The Fukasaku Immortal stared closely for a while, and found that Lei Luo had absorbed all the toad oil on his back, but his body did not show any abnormalities until Lei Luo opened his eyes.

"How does it feel?" asked Fukasaku as he looked at Relo who opened his eyes.

Lei Luo smiled and replied, "It feels good, I have successfully felt the natural energy just now."

And Lei Luo himself felt that the natural energy absorbed through the Miaomu Mountain Toad Oil was different from the natural energy absorbed in the Wet Bone Forest before.

It feels like the natural energy of Miaomu Mountain will be a little more irritable.

Zi Lai also listened to Lei Luo's words, and was also relieved, and said: "Lei Luojun, since you succeeded in absorbing it for the first time, then I am also relieved."

"Then you can practice immortal arts in Miaomu Mountain, I'll leave first, and I still have to find the traces of the Great Snake Pill."

Lei Luo nodded and replied, "Lord Jiraiya, thank you very much for this incident!" Jiraiya

waved his hand, smiled slightly, and then lifted the reverse psychic and returned to the country of soup.

After watching Zilai also leave, Lei Luo turned his head to the Shensaku Immortal and said: "Shensaku Immortal, please, let's continue to practice!" The Shensaku Immortal

nodded, and once again smeared the toad oil on Lei Luo's body, this time directly covering the entire upper body.

Lei Luo crossed his knees and soon entered a state of cultivation.


With the practice experience of the Wet Bone Forest Immortal Art, Leiluo's progress was still very fast, but how to fuse the two immortal arts really stumped Leiluo.

Half a year has passed, and Lei Luo still hasn't found the direction of fusion, but he can already use the immortal art of Miaomu Mountain alone.

Moreover, the appearance of using the Miaomu Mountain Immortal Art to enter the immortal mode is also different from the Wet Bone Forest Immortal Art.

This time, Lei Luo is no longer a golden eyeshadow, but an orange-red color.

"Orange-red, how can it be a bit similar to Naruto's immortal pattern?"

The fusion of the two immortal modes has been tried countless times.

Whether it is using the Wet Bone Forest Immortal Mode first, then fusing the Miaomu Mountain Immortal Mode, or reversing the order, it will not succeed.

"ε=( ́ο'*)))) Alas!" Relo sighed and dispersed into immortal mode.

"Little Relo, how is this time?" asked Fukasaku Immortal looking at Relo.

Lei Luo shook his head and said, "There is still no progress.

"Deep Immortal, I feel that there should be no solution in a short time, and I am ready to leave." "

After all, my goal of coming to Miaomu Mountain this time has been completed, and the immortal arts of Miaomu Mountain have been successfully practiced, and I should also leave!" The

Fukasaku Immortal nodded and said, "Okay, Xiao Leiluo, do you want to talk to Xiao Zilai when you leave?"


Fukasaku Immortal nodded and directly used the reverse psychic technique.


Jiraiya's figure appeared in place, holding a telescope in his hand, looking obscene.

"Lord Jiraiya, it seems that you can't change this habit. Relo said with a teasing smile.

Only then did he react, he was reversely channeled to Miaomu Mountain, immediately stood up straight, put away the binoculars, and pretended that nothing happened.

Then he looked at Lei Luo and said: "Yo, Lei Luo, it's been a long time, how is the progress of immortal cultivation?" Lei

Luo smiled and replied: "I have successfully cultivated the immortal art of Miaomu Mountain, and I called you over this time to talk about this matter." "

What?" Zi Lai was shocked to hear Leiluo's words, "It's only been half a year since you successfully practiced?!" Then Zi Lai

also thought that he had worked hard to practice for three years before he could initially enter the immortal mode, and every time he entered, he still needed a lot of preparation, and he had to rely on the help of Shenzuo Immortal and Shima Immortal, and he was a little hit for a while.

Lei Luo didn't say much, the chakra on his body moved, and instantly entered the Miaomu Mountain Immortal Mode, and orange eye shadow appeared around the eye sockets.

Seeing this scene was even more shocking, Lei Luo not only cultivated fast, but even his immortal mode was more perfect than himself.

The Shensaku Immortal looked at Zilaiya and said, "Xiao Zilaiye, if you work hard to practice in Miaomu Mountain, your immortal mode will already become a perfect mode.

"You don't have to let my wife and my wife help you every time like now." Zi

Lai also laughed a few times when he heard this, wanting to cover up his embarrassment, and said in his mouth: "Hahahaha, mainly with my current strength, basically no one can let me use the immortal mode, don't be so anxious, just take your time." The

Fukasaku Immortal shook his head when he heard Ji Laiye's words, and then spoke: "Little Leiluo, don't you still have something to ask Xiao Zi Laiye?"

Lei Luo nodded and spoke, "Fukasaku Immortal, thank you

!" "Don't be so polite!"

Jiraiya watched the departing Fukasaku Immortal disappear from sight, and then turned to Lei Luo and asked, "Lei Luo-kun, what are you looking for me for

?" Lei Luo said in a deep voice: "Jiraiya-sama, haven't you been tracking the trail of the Great Snake Pill when you left Konoha?"


Lai Ye frowned when he heard this, and then spoke: "Lei Luojun, what did you ask

the big snake pill for?" Lei Luo chuckled and said: "Master Zi Lai Ye don't worry, the reason why I asked the location of the big snake pill is because he has the psychic scroll of the dragon earth cave in his hand.

"You also know that my purpose is to learn the immortal arts of the three holy lands and then fuse them, but I don't know the location of the Dragon Earth Cave.

"If you want to go to the Dragon Earth Cave, you can only go through the psychic contract in the hands of the Great Snake Pill.

"I'm not trying to make a move on him, so you don't have to worry." Zi

Lai also listened to Leiluo's words, and replied: "I have nothing to worry about the big snake pill, he is just a rebel of the village, and I am worried about you." Looking

at Zi Lai's eyes that were also a little flickering, Lei Luo couldn't help but complain in his heart.

"I don't know about you yet, your feelings for Orochimaru are similar to Naruto's feelings for Nijuko in the original book, and what else to pretend.

Then Lei Luo spoke: "Lord Zilaiye, do you have any news over there?" Zi

Lai also looked at Lei Luo's eyes that stared directly at him, sighed and said: "I found some traces of the big snake pill not long ago, and he seems to have appeared in the country of Tian no Kun. Hearing

Jiraiya's answer, a smile appeared at the corner of Leiluo's mouth, he already knew where the Great Snake Pill was most likely to hide now.

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