Uzumaki Xiangphos heard Leiluo's question and nodded excitedly.

"Yes, of course I do!" Lei

Luo smiled again and touched Uzumaki Xiangphos's head, and said: "Then you follow me and leave now, is there anything at home that needs to be cleaned up?"

"Okay, let's go then!" Lei

Luo took Uzumaki's small hand and prepared to leave.

At this moment, a doctor walked out of Kusanagi Hospital, looked at Uzumaki Xiangphos and said: "Why are you here, come with me quickly, someone needs treatment!"

Uzumaki Kazu hid behind Relo in fear, and only then did Dr. Kusanagi notice Relo.

"What are you?!" asked Dr. Kusanagi sharply at Relo.

Lei Luo smiled slightly, did not put Doctor Kusanagi in his eyes at all, and replied: "Konoha elite upper Shinobi Relo, this child we Konoha want, do you have any opinions?"

I could only force a smile to reply: "No... No comment, please take it off, my lord. Lei

Luo looked at the performance of the Kusanagi doctor in front of him, and directly turned away with the whirlpool incense.

Uzumaki Kachi looked at the figure of the man holding his hand, and a light called worship flashed in his eyes.

After Relo left, Dr. Kusanagi immediately turned around and ran into Kusanagi Hospital to report to the dean what had just happened.

The director of Kusanagi Hospital heard that Lei Luo's identity did not have any idea of doing anything, and said: "Let him go, this matter will be like this." "


In the hotel, Bofeng Shuimen watched Lei Luo walk in with a red-haired girl, and couldn't help but wonder a little.

So Bo Feng Shuimen opened his mouth and asked: "Lei Luojun, who is this child?" Lei Luo

heard this and replied: "This little girl is called Uzumaki Xiangphos, she is a member of the Uzumaki clan, and I am going to take her back to the village."

Bo Feng Shuimen looked at the whirlpool and muttered, "Is it from

the whirlpool family?" and then watched the whirlpool phosphorus-red hair gradually come out of his mind, not knowing what he was thinking.

Lei Luo can also guess that Bofeng Shuimen must have thought of Jiu Xinnai, and may even recall the time when they first met in ninja school, the days of love, and so on.

But Relo is not such a gossipy person to ask these messy questions.

Lei Luo looked at the distracted wave feng shui men, and directly woke it up with a voice, "Water gate kun, water gate kun." "

Hmm?" Bo Feng Shuimen came back to his senses and said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, what's wrong with Lei Luojun?"


Shuimen nodded, "Then let's go!" So

the three of Lei Luo left Kusanagi Village and rushed towards Konoha.


Wave Feng Shui Gate looked at the gate of Konoha that appeared in front of him, and couldn't help but burst into tears, but in order to avoid revealing his identity, he had already used the transformation technique and also brought a mask.

Sighing for a long time, Bofeng Shuimen calmed his mood, turned his head to Lei Luo and said:

"Lei Luojun, with my identity, it is not convenient to enter directly from the gate, you guys go first." There is a Flying Thunder God technique I left behind in the village, and I will use the Flying Thunder God to enter it later.

Lei Luo nodded, and then replied: "Watergate-kun, after I return to the village, I will first go to the Hokage office to submit the task, and also help Uzumaki Kazu check in and register, you can go home and wait first, I will go to you when I am done." Bo

Feng Shuimen nodded, and his figure instantly disappeared in place.


Konoha Village, Hokage Building, Hokage Office.

"Tsunade-sama, I'm back!" said Relo, pushing open the door to Hokage's office.

Tsunade looked at Relo who walked in and smiled and asked, "Oh, did you gain anything from going out to investigate intelligence?" After all,

Relo's application to leave the village was based on the reason of investigating intelligence from the mysterious organization.

Relo heard Tsunade's question and replied, "Just investigated some simple intelligence, that organization is called the Xiao Organization, in addition to the previous knowledge that its members are S-class traitors, this time I also know the identity of a member." "

When I was in Ghost Lantern City before, Relo already knew that Payne and they went to the Land of Earth to recruit people, and they were also a Blood Succession Ninja, which must be Deidara.

So Relo continued: "The newly acquired member is named Deidara, who turned out to be a ninja of Iwa Shinobi Village, with explosive blood succession boundaries.

Tsunade listened to Relo's words and nodded, "This Deidara village has some information about him before, he should be a disciple of that old guy in Onoki, I didn't expect him to join this Xiao organization."

"Could it be that this Xiao organization has something to do with Yanyin Village?"

Lei Luo shook his head lightly and said, "Then I don't know, and I need to investigate slowly later."

Then Relo pulled out the whirlpool phosphorus hidden behind him and spoke, "By the way, Tsunade-sama, I still need you to help this child get a certificate so that she can live in the village."

Uzumaki Kakashi also timidly spoke, "Hello Naruto-sama!"

Tsunade only then discovered that there was a little girl hidden behind Relo, and said with a smile: "Reilo-kun, you haven't been out for a year, how did you bring back such a big girl." When

Uzumaki heard Tsunade's words, her face instantly turned red shyly.

And Lei Luo listened to Tsunade's words with black lines on his head, and said: "Tsunade-sama, don't make such jokes, this child is an orphan of the Uzumaki clan, you can also see her hair color."

Tsunade was slightly surprised when he heard this, "What is your name child, the orphan of the Uzumaki clan?"

replied in a low voice, "Naruto-sama, my name is Uzumaki Kakashi."

Tsunade nodded, "Uzumaki Kakashi, good name, you can rest assured to live in Konoha Village."

Then said to Lei Luojun: "Lei Luojun, since this child was brought back by you, then it is still up to you to take care of it, and it is not very good for the children of the Vortex clan to be placed in the orphanage."

Relo replied, "Don't worry, Tsunade-sama, I was originally going to let Kakari live with me, and she can be considered Naruto's sister."

Tsunade waved his hand, "If there is nothing to do, you can go back first, I will handle this child's information, you have been out for so long, you should also go back and rest well."

Lei Luo didn't say anything more, and turned away with the swirling incense.

After Lei Luo returned to the psychic beast shop and arranged the whirlpool incense phosphorus, he came to the door of the house where Bofeng Shui Gate lived before.

Bofeng Shuimen was already waiting there, and he was a little excited to see Lei Luo come over, because he could go to see his son soon.

Lei Luo also saw the anxious mood of Bo Feng Shuimen and greeted directly.

"Watergate-kun, come with me, I'll take you to see Naruto!"

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