Lei Luo, who was shrouded in the divine light that bloomed in the eyes of Turgenous Jinji, instantly fell into a trance, and hallucinations appeared in front of his eyes.

The illusion released by Turgenuhime was an immortal-level illusion, and even Lei Luo was unable to get rid of it for a while.

Lei Luo immediately found that he seemed to have returned to his previous life, without the memory of living in the Hokage World for so many years in his mind, and forgot that he was conducting the triple test of the Dragon Earth Cave, and the system in Lei Luo's mind did not give any prompts.

Relo turned on the computer familiarly, looked for a few episodes of the drama, but all felt a little boring, so he found his favorite Naruto anime and began to relive it.

Just as Naruto's familiar BGM sounded, Relo suddenly came to his senses, and his memory was instantly unsealed, recalling everything.

"It is worthy of the test of the Dragon Earth Cave, it will extend the illusion according to the deepest memory in his heart, and everything is so real.

"But since I reacted, it didn't affect me." "

If you want to unravel the illusion, you just need to be able to disrupt your Chakra flow.

And for this level of illusion, just disturbing his own Chakra should be uncrackable, Relo directly summoned Godzilla's power and entered Godzilla's tailed beast coat mode.

When the Godzilla cloak armor appeared outside Relo's body, Uzumaki's illusion was also unlocked at the same time.

And Raylo looked at Relo, who had come to his senses in front of him and turned into an armored samurai, his face was full of shock: "What the hell are you?!" Since Relo

lifted the illusion, he withdrew from Godzilla's cloak mode again, and smiled back to Uzuji: "I? Listening

to Leiluo's words, Rush Jinji also came to his senses and spoke: "No matter what you are, it doesn't matter.

"This third test, you have also successfully passed. "

Let's go, go into the temple to meet the White Snake Immortals!" After

saying that, the three major snake Ji such as Turitsuhime walked into the temple, although there was no chance to eat Leiluo, but they didn't feel any pity, with the state of Relo when he entered Godzilla's cloak mode just now, even if it was a normal battle, they were not necessarily Relo's opponents.

Lei Luo looked at the three snake Ji who walked into the temple, and immediately followed and walked in, and finally was able to learn the Dragon Earth Cave Immortal Art.

Walking into the center of the temple, Lei Luo finally saw the appearance of the white snake immortal.

Orange hair and yellow eyes, a green opal on the chest, purple ribbon as a forehead, the front of the forehead is inlaid with an army-green horn-like ornament, a red night pearl on the top of the head, a pipe on the mouth, a long body, and two golden rings on the tail.

"White Snake Immortal!" shouted respectfully to the White Snake Immortal sitting on the throne as she stood in front of the throne.

The other two serpents stood on either side of the throne, like serving maids.

The White Snake Immortal heard Turbulent Tsuhime's call and opened his eyes, and the snake pupil stared at Turbulent Ji and asked, "Turbulent Jinji, what are you calling me for?"


Oh?" the White Snake Immortal heard this, and turned to stare at Relo.

Then I saw that the white scales on her body flashed with light, and the next moment she turned into a kind grandmother, like the three snakes, turned into a human form.

Then he looked at Lei Luo with interest and said, "Human, I saw traces of the Wet Bone Forest and the Miaomu Mountain Immortal Art on you.

"Your ambition is not small, you actually want to learn all the immortal arts of the three holy lands.

Lei Luo replied in a humble voice: "What ambition there is, but it is just to become stronger." "

Could it be that the White Snake Immortal violated the rules you set because I learned the immortal arts of the other two holy lands?"

"Hehe!" The White Snake Immortal smiled and narrowed his eyes, looking like a kind grandmother, and then said: "I haven't been so careful, since you can come to the Dragon Earth Cave and pass the test, you are naturally a descendant of the Dragon Earth Cave."

"If you want to learn fairy arts, I will naturally teach you."

"Besides, I also want to see what different changes will occur if you learn the immortal arts of the three holy lands.

Then the White Snake Immortal turned his words around, became serious, and spoke: "You know, our Dragon Earth Cave Immortal Art study is different from other holy places. "

The Immortal Chakra and natural energy of our Dragon Earth Cave are more violent than other holy places, so you humans simply cannot absorb them on your own.

"So I'll inject the fairy chakra into your body and let you feel it for yourself, and if you fail to sense, then you will transform into a snake." "

The cultivation of the Dragon Earth Cave Immortal Art only has one chance, and it will be more difficult than the cultivation of other holy places, are you ready?"

said Lei Luo in a deep voice, "Don't worry, White Snake Immortal.

"Since I came to Longdi Cave to learn immortal arts, I have long been prepared to face all dangers, please do it." "

Very good!" the White Snake Immortal was very happy to see Leiluo's resolute attitude, "As long as you have this attitude, you can succeed, then I will start to inject Chakra for you."

As soon as the words fell, the White Snake Immortal's neck suddenly stretched, and then bit into Leiluo's neck, and the fairy Chakra was injected into Relo's body through her fangs.

Lei Luo suddenly felt a violent and violent energy rush through his entire body.

Just when the White Snake Immortal released his fangs and returned to his original state, Lei Luo immediately sat cross-kneeled on the ground, feeling the immortal Chakra of the dragon earth cave in his body.

Looking at Lei Luo, who was in a state of cultivation, the White Snake Immortal stared for a while, and found that Lei Luo had not changed, and she knew that this human being was estimated to be able to practice successfully this time.

So the White Snake Immortal regained its body, and the huge snake body sat on the throne and fell into a state of false sleep.

The three major snake Ji did not have this kind of eyesight, and standing under the throne, they did not dare to ask the White Snake Immortal, so they could only stare at Lei Luo closely.

After a long time, the chakra fluctuations on Leiluo's body gradually subsided, but there was no change in his body, and the three snakes Ji determined that Lei Luo should have successfully practiced.

Sure enough, at this moment, a touch of emerald green eyeshadow appeared above Leiluo's eye sockets, which was the perfect immortal mode.

"You managed to enter Perfect Immortal Mode in one go?!" The three snake Ji were all shocked.

Lei Luo opened his eyes, a divine light flashed, feeling the power in his body, he was sure that he had successfully cultivated.

Then Lei Luo stood up, exited the immortal mode, and said aloud to the white snake immortal on the throne.

"Thank you White Snake Immortal!"

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