"Relo, we have a new mission!" Lei

Luo listened to Sunset Hong's words, and his face couldn't help but smile.

After nearly half a year of practice, Lei Luo felt that he had improved a lot, and he just needed to test his current strength.

This task came exactly as he wanted.

Lei Luo said goodbye to Teacher Chen, and then left with Xi Rihong.


The fourth class has gathered at the familiar fourth training ground.

"Hong, tell me more about this mission. Relo, as the captain, spoke first.

Red nodded and said, "This mission is designated as an A-level mission, and it is to escort materials to the battlefield of the Grass Country with two other teams. "

This is a very important batch of military supplies, which contains a large amount of kunai shuriken and tent food, as well as the detonation charms that ninjas need the most, soldiers' food pills and other things.

"The other two teams will be led by Kami-Shinobu, and the leader of this mission is Kato Kato. "

Is Kato broken?" Relo felt a pang of familiarity when he heard the name, and then suddenly remembered.

Kato is Tsunade's original lover in Konoha's Three Shinobi. His secret art * Spiritual Transformation Technique, which can transform himself into a living soul, regardless of distance travel and kill enemies in ninjutsu, can control the opponent's body and enter the spiritual world of others.

The day before going to the front, Tsunade tells Tsunade that his wish is to become a Hokage, and Tsunade gives him the ancestral necklace.

Unexpectedly, the war broke off and was seriously injured, and even Tsunade, one of the three Shinobi, was unable to return to heaven and eventually died. Tsunade suffers from a phobia of blood and thinks that only a fool would want to be a Hokage. It wasn't until Naruto appeared later that Tsunade let go of the psychological shadow of the past.

Thinking of this, Lei Luo couldn't help but tighten his heart.

"Shouldn't Kato die in this mission

" "No, it shouldn't be that coincidental!" "

But you still can't take it lightly."

Lei Luo shook his head, got rid of the chaotic thoughts, and said: "Since you know the details of the mission now, let's go back and prepare!

Early the next morning, the fourth squad rushed to the material storage area, and when they arrived at the material office, there was already a team waiting there.

"Hello, are you the person in charge of this mission?" asked Relo as he walked over to the leader of the team.

"Yes, this mission is led by me, in addition to you there is also a squad, it should be there later." Shang Shinobu, who was leaning on the supply truck, straightened up and replied with a kind face.

"First introduce yourself, my name is Kato Takashi, and I am good at occult art * spiritual art.

"My name is Relo, I am currently the captain of the fourth class, and I am good at light escape, physical skills.

"My name is Sunset Red and I am good at illusion.

"My name is Yue Xiyan, and I am good at swordsmanship. Kato

Juan glanced at Relo with some surprise, "Hikaru, new blood succession boundary?"

Relo's Hikari in Konoha is only known to the high-level and a few people familiar with Relo, Kato Kato is only a civilian ninja, and often goes on missions, not very clear.

Although curious, Kato did not ask, it is not a good habit to inquire about other people's privacy.

Kato then introduced the members of his squad.

One of them turned out to be a branch of the Hyuga family, called Hyuga Lawless.

The name is very domineering, and in the broken squad, he is mainly responsible for perceiving ninjas, and protecting the physical body of the broken when using the spiritual technique.

And all that remains are two ordinary civilian ninjas.

A few people were talking politely in a match, and after a while, a squad came.

The leader of this squad is a Sarutobi clan who is good at fire and escape, named Sarutobi Conan, and the members under his team are just ordinary civilian ninjas.

Hearing the name Ape Flying Conan, Relo raised the danger of this mission in his heart. The name Conan is often associated with death, which cannot be ignored.

Thinking about the elementary school student, Relo was also amazed.

By introducing each other, everyone got to know each other.

"If everyone has no problem, let's go!" said Shinobu Kato Broken, the leader of the team.


Konoha's base in the Land of Grass, located on the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Grass, is not very far from the village of Konoha, and if an ordinary ninja walks on foot, it will only take about three days to arrive.

However, because of the escort of supplies, Relo's team moved very slowly, and it was estimated that it would take a week to reach the border.

Hinata of Kato's broken squad, as the only sentient ninja this time, naturally shouldered the heavy responsibility of reconnaissance.

Every time everyone walked forward for a while, Hinata would open his eyes and observe.

Inadvertently, six days passed in a hurry, and everyone in Lei Luo was finally about to reach the border.

This week has been a great ordeal for Relo.

In the previous few missions out of the village, the three of Lei Luo were not dragged down by materials, and they ran much faster than the carriage.

But this time, he had to follow the large army of carriages slowly and leisurely, and the grinding advance made Lei Luo uncomfortable.

However, fortunately, there are two little loli accompanied by Hong and Xiyan, which is a little solace on the boring journey.

As everyone knows, the fight between Lei Luo and Hong and Xiyan, two little loli, has caused the jealousy of many people.

As they reached the bottom of a hillside, the group slowly stopped.

"The team stop and rest for the time being!" With

Kato's broken order, the team immediately stopped and temporarily camped on the spot to rest.

Kato sent a few people out to hunt some prey and sacrificed the temple of the five organs to everyone.

After eating, Kato gathered everyone together and said, "Now that we are almost at the border, we may encounter enemies who have infiltrated at any time. In order to ensure the safety of materials, we must be vigilant and need to rearrange the formation!"

"Lawless, you continue to walk the front and increase the frequency of reconnaissance. I will send two Naka Shinobi to guard you. "

Yes!" Hinata rolled her eyes wide and nodded vigorously.

"Ape Flying Conan, you and I lead the squad to guard the two wings!"

Then, Kato broke his gaze to Relo.

"Relo, you lead the fourth squad to guard the tail and prevent the enemy from sneaking attack!"

He has the light around him, and it is easy to support any direction.

"Very well!" Kato nodded, "Do you still have questions?" "

No!" Everyone nodded, including Relo, having no objection to the arrangement.

"Since there is no problem, then continue to rest for half an hour and then we will hit the road. "

Half an hour passed quickly.

Kato waved his hand, "Go!" and the team set off again.

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