Hearing Tsunade's question, Relo opened his mouth and replied, "Tsunade-sama, I asked Jiraiya-sama mainly to see if I could learn the immortal arts of Myoki Mountain.

This surprised Tsunade even more.

"Lei Luojun, haven't you already learned

the immortal art of the Wet Bone Forest, why do you still want to learn the immortal art of Miaomu Mountain?" replied Lei Luo in a deep voice, "Because I want to become stronger, I want to fuse the immortal art of the three holy lands into one.

Looking at Relo's determined expression, Tsunade knew that he had made up his mind, but wanting to learn the immortal arts of the three holy lands and fuse them was much more difficult and dangerous than learning the Wet Bone Forest Immortal Art.

So Tsunade still wanted to persuade Relo.

"Lei Luojun, with your current strength, the ninja world can be said to have almost no opponent from you, there is no need to risk so much to learn the three holy land immortal arts.

Relo shook his head and said, "Tsunade-sama, I have made up my mind, so you don't need to persuade me anymore."

"And the ninja world is not as safe as it is now, and there are many people who want to make trouble."

"And learning immortal arts is not as dangerous as you think, my physique is relatively special, and the difficulty of cultivating immortal arts is much simpler for me than ordinary people."

Tsunade listened to Relo's words, and no longer persuaded, but spoke: "Jiraiya should be in Yu no Kuni recently. Reiro

was a little speechless when he heard Tsunade say, it turned out to be the country of soup.

You don't have to think about what Jiraiya is doing in Yu no Country, there are many hot springs in Yu no Kuni, and it is a sacred place for Jiraiya.

Although the main purpose of Jiraiya going out of the village is to follow the trail of the big snake pill, it is not impossible to take materials by the way.

"Okay, I see, thank you Tsunade-sama!"

With that, Relo turned and left, it's time to go back and get ready and leave for Yu no Kuni.


Lei Luo has been in Yu no Kuni for ten days, and has also walked around several cities in Yu no Kuni.

Every time he enters the city, Relo will focus on hot springs, baths, and red light districts, but he has found no trace of Jiraiya.

"Not far ahead is the capital of Yu no Kuni, so I hope I can find Jiraiya this time." Relo thought as he looked at the silhouette of the city in the distance.

This is the second time that Lei Luo has come to the country of soup, and the last time he came was to eliminate the cult.

Recall that the scene of the cult leader Yuchuan wailing at Lei Luo's feet is still vividly remembered, as if it just happened yesterday.

"It seems that I am really old, and when I heard that I am older, people like to reminisce.

"After all, after two lifetimes combined, I am also fifty or sixty years old."

Lei Luo couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Walking on the streets of the capital city of Yu no Kuni, looking at the neon signboard flashing in the night, Lei Luo was a little stunned, feeling that he suddenly felt like his soul had left his body, looking at everything around him in a state of no sorrow or joy.

In the tavern, customers are chatting and talking, in the casino, people are roaring, cheering and sighing, and even in front of the otherwise quiet hot spring shop, the owner is loudly beckoning customers.

"The excitement is theirs, and I have nothing!" such

a sentence suddenly appeared in Leiluo's mind, and he also felt that it was very suitable for himself.

Then Lei Luo shook his head, feeling that the whole thing came back to his senses, but he felt a little tired and had no idea of going shopping again.

So I found a hot spring shop with few people, opened a private bath, and buried my whole body in the hot spring.

The warm spring water stimulated Leiluo's body, only then did he feel a sense of reality and gradually recover.

At this moment, a woman's screams suddenly came from outside the hot spring, which made Lei Luo instantly come to the spirit.

"Ah, someone peeps

!" "Pervert

!" "Pervert!" "

Ding-dong!" sounds kept coming, probably all kinds of messy things thrown by the women.

This movement reminded Relo of the goal of the trip.

"It won't be such a coincidence, can you just run into Ji Lai Ye here?" Lei

Luo directly turned on the five-vision omnipotence, observing what was happening outside, only to see a man constantly dodging the things thrown behind him and running out.

"Sure enough, it's him!" a smile appeared on the corners of Leiluo's mouth.

Although the man was not white-haired and his appearance was completely different from Jiraiya, Relo was sure that it was Jiraiya.

"That Chakra fluctuation, it must be him, it seems that he is not stupid, and he knows how to use the transformation technique." Lei

Luo stared at Jiraiya, who was constantly moving away, and quickly walked out of the hot spring, his clothes were instantly dressed, and he hung far behind Jiraiya.

Lei Luo planned to determine where Jiraiya was to stay before looking for him.

If you catch up directly now, in case you are noticed, it will not be good to think that it is an accomplice of the satyr.

"Oh, damn it, I'm so hidden, I'll be discovered." Jiraiya muttered and walked towards the hotel where he was staying.

"But the little sister I saw just now, that leg is really long~ This wave is not a loss, it is really a good material." Jiraiya thought back to the picture he had just seen, with a lewd smile on his face.

Jiraiya felt that his inspiration was constantly coming, and when he returned to the room, he was ready to pick up a pen and write a paragraph.

At this moment, a figure suddenly flashed in from the window.

"Who?!" Jiraiya instantly alerted, although he was, he was still a powerful ninja with the basic qualities of a ninja.

"Lord Zilaiye, I didn't expect that after so many years, your hobbies have not changed, you still like to peep!" The

figure who broke in was Leiluo, and he couldn't help but laugh when he looked at Jirai.

Zi Lai also saw Leiluo's appearance clearly at this time and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It turned out to be your boy, I thought it was."

"And I'm taking material, looking for material for writers' writing, can it be called voyeurism?"


Then there was how important inspiration was, how difficult it was to draw materials, and the whole room was filled with joy all of a sudden.

"Okay, okay, Jiraiya-sama, don't say any more, count my fault, okay. Relo stopped Jiraiya, who wanted to continue his tirade.

He really didn't expect that he still had the potential to talk.

Zi Lai also muttered a lot, and couldn't help but feel a little thirsty.

Then he directly picked up the wine jug on the table and poured it in one breath.

Immediately afterwards, Jiraiya looked at Lei Luo and said, "Say, what is the matter with you kid looking for me?"

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