The chakra that erupted from Hinata Ninji's body instantly formed a rotating energy shield, blocking all of Naruto's attack wind blades.

Hinata Hiashi in the stands was a little surprised when he looked at Hinata Ninji's move.

"Has this kid been able to use it back to heaven? It is worthy of being the genius of our Hyuga family!

Then Hinata Hiashi turned to his younger brother, Hinata Hinata, the head of the family, and said, "Hinata, it seems that you taught Ninji very well!"

Hinata Hinata replied with a smile: "Everywhere, it's just that this kid Ningji has worked hard enough." "

Because of Leiluo, there was no Yunyin Mission to do things this time, and Hinata Ninji's father, Hinata Hinata, did not die for Hinata Hinata, but taught Ninji with his heart.

Ning Ci's current state of falling out with Hinata was entirely because of the caged bird, and he felt that his talent was so strong that he should be the sect family himself.

That's why Ning Ci was dissatisfied with the cowardly Miss Hinata, but he didn't give such a ruthless hand to the original work.

Otherwise, with Naruto's strength now, Ning Ji beat his little daughter-in-law, and before he could come up, he would use all his strength to him.

At this moment, Naruto in the field attacked again.

Naruto knew that his Chakra was much higher than Ningji's, and Ningji's Chakra consumed a lot this time, and it was estimated that he could only use it twice at most.

So Naruto sealed it again and released the wind dunjutsu.

"Wind escape. Vacuum jade! Another

countless waves of wind and light spat out from Naruto's population and attacked towards Ningji.

There was no way, Ning Ci could only use Huitian again to block this move.

But after using the second time to return to the sky, Ning Ci's arm had begun to tremble slightly.

"It's too bad, the physical exertion is too great, and there is not much Chakra, it is estimated that it can only be used once again!" Ning Ci thought in his heart.

Ninji's state at this time was about the same as Naruto had estimated.

Naruto looked at Ninji, and even had the mind to mock it.

"Ningci, you don't have much Chakra in your body now, who is about to lose now?"

Ning Ci snorted coldly when he heard this, and replied, "That's right, my chakra is not much, but your chakra is not much."

Naruto laughed and said, "Hahaha, you underestimate me too much, let you see how many chakras I still have." "

Wind escape. Vacuum Link! In

an instant, countless careful whirlwinds appeared in the field, sweeping towards Ning Ci.

Seeing this, Ning Ci's face changed, "Damn, why is this guy Chakra so much, this move of ninjutsu is even more powerful than the move just now." But

the whirlwind was already in front of him immediately, and there was no time for Ning Ci to think more, so he could only release back to the sky again and block this move.

The whirlwind dispersed, and Ning Ci's entire body was trembling, already on the verge of exhaustion.

Then Ninji noticed that a foot quickly enlarged in his eyes, and he wanted to dodge, but his body was already out of control, and the last kick was kicked unconscious by Naruto.

Moonlight Blaster came to the field in an instant, announcing the results of the third group.

"Third group, Naruto Uzumaki wins!"

"Next, there is the fourth group, Sasuke Uchiha vs. I Airo, please play from both sides!"

"Yay!" Naruto couldn't help but cheer with joy when he heard the results announced by Moonlight Blast.

Then this time Sasuke walked down from the stands.

Naruto patted Sasuke's shoulder and said with a smile, "Come on Sasuke!" I'm sure you can beat that red panda!

Sasuke nodded, pulled out a smile, and walked into the field.

Naruto had returned to the stands, seriously watching the battle below to see how strong this red panda that Uncle Relo praised really was.

At the beginning of the duel, Sasuke retreated directly, widened the distance between him and Aira, and then threw out three shurikens towards Aira.

But by this time, the gourd behind my Aira had opened, and sand kept pouring out of the gourd, surrounding my Aira, and Sasuke's shuriken was easily blocked by the sand.

Seeing this, Sasuke rushed directly towards my Airo, and flew and kicked my Airo in the head.

But just then, a sand doppelganger appeared in front of Aira, blocked Sasuke's attack again, and tried to wrap Sasuke in sand.

Sasuke naturally did not sit still, and directly fought to break up the sand doppelganger.

Then Sasuke's Sharingan eye opened instantly, and at the same time, his speed suddenly skyrocketed, finding a loophole in my Airo's defense, and kicking my Airo out.

I Iroh fell to the ground, with sand under him as a cushion, and he was basically uninjured.

Seeing this, Sasuke was unreasonable and rushed towards Aira again, but the next second he stopped sharply.

Because Aira had already sealed the sand to envelop him and form a hedgehog-like ball of sand, if Sasuke tried to continue attacking, he would be injured even more.

Unwilling to give up just like that, Sasuke turned around and attacked from other angles.

But no matter which angle Sasuke attacks from, he will be stopped by Airo manipulating the sand thorn.

Only then did Sasuke look up and find the Sand Eye in the air, which was used by Iro, who was in the sand ball, to observe the situation in the field.

Immediately after Sasuke raised his hand, several more shurikens shot directly into the eye of sand in the air.

Then, while I-Airo had not yet condensed a new Sand Eye, Sasuke froze and opened his mouth, and a huge fireball with a billowing heat wave attacked the sand ball.

"Fire. The art of fireballs! "

I Ai Luo, who was inside the sand ball, felt a burning heat, but the sand ball finally blocked this move, and it did not have any effect on my Ai Luo.

"What?! Is the defense of this sand ball so high? Seeing this, Sasuke's pupils shrank sharply, and he was a little surprised in his heart.

The fireball hit the sand ball, leaving only a scorched black trace, and did not break the sand ball.

"Then try this trick!" Sasuke's eyes were certain, and he made up his mind.

"Ugly! Mao! Extend! As

Sasuke finished sealing, Lei Du Chakra condensed on his left hand, emitting a noisy bird chirping sound, it was Chidori!

Sasuke's Sharingan eyes stared closely at the sand ball, and instantly rushed in front of the sand ball, and then the Chidori in his left hand stabbed it fiercely.

At this moment, a huge hand of sand repelled Sasuke, and the sand ball also disintegrated, revealing the figure of Airo, and a penetrating wound appeared on the left shoulder, and blood continued to flow out.

"You were able to hurt me?!"

I Ai Luo touched the wound on my left shoulder with my right hand, and then looked at the blood on my right hand, and a crazy look appeared in my eyes.

"Very good! Now you have the value of letting me kill! "

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