It was said that just when Relo was practicing immortal arts in the Wet Bone Forest, Uchiha Fugaku finally made his decision.

With the strength of the current village, if the Uchiha clan wants to rebel and seize power, there is basically no possibility.

Unless Tsunade, Relo, and Jiraiya are all dead now, this kind of thing is bound to fail.

Fugaku looked at Itachi in the courtyard who was teaching Sasuke how to exercise, and made up his mind.

He decides to give up the part of the family who wants to defect, and then give up some of the power of the police department, changing the embarrassing situation of the Uchiha family in the village.

However, if you want to decisively solve the different voices in the family, he alone is certainly not enough.

So Uchiha Fugaku took the initiative to meet Tsunade and said what he thought.

In Hokage's office, Tsunade looked at Uchiha Fugaku in front of her with a somewhat complicated expression, and what Fugaku said just now surprised her a little.

Unexpectedly, Uchiha Fugaku, as the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, would take the initiative to attack the members of the Uchiha clan, and even wanted her to send the dark department to help.

What surprised her even more was that Fugaku was also the head of the police department, but he would agree to give up some of his power and allow ninjas who were not from the Uchiha clan to enter the police department.

"Patriarch Fugaku, are you serious about what you just said?" asked Tsunade in a deep voice.

Uchiha Fugaku looked serious and replied, "Tsunade-sama, rest assured, what I just said was carefully considered by me.

Tsunade looked at Uchiha Fugaku's serious expression, nodded, and said, "Since you have already thought about it, Patriarch Fugaku, then I also agree to this matter."

"Now please go back and gather information, identify personnel, get ready, and send someone to notify me when you are ready to start."

Uchiha Fugaku nodded, then got up and walked out of Hokage's office.

Walking out of the Hokage Building and looking at the Hokage Building behind him, Uchiha Fugaku couldn't help but sigh.

"I don't know if I made the right decision, I hope there will be a good result!"


On the other side, in the wet bone forest, Lei Luo finally successfully entered the immortal mode.

Lei Luo looked at his current appearance reflected in the pool water, and the golden eye shadow showed a noble and mysterious atmosphere.

"This man is so handsome!" said Relo brazenly praising himself.

Then Lei Luo felt the immortal chakra that filled his body with his heart, and a completely different feeling came into being.

"It's worthy of being an immortal mode, it's really much stronger." Lei Luo sighed in his heart.

The slug's immortal looked at the figure that appeared in Leiluo's eyes, and also knew that Leiluo's immortal mode was successful.

So the slug's immortal said to Lei Luo: "Lei Luojun, since your immortal art has been successfully practiced, then you can leave at any time now, if the immortal chakra is consumed, you can contact me at any time to use reverse psychic to recall you to the wet bone forest, and then absorb natural energy." Lei

Luo nodded when he heard the words of the slug, although he wanted to try his strength in the immortal mode now, but the wet bone forest was obviously not a suitable place.

So Lei Luo exited the immortal mode, and the golden eyeshadow on the eye sockets dissipated and disappeared under the skin.

"Slug Immortal, thank you for your teaching in the past six months, it's really troublesome for you!" said Relo to the slug, "Then I'll go back to Konoha first." The

slug's immortal nodded, and then Lei Luo's "boom" turned into smoke, disappeared, and returned to Konoha.


Konoha Village, in the bedroom on the second floor of the Relo Psychic Beast Shop.

With a "boom", a puff of smoke appeared.

After the smoke cleared, Relo's figure appeared on the bed.

Lei Luo got out of bed, walked to the window, looked at the gentle sunlight outside, and couldn't help sighing: "Ah, finally back!" "Let's

go take a bath first, this wet bone forest half a year is not very comfortable."

Then Relo turned and walked into the bathroom.

At this time, Lin, who had just got up, suddenly heard movement from Lei Luo's bedroom next door.

Is Lei Luojun back?" was Lin a little puzzled.

But Rin also maintained a cautious attitude and quietly opened the door to Relo's bedroom and walked in.

You must know that men usually take a shower quickly, and after Lin went in, she just bumped into Relo, who had just come out of the bathroom.

Then Rin screamed shyly and ran out.

If you want to ask why, of course, it is because Relo came out of the bathroom without clothes.

Lei Luo looked at Lin who ran out and laughed twice, then changed into clean clothes and went out to see Lin.

"Lin, long time no see, is this half a year okay?" asked Relo, looking at Lin, who still had a bit of blush on her face.

Rin replied softly when she heard this, "It's been nothing in the past six months, but Naruto has already started to learn how to refine Chakra.

Relo nodded, after all, for ordinary family ninjas, they will start teaching children to refine Chakra at the age of four.

In the original work, Naruto had no one to take care of when he was a child, and he didn't start to learn to refine Chakra until the ninja school, and now Naruto has begun to refine Chakra, in terms of the physique of the Uzumaki clan, by the time he goes to ninja school, the amount of Chakra will definitely be much higher than that of ordinary children.

Of course, Lei Luo did not forget the main purpose of his cultivation of immortal arts in the past six months.

For Leiluo, improving his strength is only one of the insignificant reasons, although the gains are great.

However, his main purpose is to successfully solve Shigego's physical problems through the Fairy Touch.

So Lei Luo looked at Lin and asked, "Rin, has Shigego come over recently?" Lin

listened to Lei Luo's words and shook her head slightly, "After you went to the Wet Bone Forest, Shigego-kun did not come, but came once for nothing."

"Oh, by the way, and the water stop has also come."

"Oh?" Lei Luo was a little surprised when he heard this, "Is there something about Bai and Shuishui coming to me?"

replied softly, "Bai has nothing to do, just come and stroll."

"And Shuishui should have something to do with you, but he didn't say what it was.

Lei Luo nodded when he heard this, and then said: "In that case, I'll go and ask Shuishui, you are the only one busy at home for half a year, it's really hard for you."

While speaking, Lei Luo stretched out his hand and took Lin in his arms, but Lin blushed but did not dodge, but let Lei Luo hold her.

Lei Luo smelled the faint aroma on Lin's body, couldn't help but hold Lin's face, and then printed it against his mouth.

At this moment, Naruto suddenly ran out and saw Relo shouting happily, "Uncle Relo, you're back!"

And Relo looked at Naruto who ran over, his head full of black lines.

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