Early the next morning, the Shimura clan already knew the news of the group's hiding and death, and the crowd was excited for a while.

Although Shimura Danzo is not a good person, when he is still here, the status of their Shimura clan can be improved a lot.

In the past, they were only a branch of the Wind Demon Clan, but now they have a good status in Konoha Village, and the original Wind Demon Clan has gone to somewhere.

For how to face the death of the group and the future development of the Shimura clan, the senior management of the Shimura clan gathered together and discussed.

"Clan elder, Lord Tuanzang was attacked like this, can't the village give us the Shimura clan?" The elder of the Shimura clan spoke.

Shimura Patriarch Shimura Wolf Yi, who was sitting on the upper throne, was also angry when he heard the elder's words, and opened his mouth and roared back, "Do you think I didn't ask Naruto-sama?" "

Shimura Danzo was attacked because he took his own fault."

"If he hadn't sent someone to assassinate Naruto-sama, there wouldn't have been this result at all."

"Shimura Danzo just so that he can take the position of Hokage, he stays in the root base every day to play intrigues, and does not put the family in his heart at all."

"Do you know how much impact what he's doing now has on the family?"

"It is very likely that our Shimura clan will be ostracized by the top of the village because of him and gradually marginalized."

"Have you thought about that?"


Shimura's words made the entire conference room quiet, and everyone lowered their heads, even the few elders who were agitated earlier.

"Bang bang bang !!"

Shimura slapped the table hard and shouted at everyone present, "What are you doing with your head down?" You talk! "

But still no one spoke.

So Shimura Wolf Yi then spoke: "If you don't say yes, then what will I say next and what you do, don't raise an objection to me." "

First of all, apologize, apologize to Naruto-sama in the name of the family."

"Second, expelling Shimura Danzo from the family, and Danzo has nothing to do with us from now on."

"Third, tell those under you to be in peace, and don't cause any more trouble to the family."

"Did you hear me clearly?!"

At this time, the high-level officials of the Shimura clan present began to reply and expressed their support.

They also understand this truth, the reason for Tuanzo's death itself lies in Tuanzang, and they have no reason to ignore the interests of the entire family for the sake of a dead person.

This is how the major families survive.

"Since you all know, let's all go down, disperse!"


Fast forward another half a year, and now it's late autumn, and Naruto celebrated his third birthday last month.

This marks the passage of half of Relo's five-year plan.

On this day, Relo stayed in the house, watching Rin knitting a bib for him, but another dark part flashed in.

"Lord Relo!" Dark spoke.

"What happened?" Lei Luo looked at the dark part in front of him and asked.

The Dark Ninja replied, "Naruto-sama has something to find you!"

Lei Luo stood up and said, "Let's go." Coming

to Hokage's office, Tsunade looked at Relo and said straight to the point, "Relo came to you this time because he has a mission that needs to trouble you.

Relo nodded and asked, "Tsunade-sama, what mission?"

Tsunade replied, "Not long ago, the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow from Yunyin Village delivered me a letter with something written on it.

Yunyin said that a treasure chest was found in Ghost Lantern City, and it was said that getting it could grant any wish. The former Caoyin Village almost ruled the world by it.

"Although I don't really believe this thing exists, I still need to investigate."

"This mission will be carried out by you alone, and I am more assured of your strength."

Lei Luo nodded, "No problem, leave it to me!" "


When Relo heard Tsunade mention Ghost Lantern City, he already knew what this place was.

Ghost Lantern City itself is an isolated island prison commissioned by the Five Great Nations to build Kusanagi Village, and ninjas who commit crimes in the major ninja villages but do not commit crimes to death will be sent here to be imprisoned.

The lord of Ghost Lantern City is a Kusanagi Murakami Shinobu named Wuwei, who can use a ninjutsu called "Fire Escape Heavenly Prison Technique" to suppress prisoners.

This ninjutsu restricts condensing Chakra, leaving Ghost Lantern City or away from Wuwei, and the Heavenly Dungeon Technique will be launched, burning the Medium Magician. No ninja can ever leave Ghost Lantern City and use ninjutsu until the Heavenly Dungeon Art is lifted.

There is a mysterious box in the Ghost Lantern City, which is said to fulfill the wish of the person who opened it, the ultimate weapon of the Six Immortal Ages, and there are four faces on all sides of the box: joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness. The box comes with a special technique. According to legend, in the era of the Six Dao Immortals, Caoyin Village almost got the whole world through it.

Born with enlightenment, moved with enlightenment, and ended with enlightenment, in the theatrical version, the city lord of Ghost Lantern City Wuwei opened through the power of the Uzumaki Naruto pillar force, resurrecting his son Wuwei, who was swallowed by the box ten years ago, but thus created a monster - Wu, which caused a big war.

Ghost Lantern City can be found in the deep sea and is an isolated island. Moreover, the island is full of reefs, and storms often come, and it is almost impossible to rely on ordinary ships to get close to Ghost Lantern City, most of them are killed in storms or reefs.

But for Relo, these are not a problem, and Relo easily came to Ghost Lantern City through Tam's ability.

Looking at the ghost lamp city with bright lights above and people constantly patrolling, Lei Luo was thinking about how to enter quietly.

Lei Luo opened the five-sight omnipotence, observed the time of the change of guards, waited for a long time to finally found the opportunity, and his figure flashed, and he entered the Ghost Lantern City, and no one found it.

In order to avoid exposure, Relo has always turned on the five-sight omnipotence, and for Relo's current Chakra, even if it is turned on for three days and three nights in a row, Chakra will not be exhausted.

It was late at night, and the prisoners were in the cell, which also reduced the possibility of Relo's exposure.

Although it is easy to solve the entire Ghost Lantern City with Leiluo's strength, there is no need, Lei Luo is not a person who likes trouble.

The figure lurked in the shadows, and Lei Luo continued to go deeper into the Ghost Lantern City, and soon came to the location of the prison cell.

Lei Luo observed the entire prison through the five visions and found that it was divided into three layers, which should be detained according to different strengths.

But what surprised Relo the most was that he found a familiar figure in the lowest cell of the prison.

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