
With Lei Luo's palm slap!!!!, the entire ground collapsed, and the snakes rushing towards them were even more killed and injured.

"Burning the sky!" The

golden flames that erupted from Lei Luo's mouth in the state of the Great Buddha swept towards the ground, and the place had become a sea of fire, and the snakes were instantly melted into ashes.

The Great Snake Pill's Ten Thousand Serpent Luo Array was so easily cracked by Lei Luo.

The sound ninja of the Oto-Ninja Village had already gathered, but looking at the scene of the battle between the two, they did not dare to move forward.

When the Great Friello spewed out a sea of fire from his mouth, he immediately retreated far away, observing the situation of the battle in the field, for fear of being affected.

"What kind of ninjutsu is this?!" Orochimaru looked at Lei Luo, who had turned into a big Buddha, with a shocked face.

But immediately Orochimaru came back to his senses, he knew that now was not the time for him to be shocked, if he didn't try to find a way to solve Leiluo, he would most likely die here.

After all, Lei Luo is really too unreasonable, and all kinds of strange ninjutsu abilities emerge one after another, making it difficult to target.

"Psychic art!" The

big snake pill slapped his palm on the ground, and the fierce and hideous ten thousand snakes were channeled.

"Orochimaru, what are you asking me to come out for again, are the sacrifices ready?" said Wanxi Orochimaru.

When the big snake pill heard this, he said sharply: "Less nonsense, quickly rush up for me and kill that guy!" Ten

thousand snakes looked at the big snake pill with a fierce look, and did not dare to say anything, turned his head and attacked the big Frolo.

Just as he was about to rush in front of Relo, his tail was raised high and he pumped towards Relo.

"Haha, good come!" Lei

Luoha, who turned into a big Buddha, laughed twice, looking at the tail drawn by the ten thousand snakes without dodging or dodging, and directly opened his arms and held the tail of the ten thousand snakes in his arms.

"Boom!!" The

impact of the tail of the Ten Thousand Snakes was very strong, but it only made the Great Floro take a step back and immediately stop his figure.

"Ah, ha!" Great

Ferello used his body to chakra, and hugged the tail of ten thousand snakes with all his strength, and ten thousand snakes struggled madly but to no avail.

Next, in the terrified eyes of everyone, Big Frilo grabbed the tail

of the ten thousand snakes and directly picked them up! "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" Ten

thousand snakes were thrown back and forth by Lei Luo's tail, and the ground was full of pits, and the ten thousand snakes were even more bloody and flesh, and they were roaring in pain, but they couldn't do anything.

Until another "boom", Lei Luo threw out the ten thousand snakes.

Looking at the Great Frolo, Ten Thousand Snakes was full of panic in his heart, and directly took the initiative to lift the channeling, and returned to the Dragon Earth Cave with all his body wounded.

After watching the ten thousand snakes disappear, Lei Luo once again set his sights on the big snake pill.

As soon as the void gripped, a lightsaber condensed in the hands of the Great Frilo, and then flung it directly towards the Great Snake Pill like a javelin.

Before Orochimaru could dodge, he was directly pierced by the lightsaber and nailed to the ground.

But the nailed big snake pill opened his mouth and vomited, and a complete big snake pill was spit out.

The big snake pill felt the few Chakras left in his body, and said helplessly to the big Buddha Relo: "Lei Luojun, it's you who won, stop, you won't get anything if you kill me."

Then the big snake pill opened his mouth and spit out two scrolls, and then said: "These two are what you want, stop!" Seeing

this, Lei Luo lifted the big Buddha form, returned to its original state, slowly walked to the big snake pill and stood still, and took the scroll handed by the big snake pill.

"It's so good that you have to be beaten one by one before you hand it over." Lei Luo said disdainfully, "I just warmed up and you surrendered, it's really boring." The

big snake pill's face turned blue for a while, but he didn't say anything more after all.

Lei Luo opened the two scrolls and took a look at them, and found that they were indeed what he wanted, and then he put away the improved version of the Dirt Rebirth Scroll, and after signing his name on the Dragon Earth Cave Psychic Scroll, he threw it to the Great Snake Pill.

At this moment, Zi Lai was belated, and appeared in the field in an instant.

"How is it, Lei Luojun, are you all right?" asked Lei Luo in his mouth, but his eyes kept drifting towards the big snake pill.

Lei Luo smiled and said, "Of course I'm fine, you should be worried about the big snake pill."

Jiraiya smiled a little, and then said to Orochimaru, "Orochimaru, come back to the village with me, now Hokage is Tsunade, she will definitely not be embarrassed for you."

Orochimaru laughed and replied, "Jiraiya, you are still so naïve, I am a Konoha S-class rebel, I can't go back."

"And you never understand what I'm after!"

Jiraiyama Orochimaru said, and his emotions instantly became excited.

"Big Snake Pill, you..."

But before he could say anything, the big snake pill fled directly into the ground and left.

Zi Lai was about to catch up, but was stopped by Lei Luo.

"Okay, Lord Zilaiye, don't chase, you can't catch up.

"And it is impossible for the big snake pill to return to the village, he has his pursuits, and the village also has the rules of the village." Zi

Lai also listened to Leiluo's words and sighed and said: "Well, maybe what you said is right.

"It's true that I haven't known about Orochimaru all along, and I remember him as the same Konoha Sanshin who dealt with Hanzo back then."


nodded and replied, "The thing I want has already been obtained."

"Jiraiya-sama, where are you going to go after that?" Jiraiya

shook his head, now he had no goals for the time being.

"Then why don't you go back to Konoha first!" said to Jiraiya, "Now that the children of Watergate have grown up, you haven't seen him for many years." "

Naruto?" there was a look of reminiscence in Jiraiya's eyes, and then he nodded and replied, "Okay, then I'll go back to the village first."

Lei Luo glanced at the ruined Oto-ninja Village around him, and said to Jiraiya, "Lord Jiraiya, it's time for us to go, it's not suitable to stay here anymore."

Jiraiya nodded and walked directly towards the outside of Oto-ninja Village.


Half a month later, Relo and Jiraiya had already returned to the gate of Konoha.

Jiraiya looked at the gate of Konoha and couldn't help but sigh, "It's been a long time since I came back."

Then Relo and Jiraiya walked into Konoha, and the ninja guarding Konoha were familiar with both of them, and respectfully shouted "Jiraiya-sama!

"Let's go, Jiraiya-sama, go and sit at my place first, Naruto was adopted by me and has been living with me ever since. Lei Luo said to Ji Laiye.

Zi Lai also shook his head and said, "I want to walk around the village first, and then I will go to your place to find you." After

saying that, he left directly.

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