founded the Light Universe hundreds of millions of years ago, he is also the supreme ruler of the Light Universe and the strongest armor in the Light Universe.

The art of mayflies, from the world of Naruto, has the effect of fusing one's flesh with the earth and trees to achieve high-speed movement, a unique infiltration technique. Cut off all breath during the launch of ninjutsu, and no one will find it.

"Start the lottery!"

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for obtaining S-class items: Devil Fruit * Everyone Fruit * Big Buddha Form! "

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