As in the original book, Naruto's class Shinobu is still Kakashi, still the familiar seventh class, and the reason why this is so is that Tsunade actually asked Relo's opinion before arranging it.

Now Kakashi does not have the drag of Sharingan, specializing in Thunder Ninjutsu and Kiki Daojutsu, other attribute ninjutsu as auxiliaries, and Rin was rescued by Relo, Kakashi is not immersed in self-blame and grief like in the original book, and has not fallen into a state of decadence, and his strength is much stronger than in the original work.

That's why Relo decided to still have Kakashi as Naruto's leader, and Kakashi is a disciple of Watergate, so he will be very responsible for protecting Naruto.

Naruto has already started the mission, and Relo can also prepare for the system mission to reverse his fate.

It's time to head to the Land of Rain!


Relo naturally knew that the base of the organization was in the Land of Rain, so he settled his home, took a leave order from Tsunade, and went to the Land of Rain alone.

Bordering the Land of Fire, the Land of Rain is a small country sandwiched between nations. The Land of Rain has a natural barrier, low-lying basins surrounded by mountains, and the unique weather and climate make the Land of Rain a spectacle of the rainy season all year round, and the rain never stops.

The outside world knows very little about the country of rain, only knows that the country is divided into civil wars, conquests for years, and the law and order is very strict, afraid of the invasion of some spies.

The ninja village to which it belongs is Yuyin Village, a ninja village whose assassination techniques are very well developed, so they are often commissioned by other countries.

The leader of the Land of Rain is the legendary ninja Hanzo, who gave Tsunade, Orochimaru and Jiraiya the title of "Konoha Three Shinobi" in the Second Ninja World War, and later Payne killed Hanzo and became the leader of the Land of Rain.

Payne is also the leader of the Xiao Organization, a person with the reincarnation eyes of the legendary ninja ancestor Rokudō Immortals, and the people of the Land of Rain firmly believe that Payne is a god sent from heaven, and Payne's teammate Konan, is an angel. There are six people in Payne, each of whom is a body transformed from six corpses, and its body is Uzumaki Nagato.

If Lei Luo wants to complete the task, he must rely on the eye of reincarnation to summon the outer path golem, and then capture the nine tailed beasts.

But as a person from Konoha Village, it is naturally inconvenient for Lei Luo to take the tailed beast from other villages, and he does not have the eye of reincarnation, so cooperating with the Xiao Organization is the only way for Lei Luo.

A few days after leaving Konoha, Relo stepped into the territory of the Land of Rain.

As soon as he entered the Land of Rain, Relo felt very uncomfortable, because he did not like such humid weather.

Relo walked all the way through the rainforest and found no trace of anyone.

"It's normal for the country of rain to be a small country and a widow, and it often becomes a battlefield for other countries." Lei Luo also understood in his heart why this was true.

With Leiluo's speed, it didn't take long to arrive in front of Yuyin Village.

But as soon as Lei Luo arrived here, he was discovered by Nagato in Yuyin Village.


Land of Rain, Rain Hidden Village, Central Tower.

Today was originally when Xiao organized the assembly, Kakuto and the Red Sand Scorpion both died in the hands of Leiluo, the big snake pill had already defected from the Xiao organization, and Uchiha Weasel did not defect, and the current Xiao organization is not as powerful as in the original work.

Payne took Xiao Nan to run around, and finally gathered the members of the Xiao Organization, but the strength was barely strong, except for Payne and Xiao Nan, only Deidara and the dried persimmon ghost mackerel still had some strength.

Payne looked at the members gathered in the tower of the center, and was about to announce some strategies and goals of the future Xiao Organization, when he suddenly frowned, because he found that there was a very large Chakra person outside Yuyin Village, and he was very strong.

The rain around Yuyin Village is filled with Payne's Chakra, which is a detective-type ninjutsu developed by Nagato, "Water Escape. Rain Tiger Ease", and the person that Payne perceived was none other than Leiluo.

"Payne, what's wrong?" Konan, looking at the frowning Yahiko, asked.

Payne raised his eyebrows and said lightly: "It's nothing, it's just that an uninvited guest came to Yuyin Village."

"Although his strength is good, if you want to come to our Yuyin Village to find trouble, it is to seek your own death."

"Chief, let me go!" Deidara said excitedly when she heard this, "Staying in the village lately, I feel a little rusty. Payne

shook his head lightly and said, "The person who came did not hide his figure, and it is possible that he is not an enemy."

When Xiao Nan heard this, he replied, "Then I'll go out and take a look to see what purpose he came to Yuyin Village."

Payne nodded, and Xiao Nan turned into pieces of paper and disappeared in place.


Now Lei Luo was standing in front of Yuyin Village, as if waiting for something, the rain dripping from his head but not touching his body at all, sliding directly from his sides.

Relo knew that Payne had a course called "Water Escape." When he stepped here, Payne must have discovered his tracks, and he wanted to see who Payne would send to find him.

At this moment, countless confetti appeared in front of Lei Luo, and the confetti rotated for a while, revealing the figure inside when it dispersed, a purple-haired long-legged royal sister, it was Xiao Nan.

"I didn't expect it to be Xiaonan, it seems that Payne has also guessed that I didn't come here as an enemy." Lei Luo thought to himself as he looked at Xiao Nan who appeared.

"Outsiders, did you come to Yuyin Village for something?" Xiao Nan looked at Lei Luo and asked with a serious expression.

Lei Luo said very indifferently: "I didn't come here because of Yuyin Village, but to cooperate with your Xiao Organization. Xiao

Nan immediately became nervous when he heard this, looked at Lei Luo and asked, "Who are you?"

Lei Luo chuckled and replied, "My name is Lei Luo, you should have my information."

Xiao Nan replied, "Leiluo? Konoha Village's elite Shinobi, who led the team to destroy the Shinmubi Bridge during the three wars, defeated the Yunyin Village Abby combination, and fought with the three generations of Thunder Shadow to a tie Lei Luo?

Lei Luo smiled slightly and replied: "That's right, it's me, I'm here this time to cooperate with your organization, if you can't make up your mind, you can enter and ask Nagato." Xiao

Nan's pupils shrank when he heard Leiluo's words, even if ordinary people knew the Xiao Organization, they only knew that the leader of the Xiao Organization was named Payne, and they didn't know that it was controlled by Nagato at all, how did this Lei Luo know such secret news.

But for her heart to have this question, Lei Luo didn't know, just looked at Xiao Nan and waited for her to reply.

Xiao Nan pondered and replied, "I'm still bothering you to wait here for a while, I'll ask the chief."

Lei Luo replied with a smile: "Please!"

Xiao Nan turned into confetti again and disappeared in front of Lei Luo.

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