As soon as the words fell, more sand poured out of the gourd behind my Airo.

It then fused with the chakra gushing out of my Airo's body, forming an armor with a fierce sand claw outside my Airo.

Ero's sanity faded away, and madness took over.

"This is a one-tailed human pillar force?" Tsunade in the stands was surprised, she had already seen that the claw that appeared in Aira was the claw of Shouzuru.

On the other side, Shinobu Maki, the leader of Sunaku, was also nervous, and it would be bad if Aira completely released the Shouzuru inside Konoha, and it would probably make Konoha think that Sunahide wanted to disturb Konoha.

Those high-ranking officials and nobles watched the battle off the field with interest, not knowing how dangerous it was now.

Nara Shikahisa whispered to Tsunade, "Tsunade-sama, do you want to suppress this Aira now."

Tsunade waved his hand and said, "No, I heard that this child is Luo Sha's youngest son, but I didn't expect that Luo Sha also has this kind of courage and will make his son a human pillar force."

"Besides, it's just a crane, and we can't make any waves in Konoha."

Nara Shikamaru nodded, looked at the calm face of Relo on the stage, and was relieved.

At this time, I-Ai Luo under the field has launched an attack on Sasuke, and now in this state, I-Ai-Luo has improved a lot.

Iroh rushed in front of Sasuke almost instantly, and his huge claws slammed down at Sasuke.


A large pit appeared where Sasuke was standing, but Sasuke's chakra eyes had already seen through Aira's attack and dodged ahead of time.

I love Luo and come towards Sasuke again.

"Fire. The Art of Phoenix Fire! "

Sasuke dodged while making a mark in his hand, and constantly spitting flames out of his mouth, under Sasuke's control, he wanted to spare the sand claw and directly attack my Airo, but was blocked by my Airo with the sand claw.

At this time, the entire venue was potholed by my love Rona, and Sasuke was forced to have a smaller and smaller range of activities.

"Hahaha!" I Iroh looked at Sasuke who was running around, laughing wildly and wantonly.

"It can't go on like this!" Sasuke felt that his physical energy was declining, and his entire throat seemed to contain a piece of charcoal, burning and dry.

Sasuke picked up his Chakra and was ready to deliver the final blow.

Thunder Chakra once again condensed on Sasuke's left hand, and the chakra eyes turned, staring at Iroh closely.

"It's now!"

Sasuke instantly rushed towards I-Aira, and the Chidori in his left hand stabbed hard into I-Aira's body, and although I-Aira dodged in time, his shoulder was pierced by Sasuke again.

In an instant, his arm was hanging down, it was difficult to lift and could no longer be imprinted.

The sharp pain passed from the wound on my shoulder to my Iroh's brain, making him scream.


Immediately after that, I Airo completely fell into madness, and the chakra in my body kept gushing out, and the watchdog was about to drill out.

Markey in the stands also tensed up, sweat on his forehead.

At this moment, Lei Luo made a move, and the running chakra entered the state of the Great Buddha in an instant.


Before the Shouhe who had just emerged could take shape, he was slapped back by Lei Luo's palm.

Then Lei Luo instantly returned to his normal state, and his hand was sealed, and he pressed it on my Ai Luo's chest.

"Sealing. Four Elephant Seal! "

Countless sealing techniques spread from Leiluo's hands and I Ai Luo's whole body, suppressing Shouhe.

Shouzuru cursed at Relo in my Ailuo's body, and kept struggling, but it had no effect.

"So strong!" Markey muttered as he looked at Relo, who had made the move.

Tsunade saw that Relo had already shot to suppress Airo, and his tense body relaxed again.

"I don't know how strong Lei Luojun's strength is now, and he can suppress Shouhe so easily, although it is only a tail, but it is impossible to be suppressed so easily."

"Is Leiluo's strength already similar to that of his grandfather?!"

Things have been suppressed, but now it is Moonlight Blast's turn to have a headache, and he doesn't know how to announce this result.

Fortunately, Relo spoke up to solve this problem in time.

"Shippu-kun, this battle was won by my Airo, and Sasuke Uchiha has exhausted Chakra and is unable to fight again."

Moonlight Wind only then found that Sasuke on the side had exhausted Chakra and fainted.

So Moonlight Swift nodded and announced the results of this scene.

"Group four, I love Luo Shengli!"

"Then the second round of competition is next!"

"Oil Girl Shino vs. Temari!"

"Naruto Uzumaki vs. I Airo!"

At this moment, Shinobu Magi of the Sunahide Murakami suddenly spoke up: "Wait! The second round of I love Luo is counted as a waiver!

Moonlight Swift looked at Maji and asked in a deep voice, "Shinobu Murakami, are you sure?"

Markey nodded, although my Ai Luo's injury is not serious, but he is very worried that Shou Tsuru will run out again, and now that they have shown the strength of their Sand Hidden Village, I Ai Luo does not need to compete anymore.

As for Temari, it's nothing to compare with one, and it won't get out of control anyway.

Moonlight Blastwind confirmed Markey's decision and said, "Okay, then Naruto Uzumaki will directly advance to the third round!"

"Next, I'll invite Shino and Temari to play!"

The battle between Shino and Temari did not last long, and although Temari's wind escape level was good, it was still somewhat restrained in the face of Shino who was able to use parasites to devour Chakra.

Although Temari took protective measures beside him, and Shino's parasites could not attack under the whirlwind, there was no protection under Temari's feet.

Shino directly manipulated the bug to come from the ground and climbed up Temari before she could even notice it.

Next, Shino's bugs continued to devour Temari's Chakra, and Temari could only helplessly shout out to admit defeat.

Then came the third round.

"In the third round, Shino the oil girl vs. Naruto Uzumaki, please both sides to play!"

As soon as the words of the moonlight wind fell, Naruto couldn't wait to jump into the field.

But I heard the oil girl Shino say lightly: "I admit defeat!" "


Naruto held his head and shouted, "Shino, how can you do this?!"

"I waited so long and ended up throwing in the towel before you did?!"

Shino raised her hand and pushed her goggles, and said lightly: "Naruto, I don't have many bugs, so I definitely won't be able to beat you this time." "

Alright!" Naruto was a little dejected, completely devoid of the joy of victory.

Since Shino the oil girl has already admitted defeat, then Moonlight Wind can directly announce the result.

"Everyone, this is the end of the Chūnin exam, and the first place in this Chūnin exam is... Naruto Uzumaki! "

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