Although Sasuke was unhappy in his heart, he was not impatient, because he knew that if he wanted to crack the art of mist, in addition to bombarding with a wide range of ninjutsu, the easiest thing was to respond to everything with no change.

As long as the dragon armor attacks, Sasuke will seize the opportunity, find his position, and kill him with one blow!

Sasuke opened his Sharingan eye and stared closely at the movements around him, the Mist Hidden Dragon Suit saw that Sasuke had not attacked for so long, and he was consuming Chakra to maintain the Mist Hidden Technique.

Especially the training ground is not a place with sufficient water sources, and it takes more chakra to maintain the Mist Concealment Art under the sun, which makes the dragon suit armor inevitably a little anxious.

Suddenly, the dragon armor's eyes lit up, and he found that Sasuke showed a flaw, and seized the opportunity to attack directly with a knife.

Unfortunately, this flaw was deliberately revealed to him by Sasuke, just to lure him to attack.

When the dragon armor had just appeared, Sasuke was already ready, and in his right hand, Ku Wu directly blocked the knife of the dragon armor.

Then the left hand thunder chakra condensed, making a noisy sound, like countless birds screaming.

"This is... Plover? Relo was slightly surprised to watch this move in the stands, but he didn't expect that now Sasuke had learned this trick and was able to use it skillfully, it seemed that Kakashi should have taught Sasuke a long time ago.

After Lei Luo turned on the five-sight omnipotence, the fog concealment technique of the dragon suit armor did not block his vision in the slightest, and he could clearly see the situation under the field.

Sasuke did not show mercy to the ninja of the Mist Hidden Village, and his left hand directly pierced the abdomen of the Mist Hidden Dragon Armor, and at the same time paralyzed his entire body, and the Mist Hidden Art could not be maintained.

The fog concealment technique dissipated, and the referee saw the situation in the field and opened his mouth to announce.

"First game, Sasuke Uchiha wins!"

"Medical class, take the ninja of the Mist Hidden Village to Konoha Hospital."

"The second game, Hinata Ninji vs. Hinata Hinata, please both sides play!"

The second game was not interesting at all, Hinata was still defeated at the hands of Ninji, although Relo had also tutored Hinata, but her temperament was still too weak and needed a transformation.

"In the third game, Akimichi Dingji vs. Mist Hidden Dragon Set B, please play both sides!"

This fog ninja is obviously strong in terms of physical skills, and Ding Ci came to a fist-to-flesh bloody fight, but his mouth was too cheap, and he actually scolded Ding Ci as a dead fat, and as a result, Ding Ci directly exploded in anger, and a meat chariot taught him to be a man.

In the fourth game, Xiao Li fought I Ai Luo, Xiao Li bloomed his brilliance, but he was still no match for I Ai Luo, but in Xiao Li's critical moment, Lei Luo rescued him, avoiding the risk that he might be paralyzed.

In the fifth game, Shino the oil girl vs. Kankuro, although Shino's sense of existence is very low, his strength is not low, and Shino is actually very restrained puppeteer.

Before Kankuro's puppet could exert its power, it was controlled by Shino's parasite, and then he had no choice but to admit defeat.

In the sixth game, it was finally Naruto's turn to play, but this time Naruto would not win with a fart like in the original book.

Only to hear the referee shouting loudly: "Sixth game, Naruto Uzumaki vs. Inuzuka Ya!" Please play on both sides! "

The two sides quickly entered the field to prepare, and the seal of confrontation was formed.

Inuzuka looked at Naruto and said excitedly, "Naruto, I have improved a lot in the past year, be careful not to lose to me."

Naruto replied equally excitedly: "Hahaha, I didn't relax either, the person who won this time must be me!"

Inuzuka shouted, "Akamaru! We're on!

Akamaru replied, "Woof!

As soon as the words fell, Inuzuka Ya used the "Beast Ninja Method. Four Legs of Art", and Akamaru attacked Naruto left and right.

"I'm not afraid of you!" Naruto shouted.

Then the figure dodged the attack of one person and one dog, and then a move of Konoha whirlwind kicked Akamaru out.

Holding the seal in his hand, more than a dozen Naruto appeared in the field.

"Multiple Shadow Doppelgänger Technique!"

The current Naruto is not like in the original book, releasing countless doppelgangers in one go, and as a result, he is stuck in his position, in fact, for a person fighting against a person, it is most appropriate to fight with eight doppelgangers, so that everyone has the opportunity to shoot.

So in the next second, Inuzuka and Akamaru were surrounded by a dozen Naruto.

Inuzuka blocked left and right, and every time he scattered a Naruto doppelganger, Naruto would summon another one, and Inuzuka knew that this was not the way to go.

So Inuzuka shouted at Akamaru, "Akamaru uses that move!" "


"Pseudo-beast ninja. Tooth to tooth!

Inuzuka and Akamaru seemed to turn into two hurricanes, then converged, scattering Naruto's doppelganger at once, and then rushed towards Naruto.

Naruto looked at the rushing whirlwind and did not dodge, the chakra condensed in his right hand rotated wildly, and the spiral pill was pressed on the tooth with one move.

In an instant, Inuzuka and Akamaru were sent flying out, fortunately, Naruto's spiral pill was not too powerful, but he only slightly injured one person and one dog.


Inuzuka got up from the ground, looked at Naruto and said: "Naruto-kun, your strength has improved quickly, this time I lost again, but I will not give up, next time I will definitely defeat you!"

Naruto nodded and made a seal of reconciliation with Inuzuka with a smile, and in this moment, Relo seemed to see the shadow of Watergate in Naruto.

After seeing the two receiving the seal of reconciliation, the referee announced loudly.

"Sixth game, Naruto Uzumaki wins!"

Naruto ran up to the stands and said to Relo with an excited look: "Uncle Relo, how is it, my strength is not bad, right?!"

Relo smiled and looked at Naruto and replied, "Well, it's very good, your strength is already in the top three among the ninjas present!"

Naruto pulled down his face when he heard this, and spoke, "Huh? Only the top three?

Lei Luo opened his mouth and replied: "Don't underestimate the others, you also saw just now, that red panda with a gourd on the back of Shayin Village is not weaker than you."

Naruto pouted back, "Okay, okay!

Lei Luo touched Naruto's head and said, "Well, since you have won, let's take a look at the other people's competition here, and it can be regarded as understanding your opponent."

Naruto nodded, and then obediently sat down next to Relo.

In the seventh game, Sakura Haruno vs. Ino Yamanaka.

Just like in the original book, the two sisters came up to a tearing meal, which can be called a large-scale friendship rollover scene, and then the rookies on both sides pecked each other, fought until exhausted, and both fainted.

As a result, both were eliminated.

"In the eighth game, Nara Shikamaru vs. Nagajuro! Please play on both sides! Hearing

the referee's shout, Shikamaru walked into the middle with a helpless look, and couldn't help but complain.

"Oh, it's really troublesome to die!"

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