The opening of the Lei Luo store did not have a lively ribbon-cutting like in the previous life, but just invited a few friends to have a meal together.

It just so happened that Hong and Xiyan didn't have a mission now, so they also came to participate in the opening of Leiluo's shop.

After walking around the store, Hong offered to leave a room upstairs for her, and she was going to move over.

Lei Luo listened to Hong's words and couldn't ask for it, and let Hong choose a room he liked.

Moreover, Relo and Rin took Naruto and also moved out of the clan land of the Senju clan, and since they already had their own place, there was no need to send people under the fence.

And Tsunade is usually busy with government affairs, Naruto still brings it out, and it is better to be taken care of by Rin.

Naruto is also a natural person who loves to be funny, and he likes it very much when he looks at some small pets in the exhibition area of the store.

Fast forward a week, and the store opened a few deals.

Moreover, the people of the Inuzuka family have bought all the canine psychic beasts, ready to try to breed stronger canine psychic beasts.

The clerk's words, Relo did not make many moves, but just found two aunts who cleaned and a few disabled ninjas who were responsible for signing the contract.

Those ninjas had sweated and bled for Konoha, and although they were disabled, simple jobs could still be done, and recruiting them was some of Relo's compassion.

And after so many days of opening, there has not been any bloody police department to look for fault, and then Relo is pretending to punch in the face.

The Uchiha senior management must have known his identity and should have greeted the police department.

On this day, Lei Lu himself sat bored behind the consultation desk, looking at the intimate paradise that had just been listed not long ago, and examined it with a critical eye.

"This description is too simple, and at a glance you can tell that it is a fantasy." After Lei Luo finished reviewing, he put down the affectionate paradise with disdain, thinking in his heart whether he should also write a book in the future, so that he could also see what a literary hero was.

For example, "Ninja World Is a Thing in the Pool", "Female Ninja Baijie" and so on.

Just as Lei Luo was out of his mind, he suddenly heard someone who seemed to be calling himself.

When he looked down, he saw two children, one big and one small, standing in front of the consultation desk, and Lei Luo recognized their identities at a glance.

"Isn't this Itachi and Erzhu? I have to say that the second pillar when I was a child was quite cute.

Uchiha Sasuke looked at Relo looking at him, a little shy and a little scared to hide behind Uchiha Itachi.

At this moment, Uchiha Weasel spoke: "Hello boss, I heard that you have some very magical psychic beasts here, can you help us introduce them?" "

Although he is a member of the Uchiha clan, Itachi is still very polite and not as arrogant as other Uchiha.

Lei Luo replied with a kind smile on his face: "Of course, no problem, but what kind of psychic beast do you want?"

Uchiha Itachi listened to Relo's words, and did not answer immediately, but turned his head and pulled Sasuke behind him out, "Sasuke, don't be so shy, come and tell the boss what kind of psychic beast you want, did we say it shortly before we came, this is my gift for you."

Sasuke looked down and thought for a moment, then replied, "I want a stronger one with a faster speed."

Relo listened to Sasuke's words, screened the psychic beasts that still existed in the store, and spoke: "According to your requirements, I have four options here, you can consider them." Saying

that, Relo took the ferret and they came to the exhibition area.

"The first one is this, Giant Eagle." Lei Luo picked up the psychic scroll, summoned the giant eagle baby with a seal in his hand, and continued: "Of course, he is still a young eagle now, but when he becomes an adult, he is seven or eight meters tall, and he can also know wind attribute ninjutsu.

After Relo finished speaking, he looked at Sasuke, but Sasuke shook his head, indicating that he didn't like it.

Lei Luo then took the two of them to the second psychic beast exhibition source.

"The second, the spirit monkey, is fast and small, but he is good at boxing, and his physical skills are comparable to Shangnin."

Sasuke still shook his head, "I want someone who knows ninjutsu." "

Oh?" Relo nodded after listening to Sasuke's words, "Then there is no need to look at the third, just look at the fourth."

"The fourth is this Wind and Fire Fox, it is fast, small, and can use ninjutsu with both Wind and Fire, you should be satisfied with this."

When Relo had just summoned the Wind and Fire Fox, Sasuke's eyes lit up, and he was even more impatient after hearing Relo's introduction.

Sasuke tugged at the sleeve of the weasel and said, "Brother, I want this."

Itachi looked at the excited Sasuke, touched his head, and then turned to Relo and asked, "Boss, how much does it cost to buy this psychic beast?" Lei

Luo smiled and said: "Not much, for the sake of you are all children, I will give you a discount, it will cost 3 million taels."

Itachi nodded after listening to Relo's words, although he was young, he was already very mature.

He knew that such a powerful psychic beast could definitely not be bought for 3 million taels, and the boss did give them a discount.

But after all, it is impossible for the weasel to carry so much money with him when he goes out, so the weasel said: "Boss, I need to go back and get a trip to get the money, you help me keep this psychic beast, we will come back later."

Lei Luo nodded and said, "Don't worry, I'll leave it for you."

As soon as Relo's words were finished, Sasuke couldn't wait to pull Itachi and run outside.

After all, he is still young, but not as mature as a weasel.

Children will always be eager to see what they like.

"Uncle Relo!"

At this moment, Naruto called Relo's name and ran quickly from outside the door.

Then he collided directly with Sasuke, and the two hugged each other and fell into a rolling gourd.

The most ingenious thing is that when the two people stopped, they actually put their mouths together.

"Bah! Bah!

Naruto and Sasuke quickly separated and got up from the ground, spitting in their mouths.

Lei Luo laughed unscrupulously at this scene, and the weasel couldn't help but smile when he looked at it.

Naruto, under the tutelage of Relo and Rin, is not as fond of mischief as in the original book, and is still a very polite child and dares to be bold.

Naruto, who was relieved, took the initiative to apologize to Sasuke, "I'm sorry, my name is Naruto Uzumaki, I ran too fast just now and knocked you down!"

Sasuke listened to Naruto's words and replied, "It's okay, I ran fast just now, and besides, my name is Sasuke Uchiha."

"Okay Sasuke, we should go back and get the money, let's talk over later." Itachi spoke.

Sasuke nodded, waved his hand at Naruto, and followed Itachi out of the shop.

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