After leaving Ghost Lantern City, Relo returned to Konoha not long after.

And after returning to the village, he immediately went to the Hokage office to report the situation of the mission.

"Are you saying that you did see the Bliss Chest in Ghost Lantern City, but there is also a mysterious organization whose purpose is this treasure chest?" Tsunade looked at Relo and asked in surprise.

"That's right, and the people in that organization are very strong, and the two people I met are S-class rebels from other villages." Relo nodded and said.

"S-class rebel?" Tsunade asked.

"That's right, one is the S-class rebel ninja Kakuto of Taki Hidden Village, and he is a ninja of the same era as the first generation of Naruto-sama." Lei Luo replied, "The other is the long-disappeared S-class Rebel Red Sand Scorpion of Sand Yin Village.

Tsunade pondered for a moment when he heard this, and said, "Then do you know what the origin of that organization is?"

Relo shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.

After all, the entire ninja world has changed so much because of him, and now he doesn't know who the organization is.

Tsunade looked at Relo's performance and said with a low sigh: "Alas, then you can only let the dark part check it out."

Then he asked, "What about the Chest of Elysium?" Relo

thought about it, but decided to hide the news of the Bliss Chest, after all, it should not be a good thing, if Konoha wanted to study, it was likely to find something unpredictable.

After all, in the original book, it was just that Wuwei's son Wuxian became a powerful monster after he came out of the treasure chest, and if Konoha entered a more powerful ninja, wouldn't the monster born as a result be more difficult to deal with.

So Lei Luo opened his mouth and replied: "The Bliss Treasure Chest is relatively large, there is no chance to get it out, and it has fallen into the deep sea with Ghost Lantern City."

Tsunade nodded when he heard this, as long as this treasure chest did not fall into the hands of other forces.

Then Tsunade said to Relo: "This mission is hard, you go back to rest first."

Relo listened to Tsunade's words, but did not turn around and leave, but opened his mouth and asked: "Tsunade-sama, I want to open a shop, is there any suitable place in the village?"

Tsunade listened to Relo's words and felt a little puzzled.

"You're going to open a store? What store to open?

Relo opened his mouth and replied, "Tsunade-sama, didn't I go to the Island of Oblivion on my last mission?" Where a lot of psychic beast contracts were signed, but their strength was still weaker for me.

"So, I thought it would be better to take them out to increase the strength of the village."

"But this psychic beast can't be given for nothing, so it's still necessary to open a shop."

"And I'm not too young, can't I get some family resources for starting a family in the future?"

Tsunade listened to Relo's words and nodded, then turned around and took out a scroll from the bookshelf behind him.

"This is our current plan of Konoha, and the green signs on it are not used by anyone yet, you can choose it."

Relo spread out the map and looked at the planned commercial area of Konoha Village, there were only six or seven uninhabited places left on it now, and most of them were relatively remote, but Relo didn't care.

After all, the people who can buy psychic beasts are also some family members or some civilian ninjas with small savings, so they don't need many customers.

And Lei Luo himself also opened a shop with some ticket nature, just to kill time, after all, now he has fewer and fewer tasks, and he has to find something to do.

So Lei Luo randomly chose a larger area, Lei Luo has done so many years of tasks, and he doesn't have much consumption, so his savings are still quite a lot.

Tsunade saw that Relo had chosen a place, and then signed a warrant for Relo to take to the Ministry of Finance to pay the money.

Relo walked out of Hokage's office with Tsunade's warrant.


After going back, Lei Luo and Lin talked about their plans to open a store, and Lin was also very interested, and followed Lei Luo to see the selected store early the next morning.

Relo and Lin came to the store and found that it was a two-story building with a large interior space beyond Relo's estimate.

"Lei Luojun, how are you going to decorate this shop?" Rin asked softly to Relo.

Lei Luo smiled and replied: "This store is so big, for opening a store, the first floor is enough to use, and the second floor is built into a bedroom."

Lei Luo thought of the layout of the exhibition he had seen in his previous life, and said: "On the first floor, I am going to make the exhibition hall into a circular exhibition area around it. "

Circular Pavilion?" Rin asked suspiciously.

"Yes, I roughly divide the psychic beast shop into five or six parts, here is the information desk, at this position at the door, make a long desk, and leave a storage space behind."

Relo walked to the position of the doorway, extended inward, and planned the general layout with his hands.

"This location, separated by partitions, is used as a signing office and office."

Relo walked to the east against the wall, about five or six offices apart, the psychic beast shop does not need too many office space, after all, it is mainly for ninjas, as long as there is a place for signing and finance.

"This area can be planned as an area for psychic animal supplies, as an area for all kinds of rare animal supplies, such as dog food, animal food pills, and even rare animal armor are in this area."

"The middle part of the area is the area of psychic leasing, and I want to divide it into categories, according to the type of psychic, it is divided into four major areas according to the type of psychic, attack, assist, control, and comprehensive." Relo pointed to the large area in the center.

"For example, this one."

Relo summoned a monkey and then casually pulled out a wooden card.

"I'll name this monkey Spirit Monkey.

Class: Attack class

name: Spirit monkey


1. Strong physical attack ability, super fast.

2. Can fist technique, upper ninja level physical skills.

Lin looked at the wooden card that Lei Luo had just carved out with bitterness, and her beautiful eyes were full of interest.

"Great idea!"

"Then let's go find the construction team to carry out the construction now!"

Relo nodded and followed Rin to find the construction team.

Many of Konoha's construction team are ninjas, and the efficiency of the officers is not comparable to the decoration company in the previous life.

And this kind of decoration is healthy and pollution-free, and there will definitely be no harmful substances such as formaldehyde.

A day after calling the construction team, Relo was already informed that the project was completed.

Lei Luo checked and checked, basically the same as his own plan, so he was very satisfied with the final payment of the project.

"After that, let's go to the flower spot in the mountain house to decorate it, and then you can open the business!"

"I now have my first property in the Hokage World!"

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