Lei Luo entered the ancient city of Loulan, carefully hiding his figure, and constantly groped towards the palace in the center.

Looking at the buildings in Loulan Ancient City, Lei Luo couldn't help but sigh a little, this was the first time he had seen such a tall building in the ninja world.

But since you want to understand what happened in Loulan Ancient City, it is easiest to ask Queen Loulan directly.

But at the moment when Lei Luo entered Loulan Ancient City, in a secret room under Loulan, a burly ninja suddenly had a sense.

"Can you even avoid the detection of my peripheral puppets, is it quite capable?"

"But since you let me find out, you don't want to run away anymore."

Then he made a seal in his hand and pressed it on the chair under him.

And Lei Luo in Loulan Ancient City suddenly discovered the fact that he had been exposed, because two teams of puppets had directly surrounded him.

"Exposed? When?!

But Relo thought about it and understood why.

"It seems that the entire Loulan City has been remodeled, maybe there are investigation organs hidden in every corner."

"Then let's go straight to work, with my strength, even if he has more puppets, he is not my opponent."

The two teams of puppets who besieged Lei Luo directly raised their hands and opened the muzzle of the cannon in their right hand, and purple lasers shot out from the cannon holes.

But seeing this, Lei Luo snorted coldly with disdain, "Playing with lasers in front of me? It seems that this guy hiding in the secret does not know me! Lei

Luo did not dodge, and also raised his right hand and condensed Chakra.

"Guangdu. Laser cannon!

A significantly thicker golden light shot out from Leiluo's hand, and in an instant, the cores of the three puppets were directly penetrated by Leiluo, unable to fly, falling from the sky, scattered into a pile of parts.

At this moment, the purple laser shot by the puppet had already arrived in front of Lei Luo, but he suddenly found that Lei Luo's figure was in an illusory trance, and he actually passed through his body.

"After the strength becomes stronger, this elementalization is obviously much less consumed." Relo sighed.

Then Lei Luo grabbed the void with his right hand, grabbed the ice wheel pill that appeared, and instantly jumped into the sky and slashed towards the remaining puppets.

Three times five divided by two, the puppets were dismembered by Leiluo.

The man in the underground chamber suddenly changed his face, "Damn! What the hell is he?! Then

he mobilized more puppets to besiege Relo.

"Still not dead? Although these puppets are said to be stronger than ordinary puppets, they are still inferior compared to the Red Sand Scorpion.

"Are you trying to kill me by quantity?" How naïve!

Lei Luo thought to himself as he looked at the puppet who surrounded him again.

Just when Lei Luo was about to make a move to resist, a figure instantly appeared beside him, feeling a familiar breath, Lei Luo did not resist and let him leave with him.

The two reappeared and arrived in an underground palace, and the puppet sensed them and chased after them.

"Partial Multiplication Technique!"

"Occult. Insect jade!

A giant hand shot out, swept across the air towards the puppet, and immediately slapped it to the ground.

Then countless insects flew out and covered the puppet, and after struggling a few times, the puppet lost its ability to move and turned into a dead thing.

The trio who is now shooting is Bofeng Shuimen, as well as Akimichi Dingji's father Akimichi Dingza, and Oil Girl Shino's father Oil Girl Shiwei.

Lei Luo swept around the threesome with masks in front of him, then fixed his gaze on Watergate, and said: "Watergate-kun, long time no see!" Bo

Feng Shuimen listened to Lei Luo's words and looked at him carefully, before he opened his mouth with some doubts and asked, "Are you Lei Luojun?" How did you get so big all of a sudden? Lei

Luo listened to Bo Fengshuimen's question, but instead breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that he has indeed come to the past, not to parallel time and space.

Before Lei Luo was still worried that if it was a parallel time and space, Konoha in this world should be without him, and how he would go to the Watergate to explain his situation.

But now that Watergate recognizes itself, it will be much easier.

Lei Luo looked at Bo Feng Shuimen and replied: "Shuimen-kun, I am not the current Lei Luo, for you, I am from the future." After

listening to Lei Luo's words, Bo Feng Shuimen immediately stopped Lei Luo's next explanation.

For him with such a high talent in time and space, it is easy to understand that what Relo said is real, but he can't let Relo say things in the future.

Because once he knows the future, then the current time and space will definitely change, and it is possible that he will embark on an unknown path and detach from the future, causing time and space disorder.

So he didn't let Relo continue, but stopped him immediately.

Lei Luo saw that Bofeng Shuimen understood his intentions, so he didn't say any more, but opened his mouth and asked: "Shuimen-kun, do you know what happened here in Loulan?" Bo

Feng Shuimen nodded and spoke: "Originally, our mission was to protect Queen Loulan, but when we arrived here, we found that Loulan had been controlled by the original Loulan Minister An Lushan, and the people here had disappeared.

"But we found Queen Sarah who escaped and learned everything that happened in Loulan."

"In the queen's impression, An Lushan came to Loulan eight years ago, when he seemed to have encountered a sandstorm in the desert, was seriously injured, and was rescued by the previous queen."

"And An Lushan stayed after waking up, in order to show his gratitude to the queen, and also showed his ability as a puppeteer."

"At that time, the countries were at war, and Queen Loulan agreed to An Lushan to borrow the power of the dragon vein to make a puppet for the safety of Loulan, but soon after, the previous Queen Loulan discovered the secret that An Lushan was absorbing the power of the dragon vein, so she was killed by An Lushan."

"So this matter was concealed again, until not long ago, An Lushan felt that his strength was enough, so he launched a rebellion."

"So our current task is not only to protect the queen, but also to solve An Lushan and save Loulan."

Lei Luo nodded after listening to Watergate's words, and did not dwell on An Lushan's question anymore, but asked Bofeng Shuimen another thing.

"Watergate-kun, have you learned the ghoul sealing technique now?"

Bofeng Shuimen was surprised to hear Leiluo's words, but when he thought that Leiluo was from the future, he nodded.

So Lei Luo then asked in a serious tone: "Watergate-kun, can you tell me the location of the mask of death you used?" This is very important!

Relo especially accentuated the words "very important".

Bofeng Shuimen looked at the serious look in Lei Luo's eyes, leaned over to Lei Luo, and whispered the location of the death mask.

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