It has been several days since Relo returned to the village, and he has resumed his usual salted fish life.

And the stand-in doll obtained by the lottery, Lei Luo also thought of the person to send, which is Yue Xiyan.

Relo now has three girlfriends, Rin is now in charge of the doctor, has been staying in Konoha village, Danzo is also dead, there is basically no danger in the village.

And the Pikachu drawn last time was also given to Rin, and Pikachu's combat effectiveness is not low.

And Hong is already a special Shinobu now, and the village has also decided to let him lead the team to take a few students later, and the danger of the task is relatively small.

Only Xi Yan, perhaps it was the arrangement of the will of the underworld, she still joined the dark department, this was her own decision, and Lei Luo could only express support.

As we all know, the mission of the dark part is much more dangerous than other tasks, so Relo decided to give this avatar doll to Xiyan.

After that, if you draw something, you can give it to red again.

On this day, Lei Luo sat at the front desk of the psychic beast shop again, looking like he had nothing to do.

Rin went to work at Konoha Hospital, and Red and Yuyan were also on a mission, even Naruto had Sasuke to play with him, so he left Relo alone.

At this moment, someone walked into the door of the psychic beast shop.


Lei Luo heard the movement and raised his head to greet the guests who entered the store, but the person in front of him really surprised Lei Luo.

"Isn't this the Fugaku Patriarch? What a guest. "

That's right, the person who enters the store now is the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, the father of Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Fugaku!

Uchiha Fugaku listened to Leiluo's words, smiled politely, and said: "Leiluo-kun, I came this time to ask for something, and I didn't buy psychic beasts. Hearing

this, Lei Luo opened his mouth with some doubts and asked, "Oh? I wonder what happened to Patriarch Fuyue looking for me?

Uchiha Fugaku smiled, "I'm afraid it's not very convenient to speak here, and you're the teacher of Shuishui, and Shuishui is a genius of our Uchiha clan, so I just took this opportunity to invite you to your home, I don't know if it's convenient for you?"

Looking at Fuyue in front of him, Lei Luo understood that what Fuyue wanted to talk about was by no means simple, but Lei Luo also had self-confidence, and the world was so big that it could go anywhere.

So Lei Luo spoke: "No problem, Patriarch Fuyue, to be honest, I haven't been to the noble land for so long.

Uchiha Fugaku listened to Relo's answer, the smile on his face became more sincere, and he spoke: "Then at seven o'clock tonight, I will set up a banquet at home, and I will invite you to enjoy the light at that time."

Relo nodded and didn't say anything more.

The purpose of Uchiha Fugaku's trip had also been achieved, and he resigned and left.

"I wonder why Uchiha Fugaku is looking for me?"

Relo looked at the back of Uchiha Fugaku who walked out of the gate, his thoughts rising and falling.


Konoha Village, Uchiha Clan Land.

Lei Luo arrived on time, and Fuyue had already set up a banquet and waited.

After drinking and eating, Fugaku led Relo into a secret room.

Lei Luo looked at Uchiha Fugaku and asked straight to the point: "Now Patriarch Fugaku can say that there is something to find me."

Fugaku listened to Lei Luo's words and did not answer directly, but asked another question.

"Lei Luojun, I wonder if you know anything about our Uchiha clan?"

Lei Luo listened to Fugaku's words and shook his head slightly, indicating that he did not know.

But in his heart, Lei Luo is constantly complaining.

"I also asked if I know anything about your Uchiha clan, if I say what I know, you still have to stay."

Fuyue looked at Lei Luo, who shook his head, and began to give Lei Luo some brief introductions, which was also a foreshadowing for his purpose of finding Lei Luo.

"We, the Uchiha clan, founded the family of Konoha Village together with the Senju clan, but since Uchiha betrayed Konoha, our Uchiha clan has not been trusted by Hokage and has been ostracized."

"Although the second-generation Hokage gave us the Uchiha clan the power to form a police department, it also moved the clan land of our Uchiha clan out of the core of Konoha."

"And since the establishment of the police department, members of the Uchiha clan will inevitably offend the people because of law enforcement, so they have been even more ostracized."

"This matter has reached the most stalemate after the three generations of Hokage ascended to the throne and Shimura Danzo formed the root."

"Then there was the Nine-Tails Rebellion, and the high-level people in the village also knew that the state of the Nine-Tails at that time was controlled by the kaleidoscopic chakra eyes of our Uchiha clan, so that our Uchiha clan suffered greater suspicion."

"So over time, two different voices emerged within the clan."

Speaking of this, Uchiha Fugaku stopped, and then glanced at Relo, who had an unchanged expression, before continuing.

"Some people in the clan think we should hand over the power of the police department and integrate into the village; Others believe that we Uchiha clans should stage a coup d'état and seize the position of Hokage.

"Lei Luojun, if it were you, how would you choose?"

Listening to Fugaku's question, Lei Luo smiled and said, "Patriarch Fugaku, this can be regarded as an internal matter of your Uchiha clan, and you shouldn't ask me as an outsider."

"Besides, how can I say that Tsunade-sama is my teacher, and I am also a member of the Hokage clan, you would even say in front of me that the Uchiha clan wants a coup d'état, are you not afraid that the village will take action to destroy your Uchiha clan?"

Fugaku looked at Reilo, a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Reilo-kun, it is because you are a student of Tsunade-sama that I will ask your opinion and see how the village views our Uchiha clan now."

"And maybe the coup just said is just a joke I made?" If there is no evidence, there is nothing the village can do.

"And your teacher can't watch him get involved in the family and have any problems."

Lei Luo listened to Fugaku's words, but instead asked an unrelated question.

"Patriarch Fugaku, according to me, you opened the kaleidoscope chakra eye during the third Ninja World War, right?!"

The corners of Uchiha Fugaku's eyes twitched when he heard Lei Luo's words, and he said with a dry laugh: "Lei Luo-kun, you are also too good at joking, our Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye of the Uchiha clan is not so easy to open.

Lei Luo looked at Fuyue's performance and spread his hands, "Wasn't I joking just now, Patriarch Fuyue, you should know it in your heart." "

And since you just asked me what I think of the two voices within the Uchiha clan, I can only tell you that I will remove all the unstable elements in Konoha."

"So, please also ask Patriarch Fuyue to think about it carefully."

After saying that, Relo walked out of the secret room, said goodbye to Mikoto Uchiha and the two brothers Itachi and Sasuke, and left.

Uchiha Fugaku, on the other hand, stayed alone in the secret room and fell into deep thought.

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