
With a loud bang, the whirlwind heading towards Deidara, was instantly destroyed by clay bombs.

However, Kankuro and Temari had already taken advantage of the yellow sand to cover their sight just now, and many other sand ninjas who were with them also took the opportunity to escape.

Deidara has found out about this, but he doesn't care, as long as I'm still here.

"So many people have fled, do you think you can stop me on your own?" Deidara asked, looking at Markey.

Before Markey could reply, I-Iroh was angered by Deidara's unassuming attitude.

"Just don't put me and my Ai Luo in your eyes?"

"I said you could take it?"

Then I Ai Luo directly to Deidara and said coldly: "Damn guy, you give me death!" "

Sand time rain!"

With the manipulation of I love Rochakra, the surrounding sand formed countless sand bombs towards Deidara.

"Hehe, little ghost, isn't it okay to stay a little safer?!"

"Detonating clay. C2. Dragon! "

With Deidara's seal, a huge white clay dragon rushed towards My Iro, and my Iro's sand bullet hit the clay dragon without having any effect.

Instead, the clay dragon kept spitting out clay bombs in its mouth and attacking my Airo.

Markey watched the rushing clay dragon break wide, pulling my Airo figure to retreat.

"Wind escape. A thousand faces! "

Wind escape. Blade of the Wind! "

With Markey's seal, countless wind blades attacked towards the clay dragon, but with little effect, the clay dragon attacked towards Markey and I Airo.

"Drink! Burst!

Deidara drank softly, and the entire clay dragon exploded.

"Boom!" With a sound, a mushroom cloud slowly rose.

Deidara's eyes were frenzied, and she muttered to her mouth as she looked at the effect of this trick: "What a wonderful art!"

When the smoke cleared, Deidara found that Markey and I Airo did not seem to be hurt much, although a trace of blood spilled from the corner of their mouths.

Because just now when the clay dragon exploded, I Iroh used the sand in time to form a strong barrier to protect him and Markey.

However, the explosion of the Deidara's clay dragon was too powerful, and his sand barrier could not completely resist it.

But just as the sand barrier shattered, the sand in the gourd behind him suddenly flowed out voluntarily, forming a layer of defense outside his body to protect himself.

As a superior ninja, Maji's natural strength is not weak, and with the resistance of the first layer of the sand barrier of my Ailuo, the remaining power can be easily resisted.

"This guy's strength is so strong, it seems that I guess I won't be able to survive the time when Lord Wind Shadow arrives." Markey thought to himself as he looked at Deidara.

But Markey was fierce in his heart, and he had already made up his mind.

"Even if I fight for my life, I must stop him!"

Markey raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, then took out a handful of kunai from the ninja bag with his backhand, and then attacked directly towards Deidara.

"His explosive power is good, but as long as I am close, his explosion is useless, unless he wants to die with me."

Deidara also saw Markey's intentions, although he was a relatively simple and straightforward type, he was still very calm when fighting, and also had a rigorous and tight tactical thinking.

"Detonating clay. Gemini Snake! "

The two clay giant snakes instantly came out of Deidara's sleeves and attacked Markey, as long as Markey was close to the clay giant snake, it would immediately be entangled and then explode immediately.

In other words, if Markey is entangled in the clay serpent, he will surely die.

Markey had already seen the power of Deidara's clay explosion, and naturally did not dare to let the clay giant snake approach.

The wind attribute Chakra was wrapped around Ku Wu, and with Maji's swing, a huge wind blade directly cut the clay giant snake apart.

Deidara's clay is not infinite, the C2 dragon consumed a lot of clay just now, and now to deal with Markey, you only need to use some small clay bombs to consume, and Markey will definitely not last long.

"Detonating clay. Centipede! "

Detonating clay. C1. Clay spider! "

Detonating clay. Grasshopper!

Deidara kept throwing all kinds of clay bombs and attacked Markey, although he was blocked by Markey one by one, but Markey's Chakra was not much left.

But at this moment, I-Ailo, who was ignored by Deidara, made a move.

"Hand of Sand!"

At some point, my Iro's Chakra had spread over, controlling the sand under Deidara's feet, and then formed a pair of sand hands and grabbed Deidara's feet.

"It's now!"

Markey's eyes lit up as he watched this scene, feeling that now was a good opportunity to kill Deidara.

Suddenly, the Chakra in Maji's body suddenly burst out, and his speed suddenly increased, and he rushed to Deidara's body almost instantly, and the bitter Wu Wu with the wind chakra attached to his hand pierced Deidara's chest in an instant.

"Got it!"

Markey was overjoyed, but immediately sensed that something was wrong, why Deidara's wound did not bleed, and he did not make a sound after being injured so badly.

"Huh! I have long found out that the red panda behind you made a move, but I didn't expect you to be fooled so easily!

A voice came from behind Deidara, who had been stabbed by Markey, but it was clearly Deidara.

The next moment, Deidara, who was stabbed by Markey, instantly turned into clay, pulling and wrapping Markey.

"It's just a clay doppelganger?!"

Such a thought flashed through Markey's mind, and then with a soft drink from Deidara's body, a sharp pain spread throughout his body, and then he lost consciousness.

"Drink! Burst!

Deidara's body drank softly, and the clay doppelganger wrapped around Markey immediately exploded, and Markey's corpse was instantly blown up, leaving only bright red blood staining the desert under his feet.

Just now, when Markey stabbed Deidara, Deidara, leaving a clay avatar in place, and his own body was passed through the "Earth Escape. The Earth Dragon Hidden Art "sneaked underground.

"Hahaha, no one can stop me now!"

"No one can resist the charm of my art!"

Deidara looked at Iroh and smiled maniacally.

"Then it's your turn, come with me obediently!"

"Detonating clay. C1. Spider clay! "

Detonating clay. C2. Dragon! "

Deidara once again unleashed the Clay Dragon and Clay Spider and attacked Iroh from both the air and the ground.


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