"Lei Luojun!"

Lei Luo raised his head when he heard this, looked at the silver-haired mask man who walked into the store, and replied.

"Yo, Kakashi, what's going on?"

That's right, the person who entered the store was Kakashi.

Kakashi looked at Relo and said, "Reilo-kun, I came to you this time because of Naruto's affairs.

Relo asked with some doubt, "Naruto's business?" What happened to Naruto?

Kakashi replied, "Naruto is okay, I just came to ask if you want him to take the Chūnin exam." When

Lei Luo heard this, he relaxed again and replied, "I thought it was something?"

"Isn't it the Chūnin exam?" Let him go!

"I remember that this Chūnin exam was held in our Konoha, and the other day Tsunade asked me if I wanted to be an examiner."

Kakashi nodded when he heard this, and replied, "That's right, this Chūnin exam was held by us in Konoha, and this Chūnin exam even sent people from Kirihide Village to participate. "

Mist Hidden Village?" Lei Luo became interested when he heard this.

Relo remembered that in the original book, Naruto's Zhongnin exam was just that the big snake pill was doing things, and at that time, the Hokage was still an old man of ape flying cars, but now the Hokage is Tsunade, and Relo is also in the village, and the big snake pill will definitely not dare to do things again.

And another reason why Orochimaru did things in the first place was because he wanted Sasuke to be his container, because he was abused once by Uchiha Itachi with a moon reading when he was organizing.

But now Uchiha Itachi did not defect, nor did he encounter Orochimaru.

And Lei Luo remembers the Zhongnin exam in the original work, and no one from Wuyin Village came to participate.

"Could it be that this guy with soil wants to do something this time?" Lei Luo thought to himself.

Kakashi asked: "That's right, this time the Mist Hidden Village also sent people to participate, that is, the people of the five major countries came, this is an opportunity for the five major countries to show their strength, it seems that the Mist Hidden Village may also want to make some changes." Relo

nodded and replied: "I know about this, Naruto will let him go when he takes the Chūnin exam, I will also go to watch the battle at that time, if nothing happens, don't worry."

Kakashi nodded and turned and walked out the door of the psychic shop.


Land of Fire, Konoha Village, seventh class training ground.

Naruto, Nijuko, and Sakura were practicing in the training ground.

Sakura is Nijuko's little fan girl as always, but Naruto is no longer Sakura's licking dog.

Under Relo's intentional guidance, the relationship between Naruto and Hinata is much better than at this time in the original book.

After all, Red is now Relo's woman, and Red is Hinata's leader, and often brings Hinata and them to eat at home, which increases the chance of contact between Naruto and Hinata.

At this moment, Kakashi appeared in the training ground in an instant.

"Kakashi-sensei, is there a new mission?" Naruto asked, looking at Kakashi who appeared.

Kakashi shook his head, took out three pieces of paper from his body, and said, "There is no new mission, but the Chu Shinobi exam is about to begin, and I ask the three of you if you want to participate."

As soon as Kakashi finished speaking, Naruto hurriedly replied, "Of course you have to participate!"

Naruto said as he reached for the application form in Kakashi's hand.

But Kakashi directly dodged Naruto's outstretched hand and said, "You can't participate alone, it's calculated as a squad."

When Naruto heard this, he turned around and shouted at Nizhu and Sakura, "Sasuke, Sakura, you are also going to take the Chūnin exam, right?!"

Erzhuzi nodded after listening to Naruto's words, and opened his mouth to reply, "Of course I have to take the Chūnin exam!"

Sakura hesitated, looked at Sasuke before gritting her teeth and making up her mind, and began to say, "Since Sasuke and Naruto are both participating, then I will also participate." "

Very good!" Only then did Kakashi hand the application form in his hand to Naruto, and then said, "Since all three of you have agreed to take the Chūnin exam, then fill out this application form now!"

Naruto took the form and handed it out to Nizhu and Sakura, and after the three of them filled out the application form, Naruto took it back and handed it to Kakashi again.

Kakashi looked at the application form, and then said: "Then you guys train well and prepare for it, the Chūnin exam will start in a month, and all countries have sent people to participate, don't be ashamed of you then!"

After that, Kakashi used the teleportation technique to leave the training ground.


Country of Fire, Konoha Village, Hokage Building.

"Tsunade-sama, this is the application form for the seventh class I lead, and they will all take this Chu Shinobi exam."

Kakashi handed the application form to Tsunade and said lightly.

Just before Kakashi, Kai, Asma, and Red all submitted applications for the Naka Shinobi Exam for their respective teams.

Iruka, who was standing beside Tsunade, spoke out against it.

"Naruto-sama, Mr. Kai, the third class he led was the last graduate, and it's okay to take the Chūnin exam now, but Naruto they have only graduated for a year, how can they take the Chūnin exam?!"

Before Tsunade could speak, Iruka spoke up to retort.

"Iruka-sensei, I know that you are for Naruto and their good, but this year Naruto they are under my leadership, and I know their current strength better than you."

"Moreover, I have already asked Reilo-kun, and Reilo-kun also agreed to Naruto take the Chūnin exam."

Asma and Hong also replied: "That's right, we all believe in the strength of our squad, and they are enough to participate in the Zhongnin exam. "

Did Lord Relo agree too?" Okay then, then I hope Naruto and they can successfully pass the Chūnin exam! "

Iruka's father was Relo's homeroom teacher back then, and after Relo returned from the Nine-Tails Rebellion, he also visited Iruka, and occasionally pointed out Iruka, so Iruka was also very convinced of Relo.

"Okay, then let's settle it like this, I have agreed to the applications of these squads you led to participate in the Zhongnin Exam!" Tsunade saw that several people in the office had already agreed on the opinion, and naturally he would not speak out against.

"That's nothing, you can all go back, you all strengthen the training of your respective squads, and give me the demeanor of our Konoha during the Chūnin exam!"

"Did you hear it?"

Tsunade patted the table and said with enthusiasm, she also had a certain understanding of the strength of this new generation, and she still believed in their strength.

"Hey!" Everyone replied one after another.

Then leaving Naruto's office one by one, Iruka returned to the ninja school, while Kakashi and Red both went to their respective squad's training grounds, ready to give the squad members a pre-exam assault training.

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