Tsunade put the scroll away again after seeing Relo sign his name.

Then he spoke: "Lei Luojun, you try to channel and use less chakra." Relo

nodded after listening to Tsunade's words, and Yin Leilo of Psychic naturally knew it.


Lei Luo slightly mobilized a little Chakra, and sealed the seal to summon the slug.

"Boom!" In a moment, a slug, larger than the one summoned by Tsunade just now, appeared in front of the two.

The slug's immortal looked at Lei Luo and said, "Have you successfully signed the contract?" Go back and get ready, and then summon me when you're ready."

Lei Luo nodded, and the slug's immortal went back on his own.

Then Lei Luo said to Tsunade: "Tsunade-sama, thank you, I will go back and prepare first, and I have to tell them to Rin, this time to learn immortal arts is estimated to be not short."

Tsunade smiled and returned: "Lei Luojun doesn't need to be so polite, you go back first."

Lei Luo didn't say anything more politely, turned around and walked out.


"Is this the Wet Bone Forest?"

Lei Luo looked at the surrounding scenery and found that this should be underground, and there was no birds and flowers, but it was a little dark and damp.

But think about Lei Luo can also understand, after all, it must be in line with the living habits of slugs.

"It's so big!"

Lei Luo turned to look at the body of the slug's immortal, almost across the entire wet bone forest, this should be the largest creature in the fire shadow.

"Your name is Lei Luo, isn't it, Lei Luojun, come here with me."

At this moment, a one-man-tall slugs swam to Lei Luo's side and spoke, "The body is basically in a state of deep sleep, and only wakes up when someone is psychic."

Relo nodded at the slug's words, and then followed it towards the inside of the wet bone forest.

The slugs took Lei Luo to a pond, and Lei Luo felt that the water in the pool turned out to be natural energy condensed into liquid.

The slugs said to Lei Luo: "Since you want to learn immortal arts, you must first understand what immortal arts are.

"You should know how the chakra in the human body is refined."

Lei Luo nodded and replied, "Chakra is extracted from the combination of body energy ingested from one by one of the 130 trillion cells of the human body, and spiritual energy that has been exercised through many cultivations and accumulated experience.

"That's right!" The slugs said, "And fairy art is to absorb natural energy on this basis, and then fuse natural energy and chakra into a harmonious state, which will produce immortal chakra."

"So the first step we're going to do now is absorb natural energy."

"Before signing the contract, I injected a little natural energy into your body, and your body successfully absorbed it, which shows that you should be able to absorb natural energy relatively easily."

"The water in this pool is condensed natural energy, but it is condensed through the body, which is much milder than ordinary natural energy, you can soak your feet in it first and try to absorb it."

Hearing this, Lei Luo obediently took off the shoes under his feet and soaked his feet in.

"Now start refining Chakra!" Slugs said.

Lei Luo obediently sat by the pool and began refining.

Suddenly, Lei Luo felt a warm current flowing into his body from the acupuncture points on the soles of his feet.

"Is this natural energy?"

"It's not as dangerous as you think."

Relo felt the meek natural energy in his body and began to try to fuse it with the original Chakra.

And the slugs looked at Leiluo's appearance without any change, and also sighed with relief.

In fact, what Lei Luo didn't know was that the reason why he was able to absorb natural energy so easily had something to do with the fact that he had eaten the Shining Fruit.

The shining fruit belongs to the natural elemental fruit, which can elementalize the body, so there is no rejection of natural energy.

Since he had successfully carried out the first step, the next step was easier, so Lei Luo began the practice of the Wet Bone Forest Immortal Art under the guidance of the Slugs Immortal.

Time passed like this, and Relo continued to absorb natural energy every day, and then merged with his own Chakra.

But perhaps the quality of Leiluo's Chakra itself is too high, so the fusion ratio of his fairy Chakra is also different from that of ordinary people, and he can only rely on himself to constantly feel and try.

Fortunately, the natural energy did not do any harm to him, even if the fusion failed, he only needed to reabsorb the natural energy.

As a result, Lei Luo fell into a continuous process of absorption-fusion-absorption-fusion.

Half a year passed quickly, but what Lei Luo felt most uncomfortable about during this half year was not practice, but diet.

The ecological chain of the wet bone forest is all related to slugs, so the most common creatures here are insects.

Lei Luo only thought that the food of Miaomu Mountain was insects, but he didn't expect that the wet bone forest was too.

This also made Lei Luo often sigh that it would be nice if the lottery drew the legendary gold kitchenware of the little master.

On this day, Relo once again absorbed the natural energy as usual, and then began to try to fuse.

"Fusion! Fusion! Fusion! Relo

manipulated the chakra in his body and the natural energy to begin to merge, and he was constantly cheering himself up.

And this time, the fusion of Immortal Chakra turned out to be successful!

"Hahaha! I did it!

Relo felt the completely different Chakra in his body and shouted excitedly, although the countless failures in the past half a year have honed Leiluo's temperament, it is inevitable to be a little distressed.

This time it succeeded, and the bitterness in my heart was swept away.

The slugs also heard Leiluo's call and immediately swam over.

"How? Did you integrate successfully?

Lei Luo looked at the slug, calmed his excitement, and replied: "That's right, I have successfully fused!"

Hearing this, the slugs replied: "Very good, since the fusion has been successful, then you only need to accumulate enough immortal chakra to naturally enter the immortal mode." "

Uh-huh!" Lei Luo nodded vigorously, and then tried hard to adjust himself, and after returning his mentality to the state of ancient wells without waves, he immediately sat down again and began to absorb natural energy and fuse the Immortal Chakra.

But because the chakra in Leiluo's body was too large, and Relo wanted to fuse all the immortal chakra at once, this absorption was absorbed for a whole week.

A week later, Lei Luo opened his eyes, and when he opened his eyes, he felt as if a divine light flashed, and the state of Lei Luo's whole person was different from usual.

The slug-immortal who had been paying attention to Relo spoke: "Now you can try to enter the immortal mode. Lei

Luo nodded, directly mobilized the immortal chakra in his body, did not seal or meditate, and instantly successfully entered the immortal mode.

A touch of golden eyeshadow appeared above Relo's eye sockets.

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