The Zhongnin exam came to an end, and the people from all over the country and village left one after another, originally Lei Luo thought that Obito would do something, but nothing happened until the end.

"What does this mean, is it just simply sending people from the Mist Hidden Village to take the Zhongnin Exam?" Relo was puzzled.

But since nothing happened, it was naturally the best.

After this Naruto exam, after discussion, the village decided that Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and Nara Shikamaru were promoted to Naka-ninja.

This changed the fate of Naruto in the original book for ten thousand years, and Lei Luo felt that the system should reward him with a few god-level lottery points, which can be regarded as reversing fate.

But Lei Luo just thought about it, and didn't talk to the system, because he knew that if he said it to the system, the system would definitely reply to him.

"You're thinking about fart!"

The days returned to their former calm, and Relo seemed to have turned into a salted fish again, but the undercurrents of the ninja world had begun to surge.


Land of Rain, Rain Hidden Village, Central Tower.

Hei Jue came out of the ground.

"Absolutely, is there something going on with you?" Payne looked at Hei Jue and asked coldly.

Hei Jue looked at Payne's cold expression, and did not have any dissatisfaction, and replied: "Payne, it's time for the plan to start acting, and a human pillar force has appeared." "

Oh? Who is it? Payne asked.

Hei Jue smiled and replied: "I love Luo in Sand Hidden Village, the son of the fourth generation of Kazekage Rasa, this time I went to Konoha to take the Zhongnin Exam, and now that the Naka Ninja Exam has ended, we can strike when they haven't returned to Daoji Sand Hidden Village." "

Just one leader on the team is not our opponent at all."

Payne nodded and said, "Yes!" Send Team Deidara's team to this mission! Don't let them know!

Kuro nodded, dived underground and left.


Land of the wind, nameless desert.

The group of Shinobi Exams in Shayin Village braved the wind and sand to walk in the direction of Shayin Village, and now it was not far from Shayin Village.

I Ai Luo looked cold, and the atmosphere in the squad was also very solemn, and the others did not dare to come out, for fear of provoking my Ai Luo.

At this moment, Airo suddenly opened his mouth and asked Markey, "Hey, what's the name of that guy who suppressed me that day?"

Markey listened to my Ailuo's question and replied lightly: "Konoha Village elite upper Shinobi Leilo!" When

I heard this, Luo snorted coldly and said, "Hmph! I'm going to kill him someday!

Markey replied coldly: "I love Luo, although your strength is good, it is still impossible to kill that man."

"You must know that when he was in the third Ninja World War, he defeated Goo alone in the battlefield of Kikyo Mountain, and then led a team to destroy the God Bubi Bridge, defeated the Abby combination, and repelled the three generations of Thunder Shadow."

"You must know that the Abby combination at that time was now the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow and the eight-tailed man Pillar Liki Rabi, and the third generation of Thunder Shadow was called the strongest spear and the strongest shield at that time."

"Do you know now how strong that man is?"

Iroh fell silent when he heard this, and didn't say anything more, while Kankuro and Temari were shocked to hear about Relo's series of achievements.

Just then, the unexpected struck!


The ninja who explored the way in front of the Sand Hidden team stepped into the trap laid by someone, and was instantly blown apart, and the yellow sand filled the sky.

And several teammates next to him were inevitably injured.

"Oh, it's a pity, I didn't expect to blow up only one, your luck is really good."

At this moment, a voice came from behind the pervasive yellow sand.

"Enemy attack! Alert!

Markey gave the order, and everyone made a guarded gesture.

When the yellow sand dispersed, he found that there was only one person in the enemy.

This person wore a black robe with red clouds on a black background, golden hair, and a brace on his head indicating that his identity was from Iwain Village, but the deep scratch told Markey that he was a traitor.

That's right, it's Deidara!

"The rebel of Iwain Village?! You dare to ambush the team of our Shayin Village alone?!" Markey asked with narrowed eyes.

Deidara, even if one person faced so many people in Shayin Village, there was no tension in the face.

"It's enough for me to deal with you people, besides, who told you that it's just me?!"

Deidara's words made Markey even more cautious, scanning other places from the corner of his eye from time to time, looking for possible enemy hiding locations.

"Iwain Village Rebel, what is your purpose?" Markey asked.

Deidara smiled and said, "It's very simple, you just need to hand over the red panda behind you to me."

Markey's pupils shrank when he heard this, "His purpose turned out to be I Ai Luo, it seems that he came for a tail."

Then Markey spoke back, "No way, I can't give my Ero to you."

Deidara spread out his hands and said, "Then there is no way..." At

this moment, before Deidara's words were finished, Markey took the lead in attacking Deidara.

"Wind escape. Wind Blade!

Suddenly, ten sharp wind blades condensed on Markey's fingertips, and then with a sudden swing, a whirlwind carried the wind blades towards Deidara.

Seeing this, Deidara did not panic at all, and casually threw out a few clay spiders to blow the wind blade to pieces.

"Hmph! If you have to force me to do it, let you see my art!

"Art is an explosion!"

"Detonating clay. Little bird!

Deidara waved his hands, and the clay spit out of his hands transformed into several small birds flying directly towards Markey.

Markey looked at the flying clay bird and threw out a few shurikens to intercept it, but as soon as the shuriken touched the little bird, the little bird exploded.

Moreover, the explosion range of this little flying bird is much larger than that of the explosive charm, and the few sand ninja who were injured just now did not have time to dodge, and they were directly killed.

"Damn guys!" Markey looked at this scene, and his eyes turned red all of a sudden.

But he hadn't lost his mind yet, and turned to Temari and Kankuro and said, "You guys go quickly!" Hurry back to the village and inform Kazekage-sama! "

He knows that since this ninja of Iwain Village is targeting me Airo, he will definitely not let me Iroh leave, but Temari and Kankuro are likely to be able to escape successfully.

As long as he can hold out until Lord Wind Shadow arrives, Lord Wind Shadow will definitely be able to successfully suppress this guy.

Then Markey made a crazy mark in his hand, and suddenly the wind howled, and the yellow sand rose, and attacked Deidara.

Taking advantage of Deidara's view blocked by the yellow sand, now is a good opportunity for Temari to escape.

Markey turned his head and shouted at Temari and Kankuro, "Let's go!" "

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