Only a "click" was heard, and the core of the word "scorpion" shattered, and the scorpion instantly lost control of all the puppets, and the crimson amber also fell.

Kakuto was shocked to see this scene, having teamed up with the scorpion for so long, he still understood the strength of the scorpion.

I didn't expect the scorpion to be solved by Relo so easily.

"Jiaodu, now it's your turn, you were lucky to escape, but this time in a place like Ghost Lantern City, you don't have a chance to escape." Lei Luo said coldly.

Kakuto himself knows this truth well, and knows that it is time to desperately.

So the horns directly released their grievances, bursting out with all their strength, and countless black tentacles drilled out from within the body.

"Don't underestimate the old man!"

As soon as the words fell, the four masks behind him continued to distort, and they continuously released ninjutsu to attack Leiluo.

"Fire. Head hard! "

Wind escape. Crushing! "

Shui Duan. Water chaos! "

Lei Duan. Pseudo-dark! Then

his hands continued to seal, and his body also released ninjutsu at the same time to attack Leiluo.

"Tu Duan. Huangsennuma!

In an instant, Lei Luo's feet turned into a swamp, and Lei Luo's figure flashed and jumped into the air.

But at this time, the other four-attribute ninjutsu also attacked towards Lei Luo, and seeing that Lei Luo was already unable to avoid it.


Lei Luo instantly opened the Central Asian hourglass and turned into a golden figure.

Kakuto's ninjutsu hit Relo unharmed.

After the golden body was lifted, Lei Luo followed a path of light to the body of Kakuto, and Kakuto did not have time to defend, so he was cut off by Lei Luo with a mask, and the fire attribute heart died.

"Just so come that this guy in Kakuto resists beating, try the newly obtained ability of the Human Fruit * Great Buddha form."

Lei Luo is a man with a system, and the two fruit abilities are fused into one without the slightest conflict.

With Lei Luo's ability to mobilize the fruit of everyone in his body, the whole person instantly entered the Great Buddha form, and the roof of the secret room was instantly broken, and the entire secret room was exposed.

"What's that? Is it something that comes out of the Bliss Chest? The

three black-robed men who escaped from the secret room looked at the big Buddha that suddenly appeared, and they were very surprised in their hearts.

And in the secret room, Lei Luo, who turned into a big Buddha, smashed down with a punch at the horn, and Lei Luo, who reached the peak of his size and strength, had great power with every punch and kick.


With a punch, the entire Ghost Lantern City shook, and countless prisoners woke up from their sleep, but they didn't know what was happening outside.

The whole prison suddenly fell into riots.

Kakuto, who was hit by Lei Luo's punch, and the remaining three masks also died under this punch, and if it weren't for Kakuto's body using earth ninjutsu to escape into the ground, he would also die under this punch.

However, the corner capital that escaped into the ground also withstood a lot of pressure from ground shaking, and was almost buried alive in the ground.


The horns that drilled out of the ground again couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of blood, and they were covered in scaly wounds, and they were already in a state of serious injury.

And Wuwei, who had been hiding in the corner of the secret room, also withstood the impact of Lei Luo's punch and suffered a slight injury.

Lei Luo watched Jiaodu punch down again, and Jiaodu was already powerless to resist, and was directly smashed into a ball of meat sauce.

At this time, Wu Wei looked at the dead Jiaodu and knew that Lei Luo's next target must be himself.

So Wuwei instantly fell into madness, since staying here knowing that he would die, it was better to fight, and his hand was sealed again to open the Bliss Chest.

Then he plunged directly into the Treasure Chest of Bliss and disappeared.

Lei Luo looked at the dead Kakuto, and Wuwei, who threw himself into the Treasure Chest of Bliss, knowing that this time the matter was over, and no one would stop him from obtaining the Treasure Chest of Bliss anymore.

"But I'm obviously just here to investigate the situation, and you have to force me to do it." Lei Luo was very helpless in his heart, this situation was not what he wanted to see.

But since he has been exposed, he can't leave a living mouth, otherwise he may bring a lot of trouble to Konoha and disrupt his stable life.

Moreover, none of the people exiled to Ghost Lantern City deserved sympathy, and even if they were all eliminated, Lei Luo would not feel guilty.

Thinking of this, Relo mobilized Chakra again.

"Big Buddha form. Shock wave! Relo

slammed his punch on the ground again, but this time the power was not comparable to the previous few simple fists.

As Lei Luo's punch fell, the entire island began to shake violently, and then began to shatter, slowly sinking into the sea.

Ghost Lantern City is surrounded by turbulent sea whirlpools, and all the prisoners who fall into the sea with the island must have no chance of survival.

"So, am I already so strong?"

Lei Luo looked at the power of his punch and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

But he immediately came to his senses, lifted the Bliss Chest with one hand, summoned Tam, and threw the Paradise Chest into Tam's stomach.

Then Lei Luo lifted the form of the Great Buddha, stood on Tam's head, and after watching the island where Ghost Lantern City was located completely plunged into the deep sea, he turned around and walked into Tam's mouth.

With a whirlpool in the sea, it disappeared.

Soon after, the five major powers all learned the news of the fall of Ghost Lantern City, causing an uproar.


Land of Thunder, Yunyin Village, Thunder Shadow Building.

The fourth generation of Thunder Shadow heard the news reported by the Cloud Shadow Department in front of him, and suddenly fell into shock.

"What do you say? The entire island where Ghost Lantern City is located has fallen, and I don't know who did it? "

Originally, after learning the news of the Elysium Treasure Box, he was about to send someone to investigate, but he didn't expect that before the people left, he heard the news of the fall of Ghost Lantern City.

"Although I don't know who it is, the only thing that Ghost Lantern City can deserve the attention of others is the Bliss Treasure Chest, and now that Ghost Lantern City has fallen, it seems that the enemy wants to destroy the traces and prevent exposure."

"It seems that this Treasure Chest of Bliss is indeed something."

Therefore, the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow said to the cloud hidden dark part in front of him: "Use the channel of the entire dark part to find out for me who destroyed Ghost Lantern City."

"Most importantly, find out the whereabouts of that legendary Bliss Chest."

"Also, the ruins of Ghost Lantern City will also send someone to check to see if there are any remaining clues."

Yunyin Dark Department listened to the orders of the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow, bowed his head respectfully and said, "Yes!" Then

he turned and left.

And the country of earth, the country of wind, and the country of water are all similar reactions and orders.

Only Konoha Village, the Land of Fire, had also sent someone to investigate the situation, but Tsunade already had a vague answer in his heart.

After all, this time Lei Luo's task was personally arranged by her, but she knew that Lei Luo went to Ghost Lantern City, and for her, the most important thing now was to wait for Lei Luo to return to the village.

"Will it be you? Relojun? "

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