The system heard Relo's shout, and did not beep Leilai with him, and directly a system wheel flew out and appeared in Relo's mind.

Lei Luo looked at it and saw that the six prizes above were

: S-class props: mechanical Godzilla

S-level equipment: imperial tools * Thor wrath [Admiral]

S-class weapons: obedient swords

S-level skills: time backwards

S-level props: cute girl potions

S-level props: devil fruits * childlike fruits

Mechanical Godzilla, from the Godzilla world, is a robot similar in appearance to Godzilla, coated with artificial diamonds, and immune to fire and heat. Even more terrifying is his arms and body, which are covered with countless weapons - tranquilizer missiles, plasma grenades, bliss missiles, and so on.

But the most terrifying thing is the head of the mechanical Godzilla, in addition to the mouth can fire the Miga ray cannon, there is also a laser cannon with both eyes, and a high-power microwave ray cannon on both shoulders, which is very terrifying.

Emperor Gu * Thor Wrath [Admiral], from the world of Crimson Pupil, is an imperial tool with the ability to manipulate thunderclouds, and can summon thunder and lightning to attack enemies. The attack power is high and wide, and hitting the opponent can also paralyze it and immobilize.

The Sword of Obedience, from the world of the Holy Grail series, has super power, a veritable sword that splits the world. And the strongest state of the obedient sword is named "Heaven and Earth Obedience Opening Star".

In this state, the sword will be divided into 3 cylindrical blades that rotate separately, and the quasi-space fracture caused by the first sword Ea will form an attack similar to a space-time fault to smash all enemies, which is basically an undefensible attack.

Travel back in time, from the world of League of Legends. This skill is an ability from Kiran, the guardian of time in the League of Legends world, and as long as you master this skill, you can inscribe time runes for protection.

This rune can be engraved on oneself or a teammate, and within five minutes of the time rune being turned on, if it receives fatal damage, it will rewind its state back to when it was intact, just like Izanagi, the forbidden technique of the chakra eye.

However, the Sharingan is permanently closed once it is used, while it only takes a year to use it once in time.

Moe Niang Potion, from the Moe Niang War Ji world, what creatures you like, as long as you feed this potion to them, they will become powerful Moe Niang War Ji.

For example, if it is fed to a cat, it is a cat girl war ji, and if it is fed to a rabbit, it is a rabbit girl war ji and so on.

Devil Fruit* Childlike fruit, from the One Piece world, users stop growing when they eat the fruit.

As soon as it is touched with the hand, everything that is touched disappears from the world completely, and a contract can be made so that it cannot act freely according to its thoughts and obey orders.

In fact, the so-called complete disappearance means that the person who is turned into a toy will be erased from the memory of others. Toys have their own consciousness, have their own emotions, have memories before death, and permanently become toys when the ability person is conscious.

Relo's eyes were hot as he looked at these prizes, and he couldn't wait to start the lottery, and the wheel in his mind turned.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for obtaining the S-Class skill: Go Back in Time! "


Relo couldn't help but laugh maniacally when he looked at the prize drawn, this was the one he wanted the most out of the six prizes.

The time rune inscribed using the Time Reversal is comparable to Izanagi, and the most important thing is that this time inscription can be inscribed on teammates.

Originally, Lei Luo was worried about the safety of Hong, Xiyan, and Lin, and now he could completely inscribe time runes on the three women, although for the three women, the time runes could only be used once a year, but that was enough.

After a long time, Lei Luo finally calmed down his joyful mood.

Now that things are all over, not only have the three major immortal arts learned their hands, but they have even obtained the god-level skill of turning back time, in addition, the improved version of the dirt rebirth has also been obtained from the hands of the big snake pill, and now you can go home.

"I don't know how the investigation is over there at Watergate, my Awakening Light can already be used again, I don't know if he found Jiu Xinnai and his own body."

"Forget it, just go back and ask him."

Relo got up directly and walked towards Konoha Village.


Konoha Village, Relo psychic beast shop.

"I'm back!" Lei Luo walked into the psychic beast shop and shouted in his mouth.

"Lei Luojun, welcome back!" Hong heard Leiluo's voice and immediately walked out from behind the counter.

Relo directly hugged Red, and then came a romantic French wet kiss.

After a long time, it was not until Hongdu was about to pass out of hypoxia that Relo let her go.

Hong gasped and blushed, couldn't help but pat Lei Luo's shoulder, and said: "Lei Luojun, you are dead, as soon as you come back, you will be bad, and there are still people watching."

Lei Luo looked at the shy red, and said with a smile twice: "Who is there, isn't you the only one in the store now?"

Red pointed to the counter, pouted and said, "Isn't there another one there?" Relo

was a little puzzled, his five-sight omnipotence didn't see that there were other people in the store, following the direction of the red finger, Relo saw a Chilulian squatting on the counter, and covered his eyes with his small hand.

"Yes, it turned out to be Chillulian, I said who is it." Lei Luo couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Then Lei Luo said to Hong: "It's okay, it's just Chillulian, where are the others?"

Red replied, "Rin, she went to work in the hospital, Yuyan has a mission in the dark department, Naruto is in ninja school."

Then he turned to Lei Luo and asked, "Lei Luojun, are you busy with your affairs?" How long can I stay this time?

Lei Luo hugged Hong in his arms and said softly: "My affairs have been completed, I won't go out again recently, and now I have time to accompany you more."

Then Lei Luo suddenly remembered that he should have engraved the time inscription on Hongxian and almost forgot about it just now in a long kiss.

So Lei Luo said to Hong: "Hong, you close your eyes, I have something to give you."

Hong asked softly, "Lei Luojun, what?"

Relo replied, "You close your eyes first, you'll know later."

Red nodded and said, "Then I'll close my eyes first, but you are not allowed to make it bad."

After that, Red closed her eyes.

Lei Luo looked at the red, looking for a suitable place for the inscription to be engraved, and finally attracted by the red and white collarbone, and decided to engrave the time inscription here.

Red was still wondering why Lei Luojun didn't call him to open his eyes for so long, only to suddenly find that Lei Luo put his finger on her collarbone.

Hong Qiang endured the shyness in her heart and did not open her eyes, and then felt Relo's fingers groping on her collarbone for a while, and then heard Relo's voice.

"Red, eyes can be opened!"

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