
Although I don't know how the other party noticed, it was already a fact that they were exposed.

However, it can also be seen that the guys in that caravan are definitely not ordinary ninjas, I am afraid that they are sentient ninjas.

At this moment, the caravan in front had stopped, and some of the figures looked awe-inspiringly at the rear.

"Swoosh!" A

few guys who seemed to be ordinary people instantly showed extraordinary speed, and also completely exposed the identity of this caravan.

"What to do?!" Red

watched those people directly show their speed, rushed towards this side, and suddenly looked at Relo.

Judging from the movement speed of these people, all of them should

be elite Shinobi! This is an elite force composed of elite Shinobi, then the leader should be an upper Shinobi.

"Since they are here, let's slaughter them all.

Looking at the enemy rushing over, Lei Luo's eyes were awe-inspiring.

"The guy in the lead over there should be a superior Shinobi.

"Can that Shangnin block it?" asked Relo.


Hong and Xiyan looked serious, but nodded anyway.

"Okay, I'll do the rest. "

The next moment.

Leiluo's figure flickered, and directly rushed towards the nearest

ninja! "Laser Light" raised his hand to shoot at the ninja in front of him, and then his figure flashed, appeared in front of another ninja, holding an ice wheel pill and slashing at the neck of the enemy ninja.

With just one face, the enemy had already been solved by two Naka-Shinobi!

"Damn it!" the enemy Shangnin let out a low roar, and was ready to step forward to attack Leiluo, but was blocked by Red and Xiyan.

"Illusion Technique.Naraku no Jutsu" red fingers flew over, quickly sealed, raised hand is a killing move, the enemy Shinobu seems to see the most feared thing, and instantly looked in a trance.

Of course, Xi Yan would not miss this great opportunity, and directly pierced the heart of the enemy Shangnin with his sword.

What surprised Xi Yan was that the Shangnin in front of him actually shattered and turned into ice cubes.

"Ice doppelganger?!" This

time finally completely exposed the source of this elite force.

Mist Hidden Village

! This captain is a ninja of the Shui Wuyue clan! What he uses is the Blood Succession Boundary Ice Escape!

Two corpses fell in front of Relo. And around them, there are still five elite Zhongnin.

They all had shocked looks on their faces.

"Damn, this guy..."

"actually killed them instantly... "

Beware, he's here again!" Lei

Luo's figure rushed to a person, holding the ice wheel pill in his hand, and swung it suddenly.

The people in front of him have been separated from each other

! "Water Escape! Water Dragon Bullet Technique!" "Wind Escape! Wind Cut!"

"Water Escape! Water Rush!" The

remaining ninjas were

shocked, and when Lei Luo cut the ninja in half, he did not hesitate to launch ninjutsu.

In an instant, the wind howled and the water was fierce.

The water was wrapped in a fierce wind, rolling in like a terrifying wave, about to swallow Lei Luo with a bang.

But Lei Luo didn't care, turned into light, and instantly flew into the sky.

"Eight Qiong Gou Yu" raised his hand and countless light bullets smashed down, and after Leiluo's continuous adaptation and development of the ability of the Shining Fruit, the power of the current "Eight Qiong Gou Jade" is close to S-level ninjutsu.

Under this dense dazzling light bullet, the rest of the Naka-ninja was unavoidably beaten into a sieve.

"Very good"

The corners of Leiluo's mouth raised slightly, and the figure flickered and disappeared in place.



The battle between Hong and Xiyan and Shui Wuyue Shangnin was extremely fierce.

Although Hong and Xiyan are only middle ninja, the cooperation between illusion and swordsmanship is extremely difficult, so that Shui Wuyue Shangnin has to be careful to guard against.

But after all, Shui Wuyue Shangnin has the blood stain boundary of Bing Duan, and the amount of Shangnin Chakra is more than that of the red two, and he has always been in the upper hand.

And the Chakra of Red and Xiyan is about to run out, and the physical strength is also very consumed, and it seems that he can't hold on.

"Hmph, you guys are about to be unable to hold on, the two middle ninja can hold me for so long, it is enough to be proud of himself, after slaughtering you, I will send the remaining little devil down to accompany you." Shui Wuyue said viciously.

Shangnin faced Zhongnin, and he didn't take it for so long, which made him feel irritable.

At this moment, his heart suddenly tightened, and he immediately sealed his seal and used the substitute technique.

"Boom!" a ray of light hit where he was standing.

"It's not ashamed, and I don't know who is going to send whom. "

It's Relo.

"Hong, Xiyan, you two go to the side to rest first, recover from your injuries, and stay vigilant

!" "As for this guy, leave it to me!" Lei

Luo looked like no one else, completely angering Shui Wuyue Shangnin.

"Abominable little ghost, who are you looking down on, I am the Shangnin of the

Shui Wuyue clan!" "Bing Dun Yan Blowing Snow"

Shui Wuyue Shangnin quickly sealed the seal, quickly blowing out hundreds of ice crystal shurikens, and flying towards Lei Luo.

HuhLei Luo sneered disdainfully, the light on his body flashed, and the ice crystal shurikens that flew from the "Light Escape Resistance Aura" were blocked one after another, easily turned into snow water, and then evaporated clean, unable to set off the slightest wave.

Don't underestimate the temperature of the light, now the temperature of the light is already four or five thousand degrees Celsius, which is comparable to the temperature of the sun's surface.

Seeing this, Shui Wuyue Shinobu did not change his expression, and the seal in his hand flew over, and then he released the technique.

"Ice Mirror, Magic Mirror Ice Crystal"

saw that one ice mirror after another suddenly condensed, enveloping Lei Luo in it.

Lei Luo has now remembered this technique, which is the seventh squad that Naruto is in the original work, and faced the unique move of Shui Wuyuebai in the mission of the Land of Waves.

This technique uses ice to condense the moisture in the air, condensing into an ice mirror to surround the opponent, and the caster can move in the ice mirror at will to attack the opponent.

And to crack this technique, you must break the ice mirror.

Now that he had thought of a way to crack it, Relo let it go.

The trick of "Light Escape Laser Cannon" is that Lei Luo gathers the light attribute Chakra in the body and gathers it into his hand for release, and the gathered light has a terrifying penetration force and heat, which is equivalent to the advanced ninjutsu of "laser light".

With a loud bang, the ice mirror in front of him had been shattered and evaporated, and Lei Luo also broke away from the ice mirror.

Ninjutsu was broken, and Shui Wuyue Shinobu had blood stains on the corners of his mouth, and he was half-kneeling on the ground.

"Damn, what kind of ninjutsu is this?" "

So fast, so hot?!" This

ninja of Mist Ninja Village was full of disbelief, their family's "Magic Mirror Ice Crystal" was an A-grade ninjutsu.

Coupled with the weirdness of the ice escape, it was enough to trap three ninjas of the same rank.

But I didn't expect that in the hands of this young man, he couldn't even hold up for one round!

The light in the hands of "Guangdun Tiancong Cloud Sword" condensed and wrapped the ice wheel pill, which is also the result of the development of the Shining Fruit, the Tiancong Cloud Sword can not only condense into a lightsaber in the hand, but also use light to cover the weapon in the hand and increase its power.

Lei Luo slashed directly at Shui Wuyue Shangnin with a knife in an instant.

In the face of Leiluo's move, Shui Wuyue Shangnin didn't even have a chance to dodge, Leiluo's speed was too fast

!"Ice Escape! Ice Condensation Wall!" Under

this situation, Shui Wuyue Shangnin could only cast Ice Ninja Technique, wanting to resist.

But the ice wall in front of him was instantly shattered, and Relo had already slashed at his neck with a knife.

Not to mention himself, even the ice condensation wall defense ninjutsu that he had high hopes for was like tofu, and it was easily cut off by Lei Luo!

But against the light of Shangleiluo, it was as if he had encountered a natural enemy, and there was no chance of resistance at all! !

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