When the White Snake Immortal heard Leiluo's voice, his eyes did not open, and he said directly: "Since you have successfully practiced, you can leave." Then he stopped talking.

When Lei Luo heard this, he turned around and walked out of the temple, and the only person who could be seen by him in the Dragon Earth Cave was the White Snake Immortal.

Although the three major snake Ji are also high-level of Longdi Cave, they are not put in the eyes of Lei Luo at all.

Oh, by the way, what interests Relo is also Xin Ya.

Therefore, Lei Luo, who walked out of the temple, did not immediately lift the reverse psychic technique, but opened the five-sight omnipotence to find the trace of Xin Ya.

Although Xin Ya's current strength does not seem to be as strong as Ten Thousand Snakes, it is only slightly weaker, but Lei Luo knows that Xin Ya's potential is much stronger than Ten Thousand Snakes.

Moreover, Xin Ya's reverse scale has been pulled off by him, and now it is still lying in his ninja bag, and Xin Ya, who has changed his temperament, is still worth subduing.

With his all-powerful vision, Lei Luo easily found Xin Ya in a deep cave in the Dragon Earth Cave.

In the cave around Xin Ya, there are no other snakes, after all, the Xin Ya with reverse scales before is too cruel, and no snake wants to approach.

Before Lei Luo came to Xin Ya's cave, his footsteps did not stop, and he walked straight in.

When I entered the cave, I saw Xin Tooth licking his wound.

"Human, what are you doing here?!" Xin Ya looked at Lei Luo who entered the cave, very guarded.

Although his anti-scale has been pulled off by Relo, it does not mean that he is not aggressive.

Relo said with a smile: "It's simple, of course I came to you because of you." "

I wonder if you are willing to follow the contract and fight for me?"

Xin Ya was furious when he heard Lei Luo's words, and replied: "Impossible, I can't listen to a human being." "

I'm not the guy from Ten Thousand Snakes!" Lei

Luo looked at the fierce Xin Ya in front of him, his expression did not change at all, and said lightly: "Xin Ya, don't think that I came to ask you, just to ask for your permission."

"I'm really just here to inform you, and if you're disobedient, I don't mind letting you taste my abilities again." Listening

to Leiluo's words, Xin Ya's body trembled, but he was still unconvinced and wanted to say a few words.

Lei Luo didn't talk much nonsense, and directly mobilized Chakra into the Great Buddha state.

Lei Luo, who turned into a big Buddha, looked down at Xin Ya and asked, "How is it? Do you agree?" As if as long as Xin Ya said a "no" word, Lei Luo

would immediately teach it a lesson.

Seeing this, Xin Ya naturally knew that Lei Luo was really here, instead of playing with him.

After being pulled out of the scales, he would not be ironed

, and quickly said: "I agreed, I agreed!" Only then did Lei Luo exit the state of the Great Buddha, smiled and said: "Very good, when I summon you, you have to remember to come out obediently for me."

Xin Ya looked at the smiling Lei Luo, but felt a chill in the snake's body, and quickly nodded.

Relo looked at this scene, and only then was he satisfied to lift the reverse psychic technique and return to Konoha.

Xin Ya watched Lei Luo leave, and just breathed a sigh of relief, he found that someone was channeling it.

Just wanted to refuse the psychic, but it found that it was Lei Luo who channeled it, and quickly accepted.

"Boom!" A

puff of smoke cleared, and Shinya appeared in Konoha Village.

Lei Luo looked at the Xin Ya that appeared, his eyes narrowed, and he said: "Xin Ya, you are a little slow, you don't want to refuse my channeling."

Xin Ya hurriedly replied, "This is the first time I've been channeled, and I'm just not used to it."

Lei Luo replied with a smile: "Then you have to get used to it as soon as possible." "

In fact, Lei Luo does not lack the combat power of Xin Ya, but since it has all pulled out its counterscales, let's adjust it by the way.

And in the future, if any junior signs Xin Ya, it will be easy to control obedience.

"Okay, then you go back. Lei Luo said to Xin Ya.

Xin Ya couldn't wait to lift the psychic and returned to the Dragon Cave.

After Xin Ya left, Lei Luo did not go home immediately, it was so quiet here, it was also quite suitable for cultivation, it was better to take advantage of it now, try to fuse the immortal art of the three holy places.

Just do it when you think of it, and Relo is not a grinder.

Lei Luo first turned on the five-sight omnipotence, looked around, and found that there was no trace of anyone coming.

So Lei Luo sat down directly cross-kneeled and began to try to fuse the three immortal chakras in his body.

"Sure enough!" thought to Relo.

Having successfully mastered the three Holy Land Immortal Arts, it was much easier for him to fuse than when he had only mastered the Wet Bone Forest and the Miaomu Mountain Immortal Art before.

Lei Luo just mobilized the three immortal chakras, and they had a tendency to fuse, and now for Lei Luo, as long as he mastered the fusion ratio of immortal chakra.

"It seems that the immortal arts of these three holy places do have an inexplicable connection, but I am afraid that this connection is not clear to the three immortals. After

the time of cultivation in Miaomu Mountain, every time Lei Luo went out, he would bring a bunch of sealing scrolls with him, which sealed enough food and avoided going down the old path of eating insects again.

After continuous attempts, Lei Luo gradually groped the proportion of Immortal Chakra fusion, which was already very close.

During this time, Lei Luo also had to go to the three holy places to absorb natural energy and replenish the Immortal Chakra again.

"It should be possible to succeed this time!" thought to himself, and he had a feeling that this ratio would definitely succeed.

Sure enough, this time the fairy chakra was smoothly fused together, and after Lei Luo fused all the immortal chakra, suddenly, a sense of light spirit filled Lei Luo's body.

"This feeling is really wonderful!" Lei Luo couldn't help but be a little obsessed, "Try

the immortal mode of the fusion of these three immortal arts!" So Lei Luo triggered the fusion of the new immortal chakra and entered the new immortal mode.

Golden eyeshadow appeared above Leiluo's eye sockets, but above the golden eyeshadow, there was a rainbow-like fluorescence.

Lei Luo opened his eyes and felt what terrifying energy was contained in the seemingly calm fairy chakra in his body.

"Very good, this new immortal mode is called the Three Immortal Immortal Mode!" At this

moment, the system's prompt sounded in Lei Luo's mind.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for completing the task: true

immortal art!" "Congratulations to the host for learning the three holy land immortal arts, and successfully fusing to create the three immortal flow immortal mode. "

Congratulations to the host for obtaining the mission reward: god-level draw points*1. Relo

couldn't help but laugh twice, and then shouted out the usual phrase to the system in his mind.

"System, I want a lottery!"

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