Bofeng Shuimen leaned into Lei Luo's ear and whispered the location of the death mask.

"The Land of Whirlpools, the Hidden Village of the Whirlpool Tide, the Vortex Clan Namian Hall, the Statue of the Grim Reaper."

Relo was a little speechless when he heard this place, because Relo had already obtained the contents of the statue of the Grim Reaper in the Land of Vortex, a Grim Reaper mask plus a Sealing Scroll.

Unexpectedly, this Grim Reaper mask turned out to be the one used by Bofeng Shuimen, which is really a coincidence.

However, now that you know the location of this mask, after returning to Konoha, you can find a way to unseal the ghoul and liberate the soul of Watergate.

And after Watergate is resurrected, he must know where Jiu Xinnai's body goes, and it will be much less difficult to resurrect Jiu Xinnai again.

After hearing the location of Bofeng Shuimen, Lei Luo did not bother with this question anymore, but nodded lightly to indicate that he understood.

Then the next goal is to solve An Lushan, and then, with Sarah's help, return to the original time and space.

So Lei Luo opened his mouth and asked, "Now have you found out where An Lushan is hiding?" Bo

Feng Shuimen nodded and replied, "Under the original Queen's Palace, it is a place where the power of the dragon vein can be used, and An Lushan will inevitably be there."

Hearing this, Lei Luo directly spoke: "Then what are you waiting for, let's go and solve him now."

Then he looked at Bo Feng Shuimen's expression and said, "Don't worry, my strength is enough to deal with him." Bo

Feng Shuimen looked at the confident Lei Luo, so he didn't say anything more, nodding in agreement.

So the group of four rushed directly towards the place where An Lushan was hiding.

"I didn't expect you to be so bold and dare to enter my territory alone!" An Lushan looked at the four people who rushed in and said to Lei Luo.

Lei Luo sneered disdainfully, "What a big breath!

An Lushan laughed and said, "Hahaha, let you taste my true strength." I

saw An Lushan's fingers move slightly, and a dense puppet appeared, directly attacking the Lei Luo people.

Before Lei Luo could make a move, the figure of the Wave Feng Shui Gate flashed, and those puppets stopped one after another.

It turned out that the wave feng shui gate directly cut off the Chakra line connected between An Lushan and the puppet, making An Lushan unable to control it.

Without waiting for An Lushan to make any more moves, Lei Luo flashed with light, and instantly appeared in front of An Lushan.

"Konoha Fluid. Rigid whirlwind! Lei

Luo's right leg kicked towards An Lushan with a strong wind, and instantly shattered half of An Lushan's body.


The severe pain couldn't help but make An Lushan wail, as a puppeteer, his body was already relatively fragile, and Leiluo's strength crushed him, and it was not surprising to achieve such a result.

But An Lushan's body slowly recovered as before.

"Damn fellow, I must crush your corpse into ten thousand pieces! You must know that as long as my power is endless in Loulan, I am immortal! "


Lei Luo snorted disdainfully when he heard this, this was the third time he had encountered this so-called immortal fellow, and he didn't care at all.

An Lushan got up from the ground and constantly induced the power of the dragon vein, and then he wrapped himself in a black robe, and the black robe was lifted again, and he had turned into a huge puppet spider.

The two forefeet of the An Lushan spider were raised high, and instantly turned into two sharp bayonets, shrouded in Lei Luo.

"Insect tricks! Is there only these forces? "

Lei Luo instantly used the Renren Fruit * Great Buddha form, to deal with this relatively large existence, it is more appropriate to make himself bigger.

Lei Luo, who turned into a big Buddha, raised his hands and directly held the two forefeet of the spider An Lushan in his hands, and broke it off with a slight force.

Lei Luo turned his head, said to Bofeng Shuimen: "You guys go and search, see where the people of Loulan are being held, and rescue them, it is enough for me to deal with them here." Bo

Feng Shuimen and the others looked at Lei Luo, who turned into a big Buddha, nodded, and directly turned around and left here.

An Lushan looked at Lei Luo, who didn't care, a little annoyed, and a hoarse and ugly voice sounded, "You are probably too confident, damn it, go die!" The

spider puppet opened its mouth, and purple energy condensed in it.

But how could Lei Luo let him release it, only to see Lei Luo clasp his hands together and directly clamp the spider puppet's head in his hands, interrupting its condensed move.

Then Lei Luo raised his leg and kicked An Lushan Spider out.


An Lushan spider was completely trapped in the wall.

At this moment, all the previous puppets disintegrated on their own, and the parts of the puppet continued to fly towards the An Lushan spider under the traction of the force, making the aura on his body more powerful.

"As I said, as long as I am in Loulan, my power is endless!"

"Let you see the power of the ultimate puppet weapon I created in Loulan!"

I saw that at this time, An Lushan's body size had changed dramatically, and the entire puppet had become huge, and its appearance had also become a huge scorpion.

"See my new flesh!"

An Lushan Scorpion Puppet's two huge eyes flashed with green light, and when he looked at Lei Luo, a green laser shot out, obviously much more powerful than before.

"It's challenging in this way, but I didn't expect that this An Lushan still has some skills."

Seeing this, Lei Luo was not only not afraid, but also very excited.

Then Relo directly induced the power of Godzilla in the heart again and entered the Godzilla cloak mode, so the Great Buddha that Relo incarnated instantly condensed a set of mighty armor.

An Lushan's attack hit Leiluo's armor and did not cause him any damage.

As soon as Lei Luo's right hand was held in the void, a huge golden lightsaber appeared in Lei Luo's hand.

"Water Breath * One Style * Water Surface Slash!"

Lei Luo swung his knife and slashed at An Lushan's scorpion puppet, and An Lushan would not sit still.

The scorpion puppet opened its huge mouth, revealing the barrel, and then purple energy shells continued to attack Leiluo, wanting to force him back, but these purple energy bombs were directly cut off by Leiluo.

And Lei Luo had already rushed to the scorpion puppet almost instantly.

"So it's here!"

Lei Luo opened the five-sight universal to see through the internal structure of the entire scorpion puppet and found An Lushan hidden in the puppet.

"Guangdu. Burning the sky! "

Lei Luo in this state, the golden flame spit out of his mouth, it is really a vast sea of fire, directly shrouding the entire puppet.

The puppet was a little unable to withstand the high temperature of this golden flame, and began to melt, and An Lushan in his body felt like he was in a furnace, the heat was unbearable, and the control of the puppet could not help but slow down.

Seeing this, Lei Luo directly raised his sword and stabbed in, right in the body of An Lushan.


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