Chojuro looked at Shikamaru, who was indeed a big enemy, although his strength was not bad, but he had also heard of the name of the Nara family, and knew that the Nara family had a special shadow secret technique, and his IQ was particularly high.

As soon as the duel began, Chojuro directly pulled away from the position between him and Nara Shikamaru to prevent being manipulated by Shikamaru's shadow mimicry.

Although Nara Shikamaru was very impatient, he still had to fight, and he saw that he raised his hand and shot several kunai towards Nagajuro.

Chojuro swung the double knife flounder and easily blocked Ku Wuji.

But Shikamaru immediately sealed the seal in his hand, and released the shadow imitation technique, and Chojuro couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief as he watched the shadow under Shikamaru's feet continue to stretch but finally get some distance away from him.

"Flounder. Liberate! I

saw Nagajuro inject Chakra into the flounder in his hand, and suddenly the flounder split in two, and then as Nagajuro swung forward, several energy light balls attacked Shikamaru.

Shikamaru naturally did not sit still, and directly flashed the flying ball of light, while his body continued to rush in the direction of Nagashiro.

Chojuro knew in his heart that he must not let Shikamaru get close to the range of the shadow manipulation technique, so he kept in mind the length of Shikamaru's shadow just now and kept pulling.

At the same time, the double-knife flounder in his hand waved again.

"Flounder. Blood Mist Knife Method. Bone pulling!

Suddenly, countless light thorns flew out from the flounder and attacked Shikamaru's joints, trying to control Shikamaru.

Lei Luo looked at Changjiro's move, and his eyes lit up.

"I didn't expect that the flounder still has this trick, well, not bad, copy it."

For Lei Luo, who has the light, this inspiration has allowed him to develop a lot of light-dunned binding ninjutsu, and this Zhongnin exam is not in vain.

But in the face of Chojuro's attack, Shikamaru directly used a substitute technique to dodge, and then the next moment Chojuro found that his body could not move.

"Shadow Mimicry. Succeed! I

saw a thin shadow connecting Shikamaru with Chojuro, and then the shadow continued to climb up Chojiro's body and then stopped at Chojiro's neck.

"I... Recognize... Lost! Nagajuro spat out a few words with difficulty, and then he felt his body loosen, and Shikamaru had already taken the shadow back.

At this time, the referee came to the stage to announce the result of this match.

"Eighth game, Nara Shikamaru wins!"

Chojuro couldn't help but feel a little depressed when he heard the referee's announcement.

"Alas, how should I explain to Terumi-sama when I go back!"

And Tsunade in the stands couldn't help but nod when he saw Shikamaru's performance, and then said to Nara Shikaku next to him: "Shikaku, your family's Shikamaru is doing well, it's very your style."

Nara Shikaku replied in a low voice, "Where, Shikamaru is still far behind."

Tsunade continued, "It's just that Shikamaru's temperament is a little too lazy, and he doesn't have the vitality of a young man at all. Nara

Shikahisa sighed and replied, "ε=( ́ο'*)))) Alas, I also have a headache at this point, but there is nothing I can do.

Tsunade smiled and replied, "It's okay, he'll grow up someday." At

this time, the referee had already begun to call the ninja candidates of the ninth game.

"The ninth game, every day against Temari, both sides please play!"

As soon as Temari came up, he began to taunt, and said: "Konoha ninja on the other side, you are not my opponent, you better take the initiative to admit defeat, otherwise it will not be good to get injured later." "

Tiantian snorted coldly, let you see my strength, and then instantly took out dozens of kunai, senben, and shuriken from the ninja bag on his body and shot them towards Temari.

Temari looked at the various ninja tools that flew in, did not panic at all, and unfolded his large fan with his backhand.

"Wind escape. One Star!

In an instant, the wind howled around Temari, spinning beside him, and shooting down all the ninja tools that attacked every day.

The fierce wind dissipated, Temari supported the fan with one hand, and said with a relaxed face: "Do you only have this little strength?" Or obediently admit defeat! Tenten

ignored Temari's taunt and pulled out two sealing scrolls from his ninja bag.

Temari looked at this scene and said, "Don't struggle, it's useless for you to do anything." Then

a cold drink every day.

"Double Ascending Dragon!"

The sealing scroll in his hand quickly unfolded, rising up every day, flying in the air, and in the next second, it seemed that endless ninja tools flew out of the scroll and attacked Temari.

"Hmph! See how you block this time! Tiantian thought to himself.

Seeing this, Temari raised the fan again, looked at Tiantian and said, "It's useless!" No matter how many there are, it will be the same! "

Wind escape. Two stars! The

hurricane condensed in front of Temari, forming a wind barrier, once again blocking Tiantian's attack.

Seeing this, Tiantian gritted his teeth and said coldly: "It's not over yet!"

Then countless chakra threads permeated out from Tiantian's fingers, controlling all the ninja tools on the ground to stop in the air, and then with a wave of both hands, the ninja tools attacked Teju again.

At this time, a smile appeared on Tiantian's face.

"It worked!"

But Temari's eyes narrowed, and he waved the fan again, and suddenly the wind swept upside down, blowing the ninja and Tiantian out.

"Wind escape. Three stars! Then

the fan turned, and Temari disappeared into the field.

Tiantian's pupils shrank, and his heart was shocked.



Tian Tian looked around for Temari's figure, but at this time, a voice came from behind Tian Tian.

"I'm here!"

"Oops!" Such a thought flashed in Tiantian's mind, and then he immediately turned his head and watched Teju sit on the fan and fly over her head.

"Shinobi. Scythe! The

hand marital fell in front of Tiantian, the fan in his hand waved continuously, and countless small tornadoes appeared in the field, wrapping Tiantian up.


Countless wounds were suddenly torn out of Tiantian's body, and the pain in her body couldn't help but make her cry out.

"Every day!"

Xiao Li in the stands was a little excited when he saw this, and Lei Luo couldn't watch his own people being abused like this by people from other villages.

In the next second, Lei Luo appeared in the field, holding the ice wheel pill in his right hand and slashing forward.

"Water Breath * One Style * Water Surface Slash!"

Directly cut off the tornado with a knife, but Tiantian was already unconscious.

Then Lei Luo carried Chakra, and a soft light bloomed in his hand and pressed on Tiantian.

"Guangdu. Light therapy! The

torn wounds on Tiantian's body healed almost instantly, and then Relo returned to the stands with Tiantian in his arms and handed Tiantian to Kai.

"Lei Luojun, thank you!" Kai shouted thanks to Relo.

The off-field referee has already announced the result of this match.

"Game 9, Temari wins!"

"This qualifier ends here, and the official showdown of the third match will begin in a month!"

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