Although Relo was a little unhappy in his heart, he was not the kind of waste that couldn't use children to be angry, and Naruto was also excited to see him.

But the moment he saw Naruto, he remembered something.

That is, the resurrection of Watergate can already be put on the agenda, and the five-year plan formulated at the time is only about one year left.

And now that he has learned to seal the ghouls, and has also found the mask of death used by Watergate, he only needs to find a suitable opportunity to summon Death, and then break his stomach and release Watergate soul.

Then he only needs to use the Awakening Light on Watergate's soul and he can be resurrected.

"Looks like I'll have to find a chance to go out!" thought to himself, "It's not very convenient to summon the Shinigami in Konoha."

"Now let's go to the water stop and see what he's looking for me for."

So Relo went to Shuishui's residence to look for him.


Uchiha clan land, water stopper.

Not long ago, Uchiha Fugaku once came to visit Uchiha Shuishui.

Although the patriarch's attention made Shisui happy, Uchiha Fugaku said something to him that made him a little difficult to understand.

So he wanted to ask his teacher, Relo, but found that the teacher was not in the village.

At this moment, there was a knock outside the door.

Shuishui heard a knock on the door and hurriedly came over to open the door, and then saw Lei Luo standing outside the door, and instantly welcomed Lei Luo in.

"Teacher Leiluo, you're back!"

said Shuishui happily as he looked at Leiluo.

Lei Luo nodded, and then asked: "Stop Water, I heard Lin say, you went to find me before, is there something wrong?" When Stop Water heard

Lei Luo's question, his mood became low, and he said: "Teacher Lei Luo, I wanted to find you before mainly because of some family matters.

Lei Luo replied: "If there is anything, you can say anything, no matter how you say that I am also your teacher, I will help you with anything."

Shuishui nodded and said, "When you were not in the village before, the patriarch once came to find me.

Relo asked, "Patriarch, Uchiha Fugaku?"

"He told me that there are currently two factions in the family, one of which has a rebellious heart against the village, and he is ready to do it."

"Telling me is to prepare my heart, but also to tell me not to leak the news."

Lei Luo nodded and said, "Fuyue once asked me about this matter, and he hadn't made up his mind at that time, but he didn't expect him to think clearly now.

"Do you have any problems with this matter?"

replied Shui in a low voice, "Is there only one way to solve this problem for the side of the family that may rebel


In Leiluo's view, Shuishui has always been somewhat senseless compassionate, and it is also easily influenced by others, and in unpleasant words, Shuishui is a little too virgin.

In the original work, Shuishui is very entangled because of the relationship between the village and the family, on the one hand, indecisive, on the other hand, too credulous to believe the face of politicians like Tuanzang.

Just by virtue of his kaleidoscope chakra eye awakening the strongest illusion art Betenjin, whether he is controlling Tuanzang, three generations to save the family, or controlling Fugaku's return to the village, it is a choice.

As a result, because he was unsure, he was finally attacked by Danzo, gouged out one eye, and after giving the other eye to Uchiha Itachi, he was buried in the river of the Nanga River.

Lei Luo originally thought that Shuishui had followed him for so many years, and should have learned some of his style, but he didn't expect that Shuishui would still have such an idea.

Thinking of this, Lei Luo opened his mouth and asked Shuishui: "Shuishui, if your arm is stabbed by Kuwu, what will you do?"

Relo nodded, and then asked, "If you have a part of necrotic tissue on your wound, what would you do?"

Hearing this, Lei Luo laughed and replied, "That's right, isn't the question I asked just like the current situation of the Uchiha clan?"

"And those who have a rebellious heart in the Uchiha clan are like necrotic tissue on the wound, and only by removing it can it promote the healing of the wound."

"Otherwise, the wound will continue to fester, and eventually there will be no cure." "

Shuishui is a smart person, and as soon as Lei Luo explained this, he understood.

"Teacher Leiluo, let you bother, am I very useless, such a simple thing, I am a little difficult to judge.

Although Lei Luo felt a little angry, but Lei Luo felt that stopping the water was not a big problem, so Lei Luo opened his mouth and comforted: "Stop the water, it's okay, it may be that you care too much about the family, the so-called authorities are obsessed with bystanders, so it's normal for you to see clearly for a while."

"As long as you understand it now, when Fugaku makes a move, I should also come over, I hope you won't have any unbearable thoughts at that time."

"Since they already have a rebellious heart, they are no longer the ninjas of Konoha, no longer members of your Uchiha clan, just treat them as hostile ninjas."


Shuishui nodded vigorously, his gaze firm, no longer confused.

Relo looked at the water stop that had returned to normal, so he didn't stay any longer, but prepared to go to the Hokage Building to say hello to Tsunade.

On the one hand, Lei Luo had just returned from the wet bone forest, and he should say how to say it.

On the other hand, since Uchiha Fugaku has decided to do so, the village must be prepared to calm the possible adverse effects.

So Relo said goodbye to Shisui and left, and then walked in the direction of the Hokage Building.

When Relo arrived at the Hokage Building, he was surprised to find that Uchiha Fugaku was also in the Hokage's office.

"Relo, you're back?" asked Tsunade with a smile as he saw Relo.

Lei Luo nodded and replied softly: "Well, just came back this morning.

Tsunade then asked, "How are things going?" Reiro

knew that what Tsunade was referring to was his practice of the Wet Bone Forest Immortal Art, but Fugaku couldn't say it clearly.

Then Relo replied: "Tsunade-sama, everything is going well, things have succeeded!" Tsunade

nodded and said: "Reilo, you came back just in time, Patriarch Fugaku just needs help with something this time, I'm still thinking about who to let lead the team, now it's just right to have you."

Relo-kun replied, "Oh, what is the matter?"

Uchiha Fugaku replied, "Reilo-kun, I have already thought about the matter last time, and I have been preparing for a long time.

"Tonight, get ready to do it!"

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