Half a day of travel, unexpected arrivals.

"Boom!" A sudden explosion sounded.

It turned out that when the Naka Shinobi of the Sarutobi Conan squad fell on a tree trunk, a concealed detonation charm exploded.

The dragon set that triggered the trap immediately received the box lunch, and he was killed.

"Be careful!" the corners of Hinata's eyes were bruised, and she had already opened her eyes.

In Hinata's lawless white eyes, the woods in front of him were scattered with many detonation charms.


, it's the people of Iwahide Village, they used the earth to hide the Chakra aura of the Explosive Charm!"

The remaining detonators were pulled one after another, roaring endlessly, and the successive explosions disturbed the silence of the mountain forest, and the smoke and dust scattered, and a row of large trees from it creaked down, stirring up an even greater dust mist and engulfing a small half of the mountain forest.

Fortunately, the team withdrew in time and did not cause further casualties, but also lost a lot of food and tents.

And military materials such as kunai, shurikens, military food pills, and detonation charms were all hidden in the sealing scroll, and there was no loss.

The smoke and dust cleared, and many ninjas appeared on the other side of the mountain forest, and at a cursory glance, there were about forty or fifty people.

The brace on the ninja's head revealed their identity, it was Iwain.

"Hahaha," the leading Iwa Shinobu looked at the supply truck and laughed maniacally.

"After waiting for so long, I finally waited for you, Konoha's material supply, kill you, these are all from our Iwain Village.

"Is there no one in Konoha, send a few of you to deliver supplies?" Relo

looked at the leading ninja blue-eyed hedgehog head, a little familiar, it was Iwa Shinobu's explosive hunt.

Kai belongs to the Iwa Shinobi Demolition Force, and has also made some fame on the battlefield, and after his death, he was reborn in the fourth Shinobi World War and acted together with the Sand Hidden Leaf Cang.

The explosion is the blood succession limit formed by the combination of earth and thunder dual attribute Chakra, which can concentrate Chakra in the fist or palm, and once it hits something, it will explode violently.

In the face of Iwa Shinobu's sudden attack, the situation is in danger.

But the situation in front of him no longer allowed Lelodo to think, and Iwa Shinobu had already attacked.

Originally, Konoha's side did not have an advantage in numbers, and the enemy was Iwa Shinobu's elite demolition force.

The moment the two sides made contact, Konoha's convenience fell into the downwind, and the situation fell into chaos.

Shouts of killing, blasting and screaming were endless.

Seeing this, Kato used the Spiritual Transformation Technique to control Iwa Shinobu to kill each other, while Hinata Wutian also retreated to Broken's side to protect Broken's body.

Watching Iwa Shinobu continue to kill each other and the casualties continue to expand, Kai finally discovers Kato's break.

"Go and die!" Kai rushed straight over, then punched him sharply.

Seeing this, Hinata Wutian hurriedly blocked in front of Broken, and used his soft fist to block Kai.

But he heard a "bang", and Hinata's lawless arms were directly burst by the hunt.

It is the boundary of Kai's explosive bloodstain.

"It's Iwahide Village's Bakugu Kai, don't fight closely, attack with long-range ninjutsu!" The

broken in mid-air roared, but it was already late!

Kato immediately raised his hand to Kato Broken, Kato's broken soul found the crisis, immediately returned to the body, manipulated the body to dodge, but still could not dodge, was killed by Kai burst half of the body.

He is good at forbidden spiritualization and can control souls to attack and control.

But once you are approached by a ninja who is super strong in close combat, you will definitely die!

But he was stopped by a knife that suddenly appeared in front of him.

It was none other than Relo.

"Laser light!" A

brilliant golden light shot out, extremely fast, but Kai, as the elite of Iwain Village, was extremely experienced.

At the moment of the attack, the figure subconsciously flashed to the left.

"Poof!" Blood

flew out, and Kai's left arm was directly penetrated by Relo's laser ray, and even injured a Iwahide village ninja behind him.

"Damn! What kind of ninjutsu is this? or... Blood Succession Limit?!" Kai

secretly scolded, but he also knew the gap in strength between the two sides.

One foot touched the ground, directly picked up the corpse under him, grabbed it with one hand, and threw it towards Lei Luo!

Human bomb

?" Lei Luo's heart froze, and his figure turned into a ray of light and instantly dissipated.

As a relogue who knows the overall situation, he is very clear about the ability to explode.

In the original plot, three people have the Explosive Blood Succession Limit.

They are the Ninja Demigod Hanzo, the Xiao organization Deidara, and Kai, who died very early.

Since Nadi Dhara can use clay as a bomb, it is also very likely that Kai, who is also the owner of the Explosive Blood Succession Limit, will also have the same trick

! Sure enough, the corpse, after landing on the ground and hitting the ground seriously injured and unconscious Kato Broken, really exploded again!

"Damn it!"

Leiluo cursed secretly, he had already fought hard to kill the enemy, but he still couldn't stop Kato's death.

Is this really his destiny?"

"Eight-foot Qionggou Jade!" In

mid-air, Lei Luo's figure appeared, his hands grabbed the void, and immediately dozens of brilliant golden rays flashed, shooting towards the Yanyin Village ninja on the ground!

"Boom!" "Boom!!"

In an instant, the group of Yanyin Village ninja was shrouded in a large number of flames and shock waves.

But even with Relo's big move to kill the enemy, Konoha's ninja were killed and injured.

All of Sarutobi Conan's men were killed, and the only members of Kato's squad were left with the severely injured Broken and the severely injured and unconscious Hinata.

Although Hong and Xiyan were only slightly injured under the protection of Lei Luo, they were also exhausted and unable to fight again.

Kai pushed away the two companion corpses that stood in front of him, looked at the corpses of Iwa Shinobu all over the ground, his eyes were red, "Damn it, I must kill you all!" Grabbing

a corpse in one hand, the blood followed by a special chakra surge, turning these two corpses into human bombs again, and rushed fiercely in the direction of Relo.

After such a long time of fighting, Lei Luo also consumed a lot.

Fortunately, I practiced physical arts with Teacher Chen at the beginning, and I have persevered until now, but I don't have much physical strength.

"Guangdun is too physically demanding, and this place is too close to the border line, Yanyin's people will rush over

!" "It's really not possible, you can only use that thing!"

Lei Luo sighed secretly in his heart, stretched out his hand to grab the void, and a strangely shaped big knife suddenly appeared in his hand

! "Sit in the frosty sky!

I saw that the Ice Wheel Pill in Lei Luo's hand gave birth to an iron chain, and there was a crescent-shaped blade at the end of the chain, releasing Sensen's icy cold aura.

"Icicles of birds!" Lei

Luo swung his knife forward, and a series of ice bullets hit Kai, but he was blasted by Kai's fist one by one.

Seeing this, Lei Luo was also unimpressed, and then raised his hand and made a move of "Ice Wheel Spinning Tail", and a cold white light cut out from the Ice Wheel Pill, freezing everywhere it passed.

"Tu Dun, Tu Lu Return" Kai raised his hand to make a seal, and the land in front of him quickly rose upwards, blocking in front of him, but it was directly cut open, and the frost between the gaps was fierce.

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