Hong opened her eyes and looked at Lei Luo, who was looking at her with a smile, and couldn't help but lower her head shyly.

As a result, as soon as he lowered his head, he saw the time rune on his collarbone.

I have to say that the time rune flashes with a mysterious atmosphere, even if it is used as a tattoo decoration, it is very good-looking.

"How's that, Red, do you feel anything different?" Relo asked.

Hong raised his hand and touched the time rune on his collarbone, and asked, "Lei Luojun, is this the gift you said?"

Lei Luo nodded and replied, "That's right, this is called the Time Rune, and if you receive fatal damage within five minutes after you use Chakra to open it, this rune will trigger the power of time contained in it and restore your state to the original, just like going back in time." "

So amazing?" Red was a little surprised to hear Leiluo's words.

Then Hong took the initiative to hug Lei Luo and kissed him and said, "Lei Luojun, thank you."

Lei Luo replied with a smile: "You and I don't have to be so polite.

"Now since it's only your own words, let's close the shop first, and let's go out for a stroll."

"Uh-huh!" Red nodded, with a smile on her face, it was very happy to be able to go shopping with Leiluo.

So Relo closed the door and walked out with Red.


Time flies, and three years pass by in a flash.

And today, it's time for Naruto Ninja School to graduate.

Bofeng Shuimen also returned to the village ahead of schedule, ready to record this important moment with his camera again.

In the past three years, Bo Feng Shuimen has been running around investigating the information of the Xiao Organization and the bodies of him and Jiu Xinnai, but little progress has been made.

Apart from his investigation that the base of the Xiao Organization was probably in the Land of Rain, he did not get any useful information.

And the traces of his and Jiu Xinnai's bodies were simply impossible to find, after all, so many years had passed, and he only vaguely remembered that before he was swallowed by death, he seemed to see a figure with a dark body, which was his only clue.

But he had searched in the ninja world for so many years, and there was not a single bit of information at all about the ninja who might be this black shadow.

When Lei Luo heard this information told by Bofeng Shuimen, he was already sure in his heart.

The one who took away the bodies of Bofeng Shui Gate and Vortex Jiu Xinnai should be Hei Jue.

But now is not the opportunity to eliminate the Xiao Organization, and Lei Luo is not sure if he can leave Hei Jue, although Hei Jue's strength is not worth mentioning for Lei Luo, but his hidden methods and ability to escape is not simple.

Relo had to prepare in advance and make sure that nothing was wrong before he could start.

Naruto's years in the ninja school have been much better than the original, and under the care of Relo and Rin, his nutrition when he was a child was also sufficient, and Naruto now is a head taller than when he graduated from the original book.

And under the cultivation of Lei Luo, as well as the occasional teaching of Watergate, Naruto's strength is also much stronger than at this time in the original work, and the multiple shadow avatar technique and spiral pill Naruto have mastered in advance, and still rub balls with one hand.

In addition to being inferior to Nizhu in terms of shuriken and theoretical achievements, Naruto's combat power is much stronger than Nizhu.

The fate of Uchiha Itachi is also much better than in the original work, his best friend Shisui is a disciple of Leiluo, and the unstable factors of the Uchiha family have long been solved in advance, and he will naturally not defect.

Now he is also an elite member of the Dark Department and holds the position of a detachment leader.

It can be said that the entire Konoha has undergone a good transformation under the influence of Relo, and its strength is much stronger than in the original work.

"Uncle Relo, Uncle Flash!"

Naruto ran out of the ninja school, looking youthful, enthusiastic and energetic.

For the current Naruto, the graduation exam is also pediatric, and there will be no small story like in the original book, and Konoha braces have been worn on his head.

Wave Feng Shui Gate had noticed when Naruto had just walked out of the ninja school gate, and had already pressed the camera shutter to record this moment.

Lei Luo looked at Naruto and smiled and said, "Congratulations Naruto, from today you will be a shinobi!" Bofeng

Shuimen also followed and said, "Congratulations, Naruto!

Naruto nodded excitedly, his mouth never closing with a smile.

"Let's go! Today your Aunt Lin has prepared a lot of food at home to celebrate you, let's go back! Relo spoke.


Naruto cheered and ran directly towards the Relo Psychic Beast Shop.

Lei Luo had just taken a step and was about to follow, but a system prompt suddenly sounded in his mind, making him suddenly stop in place.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for triggering the mission: reverse fate!

"Reverse fate: Naruto Uzumaki, as the son of destiny in the world of Naruto, the reincarnation of Asura, is his destiny to seal Kaguya Otsuki again. The host, as Naruto Uzumaki's adoptive father, has reason to reverse his fate for his son!

"Please seal / kill/subdue Kaguya Otsuki before Naruto Uzumaki seals Kaguya!"

"Mission rewards: Seal Otsuki Kaguya and reward god-level draw points*1; Kill Otsuki Kaguya to reward god-level draw points*2; Collect Otsuki Kaguya and reward god-level lottery points*3."

Lei Luo was surprised to see the task content prompted by the system.

"What the hell? How could this task be triggered suddenly?

The system replied: "The host triggers this person's task for two reasons."

"The first reason, as stated in the mission content prompt, the host is Naruto Uzumaki's adoptive father."

"The second reason is because when Naruto Uzumaki graduated from the ninja school, it was when the fate of the child of destiny began to turn."

"That's why the host suddenly triggers this task at this time."

The explanation of the system allowed Relo to figure out why this task was triggered, but it was not easy to complete this task.

If you want to deal with Datumu Kaguya, whether it is sealing, killing or subduing, you must first release Datumu Kaguya.

And in order to release the big tube of wood Kaguya, you have to rely on the eye of reincarnation to summon the outer path golem, and then absorb the power of the nine tailed beasts through the nine seals of the phantom dragon, so that you can succeed.

The Phantom Dragon Nine Seals Lei Luo did have it, but the Reincarnation Eye and the Nine Tailed Beast Lei Luo did not.

"Looks like I have to go to the Land of Rain!" Relo muttered inwardly.

"Uncle Leiluo, hurry up, what are you still standing there for?!"

Naruto's shout woke Relo up, this task is not so easy to complete, and now there is no need to think so much for the time being.

So Lei Luo opened his mouth and responded: "It's coming, don't be in such a hurry!"

Then Relo strode forward and walked towards the psychic beast shop.

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