Relo returned to the psychic beast shop with the Wave Feng Shui Gate.

With Watergate's strength, his transformation technique is invisible to ordinary people.

Lin saw Watergate vaguely feel a hint of familiarity, but she was very sure that the person in front of her had never been seen before.

So Lin opened his mouth and asked, "Lei Luo-kun, who is this?" Lei Luo

listened to Lin's question and replied: "This is a friend of mine, he is a dark ninja, his identity cannot be exposed, you can call him Flash." Bofeng

Shuimen also took the initiative to greet Lin, "Hello, I'm Flash."

Lin smiled and replied, "Flash-kun, welcome to your home."

Lei Luo said to Lin: "Lin, you go and prepare the meal first, today Flash Jun will stay at home to eat."

"And is Naruto at home now?"

replied softly, "Naruto is home now, I'll go and call him over, and then I'll go prepare the meal first."

Relo nodded, and Rin walked out of the reception room.

"Uncle Relo, are you looking for me?" Naruto ran in furiously.

Relo picked Naruto up and asked with a smile, "What were you doing?"

Then Relo pointed to the water gate and said to Naruto, "I called you here because this uncle wants to meet you, he is your father's friend, his name is Flash." When

Naruto heard this, he said to Watergate, "Hello Uncle Flash!" "

Hey, good, Naruto, hello!" Watergate heard Naruto and himself talking, and they were a little incoherent.

Naruto, on the other hand, looked at the water gate curiously, and for some reason, he felt an indescribable sense of intimacy in the man in front of him.

But the Nine Tails in Naruto's body began to be a little restless, the transformation of Watergate could deceive others, but it couldn't fool him, and he remembered the breath of Watergate that sealed him very clearly.

And there is the other half of the Nine Tails in the water gate, which can also be clearly felt.

But the seal inside Naruto's body is still very strong, and no matter how the Nine Tails toss, it has not had any impact in the outside world.

At this time, Naruto had already begun to chat with Watergate, although a lot of it was meaningless gossip, but Watergate was really happy.

After all, except for Naruto meeting Watergate once, this was the first time they had met father and son.


Time kept passing, and soon it was time for Naruto to go to ninja school.

In the past two years, Watergate has basically been outside to probe the organization's intelligence and search for the whereabouts of the bodies of the two couples.

Every time he came back from outside the village, he would bring Naruto some small gifts to see Naruto.

For Naruto, Uncle Flash was the best person for him besides Uncle Relo and Aunt Rin.

Relo is now Naruto's guardian, and he naturally went to go to the ninja school admission procedures.

And today it was time for Naruto Shinobi School to start, and Watergate had rushed back from outside the village, and he had brought a camera with him, ready to record this moment.

In the future, when Jiu Xinnai is resurrected, he can show her.

"In school, you have to listen to the teacher, study hard, and as for the grades, you don't have to compete for the first place, just be happy."

Watergate said as he touched Naruto's head.

Relo just smiled at this scene and didn't say anything.

"Got it, Uncle Flash

!" "Uncle Relo, Uncle Flash, I'm going to school first, goodbye!"

Naruto happily ran towards the school.


Now that Watergate has also been resurrected, Naruto has also begun to attend ninja school, everything is on track and developing in a good direction, and Relo is much more relaxed.

But when Lei Luo thought that there were still 100,000 white absolutes in the ninja world, and the moon was still sealed with a large tube of wood Kaguya, he couldn't help but get a little nervous again.

"Although the current Konoha is much stronger than in the original book, the strength of the other villages has basically not changed, and Kuro will definitely not give up the idea of resurrecting Kaguya. "

But now I am not completely sure whether I can deal with Kaguya with my strength, I can't think of relying on the strength of Naruto and Sasuke, in the original book, Naruto and the two can successfully seal Kaguya again, that should be regarded as a plot kill."

"What the current ninja world will become by then, everything is still unknown.

"I have to find a way to improve my strength, the system tasks are triggered randomly, relying on the system alone is not a way, I have to see what other ways to improve in the ninja world."

"I remember that in the original book, the only ones that can cause damage to Kaguya are the fairy chakra and the ability to write the eye of chakra and the eye of reincarnation in the kaleidoscope. "

The kaleidoscope is now only Obito, Shui and Fugaku, Obito doesn't know where he is, and I can't dig into Shui and Fugaku's eyes." "

The eyes of reincarnation should only be the pair on Nagato's body now, but it is Uchiha's eyes, and there should be a back hand left by Madara in it, and it can't be wanted."

"Then it seems that you can only think of a way in terms of fairy arts."

"I remember that there seems to be a saying circulating in my previous life that if you can successfully fuse the immortal arts of the three holy lands, you will get a power that is not weaker than the level of the six immortals.

"I don't know if it's true or not, but it's a goal." "

I've now learned the magic of the Wet Bone Forest, only Miaomu Mountain and Longdi Cave.

"Although the contract of Miaomu Mountain can be summoned by the water gate, it will also expose the water gate, and you still have to go to find Zilaiye." "

If you are in the Dragon Earth Cave, you can only go to the Great Snake Pill.

"But the big snake pill is missing now, and Zilai often sends news back to the village, so go find Zilai first!"

And the system seems to be very supportive of Relo's idea, and it actually triggered a system task.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for triggering the mission: True

Immortal Art!" "True Immortal Art: Learn the immortal arts of the three holy lands and successfully fuse them. "

"Quest Reward: God-level Draw Points*1.

"Very good!" Looking

at the system task in his mind, a smile appeared at the corner of Relo's mouth.

This task of the system shows one thing, that is, this plan of Lei Luo is feasible, and the immortal arts of the three holy lands can indeed be fused.

"If you want to know Jiraiya's location, you should ask Tsunade, she should have a way to contact Jiraiya." Relo thought to himself.

So Relo left for Hokage's office.

"Tsunade-sama, can you contact Jiraiya-sama over there, or is there his current location? Relo said to Tsunade.

Tsunade was a little surprised when he heard Relo's words.

"What are you doing with that old ghost?!"

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