Lei Luo also got up early in the morning, and through the five visions he could see that he also disappeared into the room.

"I must have been reversed to Myomu Mountain.

When Lei Luo saw Jiraiya's figure appear in the room again, he immediately set off and rushed over.

Relo still slipped in through the window familiarly.

Then he looked at Zilaiya and asked, "Jiraiya-sama, how is it, did the big toad immortal agree?"

Lei Luo nodded and said, "Okay, then how do we get to Miaomu Mountain

?" "Is it to sign a contract and then use reverse channeling to pass?"

"Psychic Arts!"

Fukasaku Immortal was summoned by Jiraiya again.

"What's wrong with Xiao Zilai?" asked Fukasaku Immortal.

Zi Lai also heard this and pointed at Lei Luo and replied: "Shen Zuo Immortal, this is my junior who wants to learn the immortal art of Miaomu Mountain, I want to ask him can sign the contract of Miaomu Mountain?"


Lai also nodded, and directly took out the psychic scroll of Miaomu Mountain and handed it to Leiluo.

"Lei Luojun, sign your name. Lei

Luo took the Myomu Mountain psychic scroll and opened it, and there were already five names on it.

"Otsuki Yue!




!" "Wave Feng Shuimen!"

There are two names scrawled, and I have not heard of them in the original book, I don't know who it is.

Lei Luo then signed his name under the name of Bofeng Shuimen.

Then put away the psychic scroll and returned it to Jiraiya.

"Okay, then let's go to Myomu Mountain!" said Jiraiya, taking the psychic scroll.


"Boom!" "Boom!" The

two clouds of smoke dispersed, and Lei Luo and Zilai also came to Miaomu Mountain.

Lei Luo looked at everything in Miaomu Mountain curiously, and felt that the environment was much better than the wet bone forest, which could be called sunny and fragrant, and it was not as dark and humid as the wet bone forest.

Then Lei Luo watched the Fukasaku Immortal jump over.

"Let's go, it's time to meet the big toad immortal!" the Fukasaku immortal began, "If it is too late, I am worried that the big toad immortal will fall into a deep sleep, which will not be easy to wake up."

After saying that, the Fukasaku Immortal turned around and took the lead towards the central temple of Myoku Mountain.

Lei Luo nodded, and he immediately followed.

"Big Toad Immortal, the person you want to see is here!" said Fukasaku Immortal again, jumping into the big toad immortal's ear.

Lei Luo looked at the appearance of the big toad fairy, and sure enough, it was the same as what he saw in the anime in his previous life.

The Great Toad Immortal is orange all over, with yellow eyes, a string of Buddha beads around its neck, and a lilac opal stone in the middle with the word "oil" written on it.

On his head is a hat that looks like a doctor's hat, and under him is a huge chair with the word "sen" written in front of the seat.

The Great Toad Immortal opened his eyes under the call of the Shensaku Immortal and saw an imperceptible divine light appear in Lei Luo's eyes.

"You are Relo?" a

peaceful voice rang in Relo's ears.

Lei Luo nodded and replied respectfully: "Meet the Great Toad Immortal, I am Lei Luo." The

big toad immortal suddenly said something inexplicable, but it shocked Lei Luo.

"The light from the other world will surely illuminate this dark world!" "

You can learn the immortal arts of Miaomu Mountain, I agree!" Then

he ignored the two clams in front of him, closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

"This big toad immortal's words mean that he can see that I am not from this world?!" Lei Luo's heart was shocked.

Zi Lai also patted Lei Luo, woke him up from his shock, and said: "Lei Luojun, you don't need to think too much about the words of the big toad immortal just now, he will always say something inexplicable, now let's go out first, go to the place where you practice Miaomu Mountain Immortal Art." Lei

Luo listened to Zi Laiye's words, and couldn't help but pout in his heart, "You don't care what you say, but your own prophecy of the Great Toad Immortal is more important than anyone."

But Lei Luo naturally did not say it stupidly, but opened his mouth and said: "Well, let's go!"

Relo followed the Fukasaku Immortal to a waterfall that did not flow water, but oil.

Toad oil, unique to Myoku Mountain, can be used to help sense natural energy.

The waterhole under the waterfall is surrounded by stone toads of various shapes.

"Little Leiluo, since you want to learn the immortal arts of our Miaomu Mountain, you must know the dangers of practicing immortal arts. "

See these

stone toads?" asked Fukasaku, pointing to the surrounding stone toads to Relo.

Lei Luo nodded and replied, "Shenzuo Immortal, I know that these toads are petrified after failing to practice immortal arts, and I already understood the dangers of immortal cultivation before I came.

"Now that I have successfully mastered the Immortal Art of the Wet Bone Forest, it should be easier for me to practice Immortal Art than others. The

Fukasaku Immortal looked at Lei Luo and sighed and said: "Well, since you have understood everything, then I will not talk nonsense anymore, now you take off your clothes."

"Undress?" Relo looked at Jirai who was still standing on the side, and he was also a little embarrassed, although he said that they were all men, but he was not a person who liked to be naked in broad daylight.

The Shenzuo Immortal nodded and said, "That's right, practicing the Miaomu Mountain Immortal Art requires the use of toad oil, and you take off your clothes to apply the toad oil to your body." "

Okay!" Lei Luo no longer twisted when he heard this, it was all men and toads, afraid of something, and cleanly took off his clothes.

Of course, I still have a pair of underwear, which has no effect on the practice of immortal arts.

Then the Fukasaku Immortal told Lei Luo about the matters that need to be paid attention to in practicing the Miaomu Mountain Immortal Art, as well as the method of practicing the Miaomu Mountain Immortal Art, the operation route of Chakra, and so on.

After making sure that Lei Luo remembered clearly, the Fukasaku Immortal asked Lei Luo to sit down cross-kneeled.

"I'll put a small portion of toad oil on your back first, you try it first, and if things aren't good, I'll wake you up." The Fukasaku Immortal picked up a special stone stick in his right hand, and a pot of toad oil in his left hand.

Relo nodded to indicate that he was ready.

Fukasaku Immortal then applied toad oil to Leiluo's back, but did not dare to get too many doses.

Then carefully stare at Lei Luo, who is trying to practice, and immediately wake him up as soon as there is an abnormal situation.

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