"Whew..." Seeing

that Shui Wuyue Shangnin in front of him had lost his vitality, Lei Luo couldn't help but feel relieved and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Hong and Xiyan quickly walked over and asked, "Are

you okay?" "It's okay, the physical strength is just out..." Lei

Luo shook his head, although the shining fruit is powerful, the premise is that it must have strong physical support.

Although he has been exercising wildly this year, he is still young after all, and the consumption of shining fruits is extremely large.

In other words, his attack power and speed are very powerful, but his staying power is not good, and when dealing with any enemy, he can only fight quickly!"

"I'll go check the corpse, and then we'll hurry back to the village to report."

"Good. Walking

up to the bodies of the Mist Ninjas, Relo began to search.

To Leiluo's disappointment, the weapons used by these Mist Ninjas were only ordinary steel swords, and there were no ninja swords.

As for the captain's body, he didn't even find anything, and he was a little speechless.

It seems that it is just a simple reconnaissance ninja squad in Mist Ninja Village, and there are no important people.

After shaking his head, Relo took out a scroll.

This is a scroll specially used to seal props, killing one upper Shinobi and seven middle Shinobi, empty words, you have to seal the corpse and bring it back.

Even if it is a dead person, the village can get intelligence from the corpse.

Soon, Relo sealed the bodies of the eight ninjas into the scroll.

The ordinary people of those caravans, as early as in the previous battle, were affected by the aftermath, and there was not a single survivor.

This is the pathos of ordinary people without power.

After packing everything up, the three of Lei Luo hurriedly rushed towards the direction of the village.


The third generation of the Konoha

Hokage Building

looked at the mission report submitted by Relo, and then looked at the sealing scroll that was set aside.


Go and give this scroll to the Intelligence Department and let them look it up to see if they can get any news." "


a dark part suddenly appeared, took the scroll and left.

That scroll was the one that sealed the corpses of the ninjas in the Mist Hidden Village.


Speaking over here.

After the three of Relo returned, they submitted the mission information book and the sealing scroll, and then disbanded and went back to rest.

Relo returned home, looked at the familiar surroundings, and touched the thin layer of dust that had accumulated on the table.

He muttered to himself: "I seem to have forgotten to close the window when I went out..."

and then turned the calendar hanging on the wall seven pages to today's date.

Relo cleaned the house carefully, then went out to take out the garbage with the trash can.

Dumping the garbage into the large garbage bin next to the road, Lei Luo was about to turn around and go back when a voice suddenly came from behind him: "Huh? Lei Luojun! Long time no see!" Lei Luo

turned his head and looked in the direction where the voice came from, and sure enough, he saw a young man with goggles, about ten meters away, that is, diagonally across the street, shouting and waving at him.

"Uchiha Obito, the crane tail I can barely suppress at the ninja school?" and

next to him stood a thin-looking teenager and a girl with a gentle smile.

The boy had silver hair and wore a mask that covered most of his face, revealing only his eyes.

With his hands in his pockets, he looked a little tugged.

After meeting this teenager.

Lei Luo couldn't help but be stunned, and almost shouted out "Qimu Wufengkai".

Dressed like this, it wasn't Kakashi Kiki, who else could it be?

Shaking his head, he shook his thoughts, shook off his chaotic thoughts, and walked over to Uchiha Obito, who was shouting at him.

"Long time no see, Reilo-kun" The girl greeted with a gentle smile, it was Relo's classmate, Uchiha Obito's teammate, Rin Nohara.

"Relo, what a coincidence, I didn't expect that we just came back from outside the village and met you, Rin and I are now in the middle of patience!"

said Uchiha Obito with a sunny smile on his face.

"Ah, I forgot to introduce you, this dead fisheye is a teammate of our squad, his name is Kiki Kakashi. "

Oh, hello, Kakashi, my name is Relo.

"Well, hello, I'm Kakashi Kiki.

Kakashi replied casually, turning his dead fish eyes that did not fluctuate in emotion, and his gaze was on Relo who was standing in front, and curiosity flashed in his eyes without leaving a trace.

At this time, Uchiha Obito suddenly said: "By the way, Reilo-kun, we are going to eat ramen at the Ichiraku ramen restaurant, would you like to come with us?

Looking at Obito's enthusiastic appearance, Leiluo's face twitched.

Although the two were classmates, they were the two well-known crane tails in the ninja school at that time, but there was no intersection, which is too familiar.

At this moment, Relo suddenly thought that he had another mission related to Kakashi.

Campus Overlord Mission 1: Defeat all male ninjas of the same period.

This task is only one Kakashi left behind.

Thinking of this, Relo nodded at Obito and said, "That's okay, but I'm going to challenge Kakashi first."

Then he said to Kakashi: "Kakashi, I heard that you are a genius of our class who graduated early, I want to challenge you, you will not dare."

Kakashi had a sense of pride of his own, plus he was also a little curious about Relo, so he agreed.


In the fourth training ground

, Relo and Kakashi stood in the middle of the field, their hands knotted with opposing seals.

Then Relo instantly rushed towards Kakashi.

Relo raised his hand and sent two rays of laser light at Kakashi.

"Whoops!" "

Wow!" To Relo's surprise, Kakashi was shot through by laser light before he could react!"

"Bang!" as

Rin exclaimed, I saw that Kakashi, who had been pierced by laser light, instantly turned into a piece of wood.

"What a quick stand-in!" said Relo with a frown.

Leiluo's pores tightened, and he reacted directly, aiming his direction behind him.

Sure enough, Kakashi's attack was already in sight.

I saw that the wrist of Kakashi's right hand rotated slightly, and the kunai in his hand outlined a perfect curve in the air, and in the blink of an eye appeared in front of Relo's throat.

It is worthy of being the son of Qimu Shuomao, and this speed is fast enough.

Relo dodged Kakashi's attack with a sideways turn, and the "Sky Cloud Sword" instantly condensed in his hand, slashing at Kakashi, forcing Kakashi back.

After pulling away the distance, Kakashi looked at Relo with solemn eyes, obviously completely serious.

Kakashi's hands quickly froze, "Water Rush

" Kakashi clasped his hands together, and in an instant summoned water that rotated and rose rapidly like a tornado, and then the water spread like a waterfall and hit Relo downward.

Lei Luo naturally did not sit still, and instantly flashed into the air, and countless light bullets of "Yachi Qiong Goyu" hit Kakashi.

"What kind of ninjutsu is this?!"

Kakashi was shocked in his heart, and quickly used the teleportation technique to dodge it, and his hands were frantically sealed.

"Earth Wall, Earth City Wall", an earthen wall blocked Kakashi's face, but it was instantly beaten apart.

"Tudun.Tuloon Gun", Kakashi shouted secretly, and taking advantage of the moment when the light bullet was blocked by the earthen wall, a huge stone spear bulged on the ground and attacked Relo in the air.

"Eight Mirrors" Relo came directly behind Kakashi with a ray of light, and put the "Celestial Cloud Sword" on Kakashi's neck.

"You lost, Kakashi!" whispered Relo.

"That's right, this time you won, and my Chakra will be exhausted. Kakashi's face was full of reluctance, but he could only shake his head and admit defeat on his own.

"Relo, you're strong, but I won't lose to you next time

!" "Hahaha, I didn't expect Kakashi that you actually lost, Relo did a good job!" Uchiha Obito shouted happily.

Let's go eat ramen, I'm going to starve to death!"

Congratulations to the host for completing Campus Overlord Mission 1 and defeating all male ninjas of the same period. "

Earn mission reward god-level draw points*1. "

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