152. Jiraiya's Sense! Go to Longji Cave!

Jiraiya is also wandering the streets, familiar with the changes in the village.

"This balls shop is still there, and I remember that their balls tasted good.

"And this tavern, I remember drinking too much and touching Tsunade, and being beaten and lying in the hospital for two months, when the big snake pill was still there."

"Ichiraku ramen, I used to like to come here when Watergate was there. "


Jiraiya also looked for the small shop that he still had some impressions of, and the memories in his mind were intertwined, recalling the old days.

"Oh, forget it, I don't want to think about this, I have to go and talk to Tsunade when I come back."

Jiraiya shook his head, got rid of his cluttered thoughts, and walked towards the Hokage Building.

But just when Zilai also turned the corner of the street, he felt that he saw a familiar sound and shadow, a figure that he couldn't forget, and directly chased after him.

But it turned out that there was no one in that location.

Watergate is long gone, how can it be him? Jiraiya let out a low sigh and turned and walked towards the Hokage Building.

Just after Jiraiya left, a figure suddenly appeared in the position just now, looking at Jiraiya's back and muttering, "I'm sorry, Jiraiya-sensei, I can't see you yet." "

This figure is Watergate!


Konoha Village, Hokage Building.

Jiraiya habitually rolled into Hokage's office from the window, looked at Tsunade who was working on the papers, and said with a big smile: "Hahaha, Tsunade, I'm back!" Tsunade

glanced up at Jiraiya, and there was no mood swing, and said: "Oh, Jiraiya, why are you back?"

When Tsunade heard this, he asked, "Oh, Lei Luojun is also back, has his Miaomu Mountain immortal art practice been successful?" As

soon as he heard Tsunade's question, his mood instantly sank, and he spoke: "That kid in Lei Luo is a monster, he learned and mastered the Miaomu Mountain Immortal Art perfectly in half a year.

Tsunade was not much surprised, after all, it seemed that it had taken half a year for Lei Luo to learn the Wet Bone Forest Immortal Technique.

Zi Lai also continued: "That kid from Lei Luo also defeated the Great Snake Pill and captured the contract scroll of the Dragon Earth Cave.

At this time, Tsunade was a little surprised, and asked, "Did you come across Orochimaru?"


Oto-ninja Village?" Tsunade wrote down the place, ready for the Dark Investigator to pay attention to later.

Then Tsunade turned to Jiraiya and asked, "Since you're back, do you want to take a class of students?"

Tsunade listened to Jiraiya's words, his hair was full of black lines, he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said: "If you say take materials in front of me again, I will let you lie in the hospital for three months, and take the materials well!"

Tsunade loosened his clenched fists and replied, "Don't worry, I'm not letting you take students casually, you can go to the ninja school to see if there are any good seedlings, and tell me when you settle down."

Jiraiya nodded, feeling that he no longer wanted to stay in the Hokage's office, so he said a few words and arranged things for himself, and after staying for a while, it was estimated that there would be no time to take materials at all in the future.

So Jiraiya spoke, "Tsunade, I'll leave first if nothing happens, Reilo-kun invited me to his house, and I haven't seen Naruto for a long time, I have to go see him."

Tsunade nodded and replied, "Well, then you go first, remember to go to the ninja school later."

"No problem!" As

soon as the words fell, Ji Lai also left the window directly.


Time was fast, a month passed, and Jirai had also visited Naruto, and Lei Luo also stayed safely with Hong, Xiyan, and Rin for a while.

There was also a small episode in this, Hong's father Xiri Zhenhong came to the door and asked Relo when he was going to hold the wedding, which stumped Relo.

Unconsciously, the third daughter had been with him for so long, and he really had to give an explanation to the third daughter, but Lei Luo felt that he was not ready, and prevaricated in front of the sunset true red.

"Alas, when Kaguya Otsuki is settled, I will marry them. Relo thought to himself.

But if you want to solve the big tube of wood Kaguya, you have to have enough strength, so now Lei Luo still has to learn the immortal arts of the dragon earth cave first, and then integrate the three holy land immortal arts into one, complete the system tasks, and improve his ability.

Therefore, after a month's rest, Lei Luo was ready to go to Longdi Cave to learn immortal arts.

"I don't know if the White Snake Immortal will be as good to talk as the other two, if it really can't, I can only force the White Snake Immortal to hand over the cultivation method of the Dragon Earth Cave Immortal Art.

"With my current strength, there should be no problem dealing with the White Snake Immortals.

"Go to the Dragon Earth Cave or go through reverse psychic arts, hoping to summon a more obedient snake and save trouble." So

Relo found a no-man's place in Konoha and used psychic magic.

"Boom!" a

familiar large snake appeared in front of Relo.

This big snake just appeared, obviously not understanding his situation, and shouted: "Big snake pill, why did you summon me out again?" "

Last time I was so badly injured, and the sacrifice owed to me was not given to me, this time I won't make a move!" This

guy is Ten Thousand Snakes! Ten Thousand Snakes

found themselves saying so much, and no one responded, only to lower his head and find Lei Luo looking at him with a mocking expression.

I suddenly fell into a state of panic, thinking of the scene of being grabbed by Lei Luo by the tail and flicked around in Oto-ninja Village before, and I couldn't help but tremble.

"How... How... How are you?" Lei

Luo couldn't help but laugh when he looked at the scared look of ten thousand snakes, he didn't expect such a coincidence, just summoned ten thousand snakes.

At the beginning in Yin Ninja Village, he didn't mean to throw ten thousand snakes around, it was just a matter of convenience.


Luo smiled and said to Ten Thousand Snakes: "Ten Thousand Snakes, you don't need to be afraid, this time I summoned you out to find you something, as long as you are obedient, I will not beat you." Ten

Thousand Snakes looked at the smile on Leiluo's face, as if he saw a demon, he was really scared by Leiluo.

So Ten Thousand Snakes said to Lei Luo: "Sir, please tell me if you have anything."

Lei Luolang replied in a voice: "After you disarmed

the psychic and returned to the Dragon Earth Cave, you channeled me backwards, did you hear that?" "No problem!" As

soon as the words fell, Ten Thousand Snakes directly dissolved the psychic and returned to the Dragon Earth Cave, feeling that they couldn't wait for the rest of their lives.

Seeing this, Lei Luo couldn't help but laugh again.

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