An Lushan roared fiercely, and Leiluo's light power made him feel that life was better than death.

But An Lushan was fierce and directly exploded the entire puppet, and then caused a riot in the underground dragon vein.

"Hahaha! You all die with me!

An Lushan laughed wildly and wantonly, and then fell to the ground and lost his life.

At this time, the whole ground continued to shake, and the palace began to shake.

At this moment, Bo Feng Shuimen suddenly appeared in front of Lei Luo, "Lei Luojun, we have all rescued the people of Loulan. "

Relo has lifted the Godzilla cloak and the Great Buddha state and returned to his original clothes.

Hearing what Bofeng Shuimen said, Lei Luo nodded, and then spoke: "Shuimenjun, that guy from An Lushan has also been killed by me, but before he died, he caused the dragon vein riot, we must find a way to calm the dragon vein, otherwise Loulan will definitely be destroyed." Bofeng

Shuimen nodded, looked at the purple energy surging in the underground gap, and spoke: "Until now, you can only use the sealing technique!"

"Don't worry, Lei Luojun, leave this to me!"

So Bo Fengshuimen's figure flashed, and he came to the core of Loulan Dragon Vein Control, and the sword of forbearance in his hand was directly inserted.

Then the seal was frantically sealed in his hand, and a sealing formation instantly expanded.

"Seal! Yes! "

The sealing technique spread violently, covering the entire Loulan Ancient City, and the riot of the dragon vein was soothed by a mysterious force and restored to calm.

Lei Luo was about to ask the location of Queen Loulan of the Wave Feng Shui Gate to find out how to return to the original time and space through the dragon vein, but he didn't expect that his body suddenly bloomed with a soft light, which was a little illusory.

"Lei Luojun, it seems that you are going back." Bofeng Shuimen looked at Leiluo's state and said, "But in order to avoid affecting the future, I suggest that we seal our memories this time."

Lei Luo didn't speak, just nodded, he also wanted to see if his memory would be sealed.

So the wave feng shui gate once again formed an Indian pattern, and a mysterious force swept through Lei Luo's body.

Lei Luo was about to say something, but found that the light in front of him flashed, and the whole person lost consciousness again.



Lei Luo came back to his senses, got up, and shook his head to look around.

Looking at this familiar ruin, Lei Luo knew that he had returned to his original time and space.

"It seems that Watergate's memory seal has no effect on me, it's normal, after all, I am a man with a system."

"Then let's see how to absorb the power of the dragon vein now!"

Lei Luo walked to the center of the sealing array, placed his hand on the sword of ninja, and sensed the dragon vein under the seal.

Suddenly with a flash of light, Relo thought of Godzilla.

"Yes, Godzilla can't absorb these xenomorph energy, although the energy of the dragon vein is a little bigger, but it should also be able to absorb it."

Relo turned on the range of the five-sight omnipotence to the maximum, and observed that there was no one hiding around, so he directly released Godzilla and entered the full body mode.

Relo controlled Godzilla, sensing the dragon veins under his feet, and sure enough, Godzilla sent Relo an idea to devour.

"Godzilla, devour all the dragon veins for me!"

After receiving the message from Relo, Godzilla suddenly opened the devouring state, and the power of the dragon vein continued to pour into Godzilla's body from under his feet, constantly circulating and finally entering Relo's heart.

"Hmm~~ It's so up!"

Godzilla devoured for a whole day before absorbing all the power of the dragon vein, and retracting Godzilla from Relo in his body again, instantly felt like the whole person was full.

Hurriedly continued to refine the chakra in his body, digesting part of the power of the dragon vein.

After a long time, Lei Luo finally felt that the swelling pain in his body disappeared, and the whole person stopped and breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for completing the task and absorbing the dragon vein. "

Get quest reward: God-level draw points*2."

The system's prompt finally sounded.

Anyway, it was very safe to have no one around, so Lei Luo decided to make a big splash and draw both of these draws!

"System, I want a lottery!"

Suddenly, two roulette wheels came to Leiluo's mind.

The prizes on the left roulette wheel

are as follows: S-level skill: Void Walking S-class props: Water of life S-class elixir: Resident Yan Dan

S-level props: Reincarnation eye S-level skills: Divine power * Size Ruyi

S-class weapons: Cross slash A fight

The rewards of the right roulette wheel are as follows

: S-class weapons: cross slashers A burst


S-class props:

Stand-in dolls

S-class props: Legendary gold kitchenware

S-class elixir: Transformation Dan

S-class pets: teddy bear Tibbs S-class props:

Time baggage skin

This time there are so many prizes, Lei Luo Ke is not interested in checking them one by one, just looked at a few things that were scratching his head.

For example, the size of the divine power * is satisfactory, this is the first time Lei Luo has seen this skill, and Lei Luo checked it to know that this divine power is a kind of divine power from the thirty-six changes of Tiangang in the Journey to the West world.

It can change its body shape at will, and its strength can also change with its body shape.

There is also that legendary golden kitchenware, which turned out to be from the world of China, and it was a set of eight pieces, namely "Yongling Dao", "Lou Garo Knife", "Zhuan Dragon Pot", "Magic Saint Bronze Ware", "Greedy Wolf Pot", "Spirit Vault", and "Jade Dragon Pot" eight kitchenware.

If for a chef, he can be regarded as a super S-class reward.

There is also the gender-changing transgender Dan, Doraemon World Time Baggage Skin, and the prize this time can be said to be very interesting.

Relo simply looked at a few pieces and let the system start the lottery, because it was useless to see so much, and the system could not give him all of them.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for obtaining the S-level skill: Void Walking. "

Ding... Congratulations to the host for obtaining an S-class item: a stand-in doll.

Lei Luo looked at the two prizes he had drawn a little helplessly.

The skill of Void Walking is a skill from Cassadine the Voidwalker in the League of Legends world, which belongs to the space-time displacement skill and is relatively useful.

But this stand-in doll has no effect on Leiluo.

As the name suggests, the stand-in doll will take a fatal blow for you, but for Leiluo's current strength, there should be basically no one in the ninja world who is his opponent.

"It seems that I can only go back to send my girlfriend, which can be considered useful." Lei Luo thought to himself.

But as for which girlfriend to send, he has not yet thought about it.

However, if the void walks, Lei Luo can try the ability of this skill now.

Then Lei Luo accepted the void walk from the system, and suddenly an inexplicable force merged into Lei Luo's body, making him feel that the world in front of him became different.

In Leiluo's perception, the world in front of him has countless spatial nodes, and the void walk can move through spatial nodes, and after Leiluo absorbs the dragon vein, this Chakra can be called endless.

Relo can walk with the void casually, and there is no need to worry about exhausting Chakra.

"Well, since everything is over, it's time to go back!"

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