A month passed quickly, and people from other villages had already arrived.

This time, the seventh class did not encounter with my Airo team, and there was no conflict, and among the team members sent by the Mist Hidden Village, the only person Relo had heard of was Nagajuro.

Today is the day the Chūnin exam begins.

The Zhongnin exam is as old as ever, with a written test plus intelligence collection, squad duels, and individual duels.

"Hurry up, hurry up! I'm going to be late! Naruto hurriedly ran out of the Relo Psychic Beast Shop to join Nizhu and Sakura.

By the time Naruto arrived at the first examination room, Nijuko and Sakura were already waiting at the door.

"I'm sorry! I'm late! Naruto apologized embarrassedly to the two of them.

Sasuke waved his hand and replied, "It's okay, let's hurry in, otherwise we'll be really late." "

The family harmony of Sasuke is not as unfriendly as in the original book, but after this year's squad running-in, the relationship between the three of the squad is still good.

Naruto nodded when he heard this, and walked into the examination room building with Sasuke.

"I remember our exam room was in 301!" Naruto turned to Sasuke and asked.

Sasuke nodded and replied, "That's right, it's 301.

Then he said to the two Naka Shinobi guarding the stairs: "You two should get out of the way, who can be hidden from such a simple illusion?"

Sasuke said this because the stairs leading to the third floor had been disguised as the door of a room by illusion, which was a preliminary screening of those who took the Chu Ninja exam.

If you can't even see through this simple illusion, you won't be eligible to take the Zhongnin exam.

However, Sasuke's words helped Xiao Li, who had been waiting next to him.

Xiao Li could not use all kinds of ninjutsu and illusion arts except physical skills, and he couldn't find the true location of the stairs at all.

Xiao Li followed the seventh class to the third floor, and then thanked Sasuke: "Thank you, when the two of us fight, I will definitely show mercy."

Sasuke was originally quite happy to hear the first half of the thanks, but the second half made Sasuke become full of black lines.

Sasuke looked at Xiao Li's shining teeth and felt that this guy should have a bad brain, so he didn't pay much attention to Xiao Li and walked directly into the examination room.

Since Relo promised Naruto that he would watch the Chūnin exam, he naturally wouldn't break his word.

But Lei Luo did not observe as an examiner, but stayed on the roof of the examination room building, turned on the five-sight omnipotence, and looked at the situation in the classroom below.

This look allowed Lei Luo to see a familiar person - Medicine Master Pocket!

"Medicine Master, this guy should still be from the big snake pill, right?"

"I didn't expect Orochimaru to be so bold, and even dared to let Yakushi stay in Konoha to collect intelligence, did he think I didn't know the identity of Yakushi?"

However, for Leiluo, the current medicine master can only be regarded as a small role, and it does not matter.

"However, this time the Oto-Ninja Village of the Great Snake Pill didn't send someone to take the Middle Ninja Exam, it seems that the guy from the Great Snake Pill has no plan for Konoha's collapse this time."

Lei Luo placed a lounge chair on the roof, basking in the sun, watching the various small movements of the examinees below, still very conscious.

The examiner of the first session of the Chūnin exam this time is still Relo's original classmate - Mori Nai Biki.

He was injured on the battlefield before, and he had a huge scar on his face, he looked a little fierce, and after working in the torture department for so many years, he naturally carried a fierce aura on his body.

For these candidates, it is still very stressful to be stared at by such an examiner.

However, for someone like Naruto, this is a small problem.

Naruto still passed the first exam so smoothly, and this time he did not rely on the choice of the tenth question, and reached the passing line completely by relying on his own strength.

After all, Relo had taught him a lot of things, and he didn't want to see Naruto just talk.

Immediately afterwards, Lei Luo saw the examiner of the second session, Mitarai Red Bean, appear.

I have to say that the red beans wearing a fishnet socks are still a little sexy, but when I think of Fa Fu turning into sweet potatoes in the future, I don't feel anything at once.

When Hongdou took the candidates who passed the first exam to the Forest of Death, Lei Luo left directly and returned to the psychic beast shop.

Because he had already determined that the big snake pill really did not make any small moves this time, then the second exam would not have any problems for the seventh class, which had stronger practical combat ability than theoretical ability.

Moreover, the Death Forest Heaven and Earth Scroll Battle for the second exam lasted for five days, so there was no need to follow it.

Now just wait until the third level of the exam, if there are more people left in the second session, then the pre-selection before the third game can also be seen.

Sure enough, as Relo expected, five days later, Naruto successfully passed the second exam and happily returned to the psychic beast shop to congratulate him.

And also told him the news, that is, tomorrow is the qualifier for the third exam.

The number of people left in the qualifiers is basically the same as the list at that time in the original book, except that the three Oto-ninja have changed into three Mist Ninjas, and Chojuro is naturally among the three.

"Okay Naruto, you should rest well today, it is not comfortable to spend five days in the Forest of Death, I will go to see the qualifiers tomorrow." Relo touched Naruto's head and said with a smile.

Naruto's current height is only two heads behind Relo, and it is estimated that he may be able to catch up with Relo in a few years.

At that time, Reloco will not be able to touch Naruto's head like this.

Naruto listened to Relo's words, very happy, and happily replied, "Yes, Uncle Relo!" Then

he ran back upstairs to his room, where he was going to rest and prepare to put his best foot forward in front of Relo tomorrow.


The next day, Relo followed Naruto to the qualifying room, and then sat in the stands to watch today's match.

The first match in the original book should be Uchiha Sasuke vs. Otobu Bronze Armor, but now Otobu's opponent has not come, and Nizhuko's opponent has become the dragon suit armor of Mist Hidden Village.

Although it was a dragon set, the dragon suit armor was very arrogant, and said to Sasuke in an eerie tone.

"You're a ninja from the Uchiha clan? I'll let you know that your Sharingan doesn't have the slightest effect in my ninjutsu. Then I

saw the imprint in the hand of the Mist Hidden Dragon Armor, and the field was shrouded in mist in an instant.

"Mist Concealment Technique!"

"Hahaha! I'm a being known as the 'Little Ghost' in the Mist Hidden Village, so die for Uchiha's guys!" The sound of the dragon suit armor came from all directions in the fog, making Sasuke unable to determine his location for a while.

But the words of the dragon suit made Sasuke very unhappy.

"Little ghost man? Then I'll turn you into a dead ghost! "

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