Not long after, Hei Jue walked in with the dried persimmon ghost mackerel.

"Chief, what are you looking for me for?" The dried persimmon ghost mackerel looked at Payne and asked.

Payne pointed to Obito and said, "Nandou, this is a newcomer who wants to join our organization, you go and try his strength."

The dried persimmon ghost mackerel nodded and replied, "Yes!"

"Boss Chief, are you going to fight here?" Obito said.

Payne glanced at the soil and replied: "It's not convenient to cast here, go to the training ground!"

So the group of four left the central tower and went to the training ground in Yuyin Village.


In Yuyin Village, in the training ground, Obito and dried persimmon ghost mackerel stand opposite each other.

Obito giggled, did not have any nervousness, and said to the dried persimmon ghost mackerel: "Senior, you have to be careful, my strength is not weak." The

shark face of the dried persimmon ghost mackerel pulled out a smile, looking even more hideous, and replied: "Newcomer, you can pay attention to yourself, I will not show mercy to my subordinates, you have not officially joined our organization now, even if you die in my hands, the leader will not blame you."

Obito patted his chest and said strangely: "Oh, I'm so afraid."

Then he looked straight and said, "Senior, I'm going to make a move, be careful!" "

Fire. The art of fireballs! I

saw the seal in Obito's hand, his cheeks bulging high, and in an instant a huge fireball spit out from his mouth and attacked towards the dried persimmon ghost mackerel.

Where the fireball passed, the air was distorted, enough to witness the temperature of the fireball.

But the dry persimmon ghost mackerel was too lazy to make a mark when he saw this, and he swung his muscles to directly slash the Hao fireball, and then said to Obito: "Newcomer, there is no need to take out this small move, if you only have this ability, it is better to admit defeat as soon as possible!"

Obito smiled, "Hehe, senior, this is just to say hello to you, next I will be real!"

"No! Noon! Whoops! Early morning! Child! Ugly! Respect! "

Fire. Fire Dragon Bomb! After

the soil was sealed, three flames were spit out in succession, forming three fire dragon heads, which attacked the dried persimmon ghost mackerel from three directions in the shape of a "pin" under the control of the soil.

"Shui Duan. The Art of the Great Falls! "

The dried persimmon ghost mackerel is worthy of being called a man called a tailless beast, and the Great Waterfall Technique he released with an extremely large amount of Chakra is like summoning the water of the Heavenly River from above the nine heavens, rushing towards the rushing Fire Dragon Flame Bomb, extinguishing it in an instant, and then rushing towards Obito without abating.

"This guy's strength is good!" Obito thought to himself as he watched this scene, but he didn't panic at all, and the kaleidoscope chakra stared at the rushing waterfall.


Suddenly, a twisted whirlpool appeared in front of the waterfall, engulfing the waterfall.

"Space-Time Ninjutsu?!"

Payne outside the field and the dry persimmon ghost mackerel in the field were suddenly shocked when they looked at Obito's move, but they didn't expect that this newcomer had mastered extremely rare space-time ninjutsu.

But the dried persimmon ghost mackerel was only surprised and reacted, and his hand was imprinted again, and then he slapped his palm on the water surface left over from the Great Waterfall Technique just now.

"Shui Duan. The art of the water mackerel!

Suddenly, a huge shark-shaped water bomb condensed and attacked Obito, and he hid in the water mackerel bomb and rushed towards Obito together.

"Tudun, Tuliu City Wall!"

With the seal of soil, a thick earthen city wall rose up to block the incoming water mackerel bomb, but in the next second, the dried persimmon ghost mackerel in the water mackerel bullet was slashed open.

Then the dried persimmon ghost mackerel held the mackerel muscles and continued to slash at Obito.

"So you got it? Newcomer, sorry! The dry persimmon ghost mackerel looked at Obito and did not dodge, and the mackerel was already about to cut him, thinking to himself.

But the next moment, the dried persimmon ghost mackerel found that the mackerel muscle had actually passed through Obito's body.

"What's going on? Space-time ninjutsu again?! "

After the mackerel muscle passes through Obito's body, Obito turns from virtual to solid, and kicks the dried persimmon ghost mackerel into the air.

The dried persimmon ghost mackerel stomped his foot and rushed up again.

"Flying Chain Slash!"

Under the control of the dried persimmon ghost mackerel, the handle of the mackerel suddenly extended, like a chain towards the belt soil, as long as the soil is bound by the hilt, the blade of the maiko muscle will pierce the body of the belt soil, directly draining his chakra.

Obito looked at this move of the dried persimmon ghost mackerel, and could only make a move to resist, the chain formed by the handle of this mackerel was too long, even if he used Shenwei to avoid the opening, he would be entangled by the chain behind when he turned into an entity.

"Tu Duan. Tulong rock gun! "

With the seal of soil, an earthen spear stabbed out from the ground and stabbed at the attacking muscles.

However, as soon as the muscles came into contact, they sucked dry the earth chakra contained in the Tulong gun, and the Tulong gun instantly shattered into a piece of earth.

But Obito had had enough time to dodge the attack of the mackerel.

"Fire. Booming dance! Obito

used divine power to distort the space in front of the dried persimmon ghost mackerel, and rolled up a gust of wind, and then opened his mouth and spit out a huge fire snake towards the dried persimmon ghost mackerel.

With the help of the fierce wind, the fire snake became even more huge and fast.

Seeing this move, the dry persimmon ghost mackerel did not dare to hard connect, and immediately stopped his advancing body, and the seal in his hand released three ninjutsu in a row to resist.

"Shui Duan. Big burst of water! "

Shui Duan. Water Array Wall! "

Shui Duan. Five Eatable Fish! "

I saw the dried persimmon ghost mackerel spew out a huge amount of wave-like water from its mouth, turning the surrounding body into a Ze country, and then under the addition of the water environment, a huge water array wall was formed to resist the rushing fire snake.

Then the dried persimmon ghost mackerel slapped the surface of the water with one hand, and five huge water mackerels jumped up and rushed towards the fire snake, tearing it apart and dissipating in an instant.

Then the remaining three-headed water mackerel continued to attack Obito under the control of the dried persimmon ghost mackerel, but Obito again used Kamui to transfer it.

Just as the dried persimmon ghost mackerel was about to attack again, Payne's shout made him stop.

"All right! Nandou! Stop it! "

Ahahaha, boss, how is it, did I pass the test?" Obito also stopped when he heard this, and looked at Payne outside the field and asked with a grin.

"That's right, congratulations to you newcomer, you passed the test, and I agree with you joining the Xiao organization."

"From now on, your code name will be Jade Girl, and you will be on the same team as Nandou from now on."

The Jade Girl was originally the code name of the Red Sand Scorpion, but the scorpion died in the hands of Relo when he was in Ghost Lantern City, and although Payne did not know that it was Relo who made the move, he was sure that the scorpion was dead.

Obito replied with a grin when he heard this: "Okay, thank you, Lord Chief!"

Then he turned to the dried persimmon ghost mackerel and said, "Senior, please advise more in the future!" "

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