Lei Luo then turned to Jiraiya and asked, "Jiraiya-sama, is Tianzhiguo the country that has a ninja village called Otohide Village?"


Jiraiya's answer, Lei Luo now determined in his heart that there was a ninety percent chance that the Great Snake Pill was here.

Then Lei Luo spoke: "Okay, I see, thank you, Lord Jiraiya." Zi

Lai also waved his hand and said: "Then if you have nothing to do now, I will leave!" Lei

Luo nodded, and Zi Lai Ye "bang" turned into smoke and disappeared.

Then, Relo also lifted the reverse psychic technique and returned to the country of soup.

Perhaps it was Relo's luck that the room he had returned to in reverse psychic turned out to be empty.

Lei Luo turned on the five-sight universal and observed the surroundings to find that there was no problem, and then left directly through the window.


Tanokuni is a small country bordering the Land of Fire and the Land of Soup, and there was no ninja village before, but after Orochimaru broke away from Shoko, he bribed the daimyo of Tanokuni to establish Oto-ninja Village in his country.

However, Otonobumura was not employed by Tanokuni, and after Orochimaru bribed the daimyo of Tanokuni, he occupied Tanokuni, and Tanokuni became the main base of Orochimaru.

As the name suggests, the whole country is made up of fields, and now it's midsummer, and the whole field is covered in green plants, and the breeze makes ripples.

Relo rushed for a few days and finally arrived from Yu no Kuni to Tan no Kuni.

"Tian no Kuni is so beautiful!" Lei Luo looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but let out a voice of admiration, "I didn't expect that this guy of the big snake pill is quite good at choosing places." After

resting for a while, Relo set off again, arriving in a small city on the border of Tanokuni before nightfall.

But to Leiluo's surprise, he actually met a familiar figure in this city.

"Lord Zilaiye, why are you here?" Lei Luo looked at Zilaiya in front of him.

Now the two of them were in the private room of a tavern, and after the wine was full, Lei Luo asked.

Zi Lai also picked up the wine glass, drank it all the "tons and tons", laughed and replied: "Hahaha, I'm not worried about your safety, that's why I'm waiting for you here."

"If you're coming from Yu no Kuni to Tan no Kuni, this small town is your way through.

Lei Luo was a little helpless when he heard Zi Laiye's words, and asked: "Lord Zi Laiye, are you not afraid that I didn't stop in this small city, but went straight through?"

Then he laughed awkwardly twice, "Haha, it's not waiting, don't care about those details."

Relo sighed and asked, "Jiraiya-sama, do you really want to go with me to find the Great Snake Pill?"

Lei Luo said: "Well, since that's the case, then let's go find the big snake pill together."

"But there's one thing I have to say in advance.

Lei Luo's eyes stared straight at Ji Laiye, and his expression was very serious.

Zi Lai also looked at Lei Luo and said, "If there is anything, just say it."

Lei Luo opened his mouth and replied, "If the Great Snake Pill makes a move against me, I won't show mercy to my subordinates when I return it, I hope you won't stop it at that time."

Jiraiya paused, then nodded.

At this moment, the door of the box was suddenly pulled open, and a female ninja stood outside the door, looking about 30 years old.

She looked at Jiraiya and said, "Damn it, I finally found you." Lei

Luo looked at the forehead pattern on the female ninja's head, and did not remember where she came from for a while.

Jiraiya looked back and saw this female ninja, and the whole person instantly sobered up, but his first reaction was to prepare to escape.

But as soon as he got up, he was pulled by Lei Luo.

"Hey, Leiluo, let me go!" said Jiraiya anxiously.

Relo looked at this scene and asked with interest: "Lord Jiraiya, don't you introduce who this female ninja is?" Because

Lei Luo had sensed that this female ninja did not have killing intent on Jiraiya, in addition to anger, there was a trace of shame on her body.

This immediately aroused Relo's curiosity.

Then Lei Luo said to the female ninja at the door: "This female ninja, please come in and talk about something, so that others can see the joke." The

female ninja heard Relo's words, walked in, closed the box door, and sat down.

Jiraiya, on the other hand, just smiled awkwardly and didn't say anything.

Lei Luo opened his mouth to the female ninja and asked: "This female ninja, do you have something to do with Lord Zilaiye?"


Lei Luo heard Fuzi Gozen's self-introduction, he suddenly remembered something related.

Fuzi Village is a very special village in the Hokage world, and the whole village is full of women, just like the daughter country in Journey to the West. However, for the sustainable development of the village, the village also needs men.

For example, the candidate of the village can challenge the outside world, defeat the outside world, and bring back to the village to be a husband, one to gain fame, and the other to reproduce.

Lei Luo remembers that there is such a plot in the original work, when Zi Lai Ye was young, he secretly sneaked into Fuzi Village and was discovered by a big beauty in Fuzi Village. Subsequently, the two men engaged in a battle with marriage as a bet, and as a result, the two people were almost inseparable, so they made an agreement that the battle would be completed by their own disciples.

So in the original book, it is Naruto and Fuko Shizuka, a disciple of Fuko Gozen, who fights at the end.

"Jiraiya, this guy doesn't do things properly, so he pitted Naruto like this.

"This Fuko Gozen won't be the female ninja who fought with Jiraiya in the first place, and this time is not quite right." Relo was a little puzzled.

At this moment, Zi Lai also spoke.

"Lei Luojun, this Fuzi Gozen is also an old friend of mine, some time ago when I was collecting wind in Fuzi Village, I accidentally ran into her, and she chased her out of the village. Lei

Luo listened to Zi Laiye's words, and couldn't help but twitch a little in the corner of his eyes, and he complained in his heart.

"If you provoke people and don't hide, you dare to go to Fuzi Village again to collect style, I really don't know how to say it, and don't die?!"

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